Chapter 621: Are you sure you really don't like him?

"It seems like he has a crush on that woman. Fortunately, it's grandfather's birthday today, so he's a little busy. Since that's the case, I'll go meet Tang Xiaowei and see what kind of charm she has to attract Huangfu Qiye and Xiu Yuan." Xiu Rouxue immediately stood up. She walked out with a gloomy expression.

The bodyguard who had helped her to gather information hurriedly chased after her. He was startled, thinking that she was really too impulsive.

Then, the bodyguard hurriedly walked behind her and reminded her in a low voice, "Miss Rouxue, the bodyguard over there said that no one is allowed to enter the villa without the permission of the master."

Xiu Rouxue coldly snorted. "Shut up, I have my own ways."

Thus, the bodyguard no longer spoke.

After more than ten minutes, Xiu Rouxue arrived at the door of the villa where Tang Xiaowei was currently being held.

She knew that her grandfather was very busy today, so he definitely wouldn't know what was going on here.

Therefore, just as she continued to move forward and was about to enter the villa, she was stopped by the bodyguard at the door. Xiu Rouxue revealed a faint smile and asked the bodyguard blocking the way, "What's the matter?"

"Miss Rouxue, without master's orders, no one is allowed to enter." The bodyguard at the door reminded her coldly.

"But it was grandpa who ordered me to come over. Today is his birthday. Grandpa has something to tell Miss Tang inside the villa, so he asked me to pass on a message." Xiu Rouxue spoke with a calm and serious expression.

When the bodyguard at the door heard this, a few people looked at each other. Because they hadn't received any phone instructions, they didn't know that Xiu Rouxue would come.

Therefore, even though Xiu Rouxue said this, they still had some doubts and didn't dare to let Xiu Rouxue in easily.

After all, last night, the old master had ordered them not to let anyone enter the villa without the old master's permission.

"Miss Rouxue, if what you said is true, then please ask housekeeper Xiu to inform us before we can let you in." The bodyguard still insisted.

"No problem. Wait a moment, I'll give housekeeper Xiu a call." Xiu Rouxue took out her phone and tapped on the screen. After a few taps, she pressed the phone to a bodyguard's ear and said, "listen."

Thus, the bodyguard immediately heard housekeeper Xiu's familiar voice from the phone, "Let her in."

Xiu Rouxue didn't wait for the bodyguard to say anything and took the phone back. She smiled and asked, "Now, can I go in? If you continue to delay, my grandfather will be angry if I go back late. After all, I'm only here to pass on a message."

Thus, the bodyguard who answered the phone immediately gave a look to the bodyguard beside him. Then, everyone made way for Xiu Rouxue.

When Xiu Rouxue saw this, her smile became even sweeter. "Thank you. I'll go in first."

She then walked into the villa alone.

However, at an angle that the bodyguard at the door did not notice, a smug smile appeared on her lips.

The phone call just now should not be called a phone call, but a processed recording. It was a recording that she had secretly recorded housekeeper Xiu's voice and then had someone secretly edit it.

She knew that in the Xiu family, there were many times when grandfather was not willing to appear, so he let housekeeper Xiu handle things. Therefore, housekeeper Xiu's identity and status were still useful.

Therefore, after she found out that Xiu Yuan didn't care about her, she began to think of ways to protect herself, so she naturally thought of this method.

However, she only used this method once, and it wasn't discovered because she had once used this method to make the Xiu family's bodyguards believe in her. After she was no longer in danger, she killed that bodyguard. Thus, no one exposed her little trick.

And this time, it was her second time using it.

However, the current situation of the Xiu family was very complicated. She believed that even if she didn't deal with the bodyguards at the villa's entrance, no one would report her.

Thus, she boldly walked into the villa, and then used a smile to bewitch the maid to bring her upstairs until she reached the door of Tang Xiaowei's room.

The door was gently opened. Xiu Rouxue walked in and felt that it was too quiet inside.

Moreover, she didn't see anyone. Didn't they say that Tang Xiaowei was inside?

Then where was she?

Soon, she didn't have to have a face full of question marks because Tang Xiaowei, who was on the bed, suddenly heard the sound of the door opening. She had already turned her head to look over. However, when she saw a somewhat familiar person walking in, Tang Xiaowei felt very strange Then, she sat up and frowned. "Who are you? What's your purpose of coming in?"

"My name is Xiu Rouxue. I'm Xiu Yuan's fiancee and also his future wife." After Xiu Rouxue saw the pale-faced Tang Xiaowei on the bed, she immediately walked into the room and closed the door. And the moment she opened her mouth, she directly revealed her identity.

Tang Xiaowei was stunned when she heard this. Then, she vaguely recalled that when she was carrying Xiao Anan and preparing to escape that day, she seemed to have seen this woman standing together with Xiu Yuan. At that time, she was even ridiculed by this woman.

However, why did this woman come to find her now?

"We are not close. Why did you come to find me?" Tang Xiaowei's tone and attitude were still cold.

Xiu Rouxue walked over and hugged her fierce arms. She looked at Tang Xiaowei with a critical gaze and said in a mocking tone, "I came to see how a pregnant and sick woman seduced my fiancee."

"Seduced?" Tang Xiaowei heard this. She couldn't help but let out a cold laugh. "So you're here for Xiu Yuan's matter. Since that's the case, you should know that I'm not close to him to begin with, and I hate him very much. That's why I asked your grandfather to find a bodyguard to stop him. So, do you still have any questions now? If not, please get out. Don't stay here and insult the air in my place."

Tang Xiaowei felt her stomach full of anger. Xiu Yuan's sudden pestering made her very annoyed. Why would Xiu Yuan's fiancee still come?

Moreover, she even said that she seduced Xiu Yuan. Could it be that she didn't know how to look? How could she seduce Xiu Yuan? She didn't lose her memory like Huangfu Qiye.

"Are you sure you really don't like him?" Xiu Rouxue didn't expect Tang Xiaowei to explain so vehemently.

This immediately reduced the suspicion in her heart by a lot.

"How can he compare to Huangfu Qiye?" Tang Xiaowei couldn't be bothered to look at Xiu Rouxue again. She said angrily, "Even if Huangfu Qiye lost his memory, I only love Huangfu Qiye. So, because you can't control your own man, you came to find trouble with someone else, and you even found the wrong person."

"Tang Xiaowei, is what you said true?''