Chapter 560: I won't let you off so easily next time

Hearing his mother say this, Xiao Anan immediately remembered what his father had said to him last night.

So I really have to go out to play today.

He immediately woke up.

Then he sat up and nodded hard. "Yes, of course. I'll go wash my face and brush my teeth right away." So, the little guy immediately jumped off the bed and ran into the bathroom in the blink of an eye.

The bathroom in Xiao Anan's room had been decorated to suit him, so the sink and toilet were small enough for him to use.

After he went in, no one helped him, so he could handle it well.

However, since Tang Xiaowei was here, she naturally couldn't bear to leave and wanted to take care of her son.

She stood up and prepared to go over.

At this time, her arm was pulled by a big hand. Huangfu Qiye walked over and gently held her, then said, "Last night must have worn you out. You'd better stay and rest. I'll go take care of him."

"Can you do it?" Tang Xiaowei asked subconsciously.

After asking, she saw that Huangfu Qiye's expression began to change, and her eyes also began to change. She immediately knew that she had been too anxious and said the wrong thing.

"What do you think?" Huangfu Qiye raised his eyebrows and looked at her. It was obvious that the smile on his lips was becoming more and more strange.

How could she not know that he was definitely angry again? However, she did not want an argument to flare up and yet he wanted her to apologize.

She did not want to apologize. It was just a question that was not suitable for the current situation, so she started to change the topic. "That...look, if you don't go in and help An An, I'm going in."

"Forget it, I'll let you off this time. The next time you say something like that, I won't let you off easily." Huangfu Qiye reached out and rubbed her hair, then turned around and walked into the bathroom.

Tang Xiaowei only heaved a sigh of relief when she saw him enter.

She waited outside for a long time, and finally saw Huangfu Qiye holding Xiao Anan's hand as he walked out.

The little guy was in high spirits, obviously very happy. This meant that Huangfu Qiye took good care of him in the bathroom.

Tang Xiaowei stood up and walked forward, holding the little guy's other hand. Then, the three of them walked into the children's cloakroom together and began to find clothes for An An.

"What kind of clothes does An An want to wear today?" Tang Xiaowei lowered her head and looked at him, asking gently.

Xiao Anan looked up and saw that his father was wearing a suit. He immediately stretched out his chubby finger and pointed at Huangfu Qiye, saying in a childish voice, "I want to wear the same clothes as my father."

Hearing this, Tang Xiaowei and Huangfu Qiye looked at each other.

Tang Xiaowei smiled gently. For the first time, Huangfu Qiye didn't get angry or say anything cold. Instead, he pinched his son's face in a good mood. He said in a deep voice, "This place should have prepared clothes of the same type as mine for him to wear."

Tang Xiaowei thought that Huangfu Qiye would refuse. After all, he was so domineering.

She didn't expect him to agree, and he seemed to be quite happy about it.

So she was in a good mood. She turned around and started to look for clothes. Soon, she found a suit that looked similar to Huangfu Qiye's and put it on the little guy.

The exquisite little suit immediately made Xiao Anan look better and more handsome.

Xiao Anan wasn't fat, but his hands and face were chubby. Therefore, Tang Xiaowei liked to kiss the little guy's face.

However, with Huangfu Qiye around, she could only endure it even if she wanted to kiss him.

She gently pinched the little guy's face and said with a smile, "An An is so handsome today."

"Yes, mommy is especially beautiful today." Xiao Anan's mouth became sweeter and sweeter in front of Tang Xiaowei.

Huangfu Qiye stood at the side and watched the mother and son compliment each other as if they didn't take him to heart. He was a little dissatisfied and unhappy.

He went forward and reached out to pick up the little guy. Then, he held Tang Xiaowei's hand and said in a deep voice, "Let's go down and have breakfast."

"Okay." Xiao Anan nodded obediently.

Tang Xiaowei glanced at Huangfu Qiye. Seeing that he didn't look too good, she held his hand a little harder. But she thought that he was probably too hungry, so she didn't say anything.

Huangfu Qiye felt that she held him back, and his mood naturally improved. His face also gradually looked better.

Therefore, after the family of three went downstairs, the atmosphere was still quite good.

After having breakfast in the restaurant, the RV that Huangfu Qiye had ordered people to prepare was already parked on the lawn.

The three of them, Yuan Qi, the driver, and the other two bodyguards all got into the car and slowly drove out of the castle.

In the car.

Yuan Qi, the driver, and the other bodyguards were almost like air.

Tang Xiaowei sat on the seat and held Xiao Anan in her arms. Ever since they got into the car, they had been sitting like this. Xiao Anan took out his tablet and was letting Tang Xiaowei watch cartoons with him.

Huangfu Qiye couldn't accept such a scene from the start. However, after thinking about it, An An was his child after all. Furthermore, the way Xiaowei held the child now was really gentle. Her entire person was filled with the light of a loving mother This made him unable to stop her.

Therefore, Huangfu Qiye, who had originally left his work behind and planned to deal with it after he returned, could only take out his computer and start dealing with work matters when he saw that his wife and son were ignoring him.

On the other side.

When Tang Xiaowei was accompanying her son, she would occasionally raise her head to look at Huangfu Qiye beside her. In the end, she saw that he seemed to be working, so she didn't disturb him and kept quiet.

After all, he must have a lot of work to do. During this period of time, in order to avoid the people from the Xiu family, and now that he had to take them out to play, his work must be even busier. Therefore, she could only refrain from disturbing him while her heart ached.

Therefore, after she and Xiao Anan finished watching the cartoon, they continued to watch the TV series.

On the other side, when Huangfu Qiye finished dealing with a few things that needed to be dealt with today, he turned off the computer and found that the mother and son were still looking at the tablet computer, as if they treated him like air.

He put down the computer and looked at the mother and son opposite him. Suddenly, he said in a deep voice, "An An, come here, I want to say something to you."

The mother and son opposite him suddenly heard his voice and immediately looked up at him.

Then, Xiao Anan glanced at Tang Xiaowei and said, "Mommy, I'll go over to daddy's place for a while."

Tang Xiaowei nodded and stroked the little guy's head. She smiled and said, "Okay, go ahead."

Xiao Anan immediately jumped off Tang Xiaowei's leg happily and walked in front of Huangfu Qiye. "Daddy, what do you want to say to An An?"

Huangfu Qiye suddenly reached out and picked up Xiao Anan.