Chapter 580: Jump Out of the window and leave

She let out a long breath. Fortunately, she was not dead, or else she would have really become a murderer.

So, she tied up the female doctor.

Then, she took off her white coat and covered her body with the quilt.

Then, she put on the white coat.

Then, she put on the mask and hat.

The current Tang Xiaowei now had the appearance of the doctor just now.

She thought about the voice of the female doctor just now.

She imitated the voice in the room for a while until she had some resemblance. Then, she took the medical kit and walked to the door.

She knocked on the door and lowered her voice to make her voice sound like the female doctor's. "Open the door."

As soon as she said that, the door was opened from the outside.

It was the same maid. She didn't look at Tang Xiaowei carefully, thinking that she was still the same doctor.

She asked indifferently, "Is Miss Tang unwell?"

The maid only asked this because she wanted to report to her superior.

Tang Xiaowei lowered her voice and said, "She is in good health. She is just a little tired because of pregnancy vomiting. Don't disturb her. Let her rest well."

"Okay, I got it." The maid nodded.

Tang Xiaowei lowered her head slightly and continued to speak in a low voice, "Since there's nothing else, I'll leave first."

"Okay, you can go." The maid didn't realize it was Tang Xiaowei and continued to stand at the door.

Tang Xiaowei let out a big sigh of relief and turned to leave.

At first, she walked very slowly. After she reached a corner, she ran quickly.

Finally, she left the room.

Next, if she could find the child, she would look for an opportunity to leave this place.

There was a stairway in front.

She listened carefully, but there was no one down there, not a sound.

Then she walked down carefully.

Her heart beat faster. She was very afraid that she would be caught before she found the child.

She was so nervous that her hair stood on end.

Her clear eyes searched everywhere.

But maybe she was lucky, until she went downstairs to the living room, she did not see a second person.

Then she found that this was a very small villa.

However, there was no one downstairs, but there were two men who looked like bodyguards at the door.

If she wanted to go out, she had to avoid them.

Tang Xiaowei hid in the corner, bit her lip and began to think of a way to get out.

She was so nervous that her forehead began to sweat.

At this time, it was already dark outside, and the lights downstairs were not very bright. Very soon, she stood up from where she was and walked to the window.

The upstairs window could not be opened, but this place could.

However, if she wanted to open the window and go out from here, the window would still make some noise, which would attract the bodyguards at the door. That would be the end of her.

Therefore, she hid behind the curtain.

Then, she picked up a small vase and fiercely threw it at a corner across from her.

The sound of the broken porcelain immediately attracted the attention of the bodyguards at the door. The faces of the two men changed, and they immediately turned around and ran in.

Their target was the place where the sound of the broken vase came from.

And when the vase was broken, because of the cover of the sound, Tang Xiaowei took the opportunity to open the window.

So when the two bodyguards left the door, Tang Xiaowei quietly opened the window from behind the curtain and jumped out.

Fortunately, this place was not far from the ground, so she dared to jump out while pregnant.

It was a lawn outside.

After she jumped onto the lawn, she immediately turned around and ran forward.

She didn't know where this place was?

And there were only a few street lamps in front, so she didn't know if the road ahead was going to the place where Xiu Zhongsheng lived.

However, it would be safer if she avoided these people first.

She fumbled around and avoided them. She found that there was a main building in front of her that was especially crowded.

She thought that other places were very desolate, but this place was crowded. Xiu Zhongsheng must be living here.

Then, Xiao Anan must be here, too.

It was just that there were more bodyguards and more servants. She could not enter rashly unless she wanted to be taken away immediately.

Therefore, she slowly walked in from a corner in the dark.

Fortunately, she was wearing a doctor's uniform. Occasionally, a few servants would ignore her when they saw her.

This gave her even more courage.

She suddenly realized that she actually didn't have to hide.

Because she looked like a doctor now, and not like herself before, these people didn't know her at all.

She was too nervous just now, so she was very careful and forgot about this matter.

So as long as she disguised herself well, she could even use this identity to enter. She could see the child and then find an opportunity to directly take the child away.

In this way, Huangfu Qiye would not be threatened by Xiu Zhongsheng.

Therefore, she followed behind the two maids and slowly walked into the main building.

The two maids saw that she was wearing doctor's clothes, so they asked her in a low voice, "Doctor, who is sick?"

Tang Xiaowei lowered her voice, "There is something wrong with the person who is locked up there. I came to report to master."

The maid hurriedly recommended herself, "Then do you need us to help you ask for master's opinion?"

Tang Xiaowei frowned. After a few seconds of silence, she lowered her voice and said, "Okay, then I'll have to trouble you."

In fact, she really wanted to refuse because she was afraid that these maids would find out that she was not a real doctor. However, she did not know which room Xiu Zhongsheng was staying in?

She also did not know whether the female doctor knew where Xiu Zhongsheng was staying?

Therefore, she did not dare to wander around the main building for fear that her identity would be seen through.

Therefore, she could only ask these two maids for help.

Fortunately, these two maids did not like to ask too many questions. They led her into the main building and then began to climb the stairs to the top.

This main building seemed to have five floors.

Tang Xiaowei followed the two maids and soon found out that it was on the fifth floor.

Then, they came to the door of a room.

"This is the master's room. Wait for a while, I'll report your arrival." The two maids stopped at the door.

Tang Xiaowei nodded, indicating that she would follow them.

Therefore, one of the two maids began to knock on the door.

Her movements were very light.

Soon after she knocked on the door, a voice came from inside, "What's the matter?"

The maid hurriedly replied, "Master, a doctor came to report to you about the villa."

"Let her in." A dignified voice came from inside.

Tang Xiaowei, who was standing behind the maid, recognized that this was indeed Xiu Zhongsheng's voice.

And then the door was opened.

She lowered her head slightly and walked in.

After entering, she immediately saw that Xiu Zhongsheng was sitting at the side with Xiao Anan in his arms.

An An's small face was solemn and he didn't say a word. He was obviously a little angry.