Chapter 625: A man dressed in rags and covered in blood

Therefore, he searched for a man named Huangfu Qiye.

That man looked exactly like him, as if they were the same person.

There was not much information about that man on the internet, but there was a crazy video of that man proposing to Tang Xiaowei.

In that video, the man who looked exactly like him was called Huangfu Qiye.

The man in the video was called Huangfu Qiye. When he faced Tang Xiaowei, he was affectionate.

He could tell at a glance that this man called Huangfu Qiye really loved Tang Xiaowei.

And Tang Xiaowei also loved that man very much.

So he finally understood that after Tang Xiaowei saw him that day, she would call him Huangfu Qiye, which was why she mistook him for someone else.

Because the man in the video who loved Tang Xiaowei deeply almost made him think that the person was him.

But he had not recovered his memory, so he could not determine whether that person was him or not, or whether that person just looked like him.

Huangfu Qiye frowned and could not bear to think about Tang Xiaowei. He still needed more evidence before he could completely overturn everything.

Therefore, even though he felt that there was a high possibility that he was that Huangfu Qiye, he could not completely believe it.


After Tang Xiaowei knew that she could attend the dinner party, she kept waiting until the sky turned dark. Only then did she finally heave a sigh of relief. Then, she asked the maid to bring the dress over, put it on, and wanted to leave.

However, the maid held her hand. She had no choice but to say, "Miss Tang, don't be in such a hurry to leave. You haven't put on your makeup yet. Everyone needs to put on makeup for tonight's banquet. I've also brought over the makeup that pregnant women can use, so you should put on your makeup first before going."

"Alright." Tang Xiaowei had no choice but to stay

Thus, after another hour, the maid finally let go of Tang Xiaowei. Then, she put away the makeup and said to Tang Xiaowei with a smile, "Miss Tang, you look so beautiful after putting on your makeup. You look completely different from your usual beauty."

"Thank you." Tang Xiaowei did not care about how she looked after putting on makeup. When she heard the maid say this, she hurriedly thanked her and looked at herself in the mirror.

When she looked at herself, she was slightly stunned.

During this period of time, because she was in a bad mood and her body was weak, she did not look good at all.

Now that she had put on makeup, she looked healthier and looked better. Naturally, she looked even more beautiful.

However, now was not the time to care about her appearance.

She looked away from the mirror, pulled the maid's hand, and walked out. "Let's go. We should go to the banquet."

After more than ten minutes, Tang Xiaowei finally arrived at the main building where the banquet was held under the supervision of the bodyguards and the maid.

The entire lawn here was decorated very warmly, and there were many people. Men and women dressed in all kinds of expensive clothes were holding champagne and chatting.

The maid took Tang Xiaowei to a remote corner and said, "Miss Tang, you can sit here later. This is the seat that housekeeper Xiu arranged for you."

"Okay." Tang Xiaowei felt that although this place was remote, she could still see the entire banquet hall. So, if anything unexpected happened, she could also stop it, so she sat down.

After that, she stayed very quiet and only occasionally ate some food on the table.

An hour later, the sky became darker and darker. Suddenly, music sounded, and the surrounding crowd began to turn their eyes to the front desk of the main building of the villa.

Tang Xiaowei also looked over.

With one look, she saw Xiu Zhongsheng, who was wearing a dark red festive Tang suit. Accompanied by Huangfu Qiye, Xiu Yuan, Xiu Rouxue, and housekeeper Xiu, he walked out.

In Huangfu Qiye's arms, it was obvious that he was holding Xiao Anan.

When Tang Xiaowei saw this scene, her gaze was attracted by Huangfu Qiye and Xiao Anan in his arms. She did not pay attention to the others.

Therefore, after that, Xiu Zhongsheng took the microphone and said something. The guests below were all smiling happily, and Tang Xiaowei did not care.

Her gaze was fixed on Huangfu Qiye and Xiao Anan. She was a little curious why she didn't see Xiu Lulu.

However, it was good that she didn't see her. This way, the things she was afraid of wouldn't happen.

Then, she saw Huangfu Qiye carrying Xiao Anan and sitting beside Xiu Zhongsheng. Xiu Yuan and Xiu Rouxue were sitting on the other side, and housekeeper Xiu was standing behind Xiu Zhongsheng.

The dinner officially began. The maids brought more delicious food to the table.

Everyone was happily preparing to enjoy the official Chinese food.

The chef was especially attentive today. Tang Xiaowei saw the food that the maid brought to the table in front of her, and only then did she realize that there was actually one serving of every dish in Chinese cuisine.

Tang Xiaowei glanced at Huangfu Qiye and Xiao Anan on the other side and found that Xiu Lulu had indeed not appeared. At this moment, Huangfu Qiye was feeding Xiao Anan. She felt somewhat comforted, but at the same time, she was no longer particularly worried. Then, she relaxed.

She lowered her head to look at the food in front of her. She had a little appetite, so she relaxed and was ready to eat a little. However, at that moment, she suddenly heard a clamor.

Before she could react, the bodyguard next to her blocked her way. Then, the maid hurriedly reached out to help her and said anxiously, "Miss Tang, don't be afraid. Although there are people causing trouble ahead, they will definitely be dealt with in a while."

When Tang Xiaowei heard the maid say this, she was even more shocked because she didn't see anything. When she heard the maid say that there were people causing trouble ahead, she immediately stood up and pushed the maid away to look ahead.

When she saw this, she was instantly stunned.

Because, at this moment, not far from Xiu Zhongsheng, there was a person dressed in ragged clothes and covered in blood. He was holding a gun and a remote control in his hands. Then, his back was facing the direction of the others. He was facing Xiu Zhongsheng and Huangfu Qiye, who were at the main seat.

Who was this person who had suddenly appeared?

What was he trying to do?

At that moment, everyone on the lawn slowly calmed down from their initial panic. Many of them had brought their bodyguards over, so their bodyguards had protected them very well.

The ragged person who was standing not far from Xiu Zhongsheng took the opportunity when everyone had calmed down to laugh coldly. He waved the remote control in his hand at Xiu Zhongsheng. "Xiu Zhongsheng, no, I should call you Huangfu Cheng. Do you think that if you don't kill me and let people beat and torture me, I will be tortured to death by you? Let me tell you, I have already planted a bomb on your island!"