"And since it's Mr. Xiu's birthday today, I think the baby in my belly wants to go to Mr. Xiu's birthday and meet his family."

In order to go to the dinner party, in order to see Xiao Anan and Huangfu Qiye, and also in order to stop what might suddenly happen, Tang Xiaowei had no choice but to use the baby in her stomach.

Sure enough, after hearing her words, housekeeper Xiu immediately fell silent for a few seconds.

In the end, housekeeper Xiu could only say, "Miss Tang, please wait for a moment. I have to ask master about this matter before I can confirm it."

"Okay, then I'll have to trouble housekeeper Xiu." Tang Xiaowei heard housekeeper Xiu say this and slightly breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, she waited about half an hour before housekeeper Xiu called again. Then, he only said a few words lightly, "Master promised to let Miss Tang come over to attend the banquet, but I hope Miss Tang won't make any small movements when the time comes. I'll send the gown to you in a while. Before the banquet starts tonight, someone will tell you."

Tang Xiaowei only had time to say, "okay, I understand. "

Then, the call ended.

Tang Xiaowei calmly let the maid go out first. Only after that did she dare to show her excitement.

Great, she could finally go.

This way, no matter what happened during the banquet, even if Huangfu Qiye, who had lost his memory, insisted on marrying Xiu Lulu, she would be able to stop him.


Ever since he was stopped by the bodyguards guarding the entrance of the villa where Tang Xiaowei was being held, Xiu Yuan had not gone to see Tang Xiaowei for the past few days. He had been arranging today's birthday banquet and had also sent out invitations. Xiu Zhongsheng had invited many guests over.

Early in the morning, he had just finished dealing with the matters at hand. He had been busy all night last night.

So early in the morning, he returned to his room and prepared to rest.

In the afternoon, he only woke up. After washing, he went to Xiu Zhongsheng's room to greet him.

In the brightly lit room, Xiu Zhongsheng wore a dark red Tang suit today. His gaze was much gentler than usual.

Seeing that Xiu Yuan had come, Xiu Zhongsheng revealed a smile. "Ah Yuan, you've worked hard these past few days. You've always been a sensible child. In the future, grandfather will not treat you unfairly."

"I just want grandfather to be able to have a happy birthday. It's good as long as grandfather is satisfied." Xiu Yuan lowered his head with a respectful look. However, there was a faint mocking sneer in his eyes.

"Very good. You can go down now. Go and see if there are any other places that are not safe. After all, many of the guests who came today have extraordinary identities. We absolutely can not let anything happen to them on our family's island." Xiu Zhongsheng's voice became serious.

Xiu Yuan nodded. "Yes, I understand."

After that, Xiu Yuan withdrew from Xiu Zhongsheng's room.

However, after he left, Xiu Zhongsheng's eyes darkened. He said faintly, "Ah Yuan went to look for Tang Xiaowei a few days ago. What exactly is the reason?"

Housekeeper Xiu, who was next to him, immediately replied, "Perhaps Miss Tang is too charming."

"If that's the case, it's not a big deal. I'm afraid it isn't." Xiu Zhongsheng sighed faintly.

After that, housekeeper Xiu did not speak again. The room became quiet.

On the other side, after Xiu Yuan came out of Xiu Zhongsheng's room, his expression was calm as he walked down the stairs.

However, in the originally decorated hall, he saw Xiu Lulu, who was wearing a formal dress and asking the maid to take photos of her.

Xiu Yuan frowned slightly, and the corners of his lips curled into a cold smile. He gave a signal to his bodyguard, who was not far away from him. The bodyguard immediately began to take a photo of Xiu Lulu's current appearance, and then sent it to housekeeper Xiu upstairs.

Today was Xiu Zhongsheng's birthday, and no one could steal his limelight. As for Xiu Lulu, she had been hiding for a few days after being punished. Now that she was out, she was taking photos for the sake of being beautiful. She did not have any self-awareness at all. Such a person deserved to be taught a lesson.

Moreover, he had previously been looked down upon by Xiu Lulu, and now he wanted to teach this shameless woman a lesson!

Xiu Yuan snorted coldly, then turned around and left.

On Xiu Lulu's side, she was happily taking photos, but her personal maid quickly picked up a call and put down the camera. Then, she hurriedly went forward and handed the phone to her. "Miss Lulu, housekeeper Xiu is looking for you."

Xiu Lulu's expression instantly turned ugly. She took the phone but did not answer immediately. She kept complaining in her heart.

After she was punished, she had been in pain for a few days. No one had gone to see her. Today, in order to attend her grandfather's dinner party, she wore a beautiful gown and came out.

Because after she was punished, she had been staying in her room. Although the wound on her back had started to heal, she still did not want to go out.

After all, the wound was still a little painful. When she went out and saw anyone, it would make her feel even more pain.

Moreover, Huangfu Qiye had not come to visit her even once in the past few days. She was very angry, so she wanted to give Huangfu Qiye the cold shoulder. She wanted to see Huangfu Qiye, who had lost his memory and would only love her, because of her indifferent attitude.

She had no idea that Huangfu Qiye had not been on the island for the past few days.

However, she had stayed in her room for many days and did not want to go out but today was Xiu Zhongsheng's birthday, so she still had to go out today.

Therefore, just after lunch, she got up and began to dress up.

Even with the scar on her back, she still wore a beautiful gown. However, she did not dare to show it, so she could only let the gown cover it.

At this moment, she saw that she was still as beautiful as before, so she saw that there were many flowers that she liked in the hall. There were also some collectibles that belonged to her grandfather that she usually did not take out because she was afraid of them being broken.

She just wanted to take a few photos, especially a few more with those collectibles.

However, she didn't expect that housekeeper Xiu would call her now. She didn't know what this damned old man was looking for her for. Xiu Lulu felt annoyed just thinking about it.

She really hoped to marry Huangfu Qiye immediately and then hypnotize Huangfu Qiye to seize all the power in Xiu Zhongsheng's hands, and then hypnotize Huangfu Qiye to only listen to her words forever. This way, she would be the female master of the entire Xiu family in the future. She could do whatever she wanted. No one would dare to stop her.

Therefore, she put the phone close to her ear and asked in an obviously unhappy tone, "Housekeeper Xiu, is there anything you want to see me about?"

"Miss Lulu, please come upstairs. Master has something to tell you," housekeeper Xiu said coldly and then hung up the phone.

Xiu Lulu held the phone tightly, but she didn't immediately go upstairs. Instead, she immediately called Huangfu Qiye.