Chapter 627: Huangfu Qiye, STOP RIGHT THERE!

Hearing this, Tang Xiaowei immediately turned around to look at the person who had spoken. Because it was him, she could try to ask for his help for being pestered by someone. Her heart instantly softened. "Ye, save me."

Hearing her voice carrying helplessness and fear, and seeing her face full of struggle, as well as Xiu Yuan beside her holding her hand tightly, Huangfu Qiye realized that his heart was starting to throb again.

He forcefully endured the pain from his heart.

Huangfu Qiye frowned and looked at Xiu Yuan. "Xiu Yuan, grandpa has something to tell you. You can go in."

"I'll go in in a while." Xiu Yuan didn't sound nice. He snorted and then had no choice but to let go of Tang Xiaowei's hand. In front of everyone, he said, "Don't go in. Wait for me outside with Xiu Rouxue for a while, understand?"

"Crazy!" Tang Xiaowei cursed. She didn't want to pay attention to him at all.

He said this in front of Huangfu Qiye who had lost his memory. Was he trying to make Huangfu Qiye dislike getting even closer to her. It was too detestable. Xiu Yuan was a lunatic.

Xiu Yuan didn't care. He gave her a frivolous smile and walked into the hall.

Xiu Rouxue didn't follow him in.

Only Huangfu Qiye and Tang Xiaowei were left at the scene, along with the remaining bodyguards, maids, and Xiu Rouxue.

Tang Xiaowei felt that she had to explain. Although Huangfu Qiye had lost his memory and probably didn't care about what kind of man she was with, she had to explain clearly that she and Xiu Yuan were innocent. It was only because Xiu Yuan suddenly went crazy that he pestered her.

Therefore, she looked at the somewhat silent Huangfu Qiye and said, "What Xiu Yuan said just now was all fake. He was just joking. I have nothing to do with him."

"This has nothing to do with me. However, you'd better go in together." Huangfu Qiye only said one sentence lightly, then turned around and walked into the hall.

Tang Xiaowei was extremely defeated. She stood where she was and clenched her fists. Looking at Huangfu Qiye's back, she couldn't help but shout, "Huangfu Qiye, stop right there!"

Her shout not only frightened Xiu Rouxue, the bodyguards, and the maid, but also Huangfu Qiye, who was about to leave and enter the hall.

He stopped and turned around. Then, he looked at her with an indifferent gaze and said in an extremely serious tone, "I told you, my surname is Xiu. You may have mistaken me for someone else. My surname is not Huangfu."

"I know you lost your memory, and I know you don't believe me now. But the reason I came here today is to see if you and Xiu Lulu will get engaged or announce your marriage. I want you to tell me personally if you will marry Xiu Lulu. If you will, I will not pester you in the future." Tang Xiaowei was unwilling to enter the hall. In any case, after entering, she wouldn't be able to get close to the man and child she loved.

Now that she had met Huangfu Qiye, she couldn't care less. She just wanted to ask him clearly.

"As long as I give you an answer, you'll give up, right?" Huangfu Qiye looked at her and said in a deep voice.

"Yes, that's right. I feel very tired now. If you still can't recover your memories and you don't want to get close to me, you'll never be able to fall in love with me like you did in the past. So if you and Xiu Lulu really want to get married, then there's no use for me to persevere like this." Tang Xiaowei lowered her eyelashes. Her eyes were slightly red, and her voice was full of sobs.

Her words not only made Huangfu Qiye suddenly feel as if his chest was choked up, but also made Xiu Rouxue look at her in shock.

At this moment, Xiu Rouxue clearly realized how much Tang Xiaowei loved Huangfu Qiye.

But when she thought about how Xiu Yuan didn't care about her face and actually pulled Tang Xiaowei in front of her, Xiu Rouxue still felt extremely resentful. She especially hoped that Huangfu Qiye would reject Tang Xiaowei.

If that was the case, it would definitely infuriate Tang Xiaowei to death.

Tang Xiaowei made her unhappy. She also wanted to see Tang Xiaowei suffer.

Huangfu Qiye's gaze was deep. He stared at Tang Xiaowei for a few seconds before finally saying indifferently, "Although I feel that this is my private matter, follow me in. I might tell you later."

After Huangfu Qiye finished speaking, he turned around and continued to walk in.

Thus, Tang Xiaowei naturally hurriedly followed.

The maids and bodyguards beside her also hurriedly followed. Only Xiu Rouxue was still standing in the same place. Although Xiu Yuan had asked her to help keep an eye on Tang Xiaowei when he left and not let Tang Xiaowei go in, Xiu Rouxue didn't care about these things.

She knew what Xiu Yuan wanted to do today, but she would never protect Tang Xiaowei. She wasn't a fool, so of course she wanted to see the person who might become her love rival die. Then, today, Tang Xiaowei would die along with the others.


Tang Xiaowei followed Huangfu Qiye into the hall. Only then did she realize that Huangfu Qiye had already walked to Xiu Zhongsheng's side and carried Xiao Anan back into his arms.

She didn't follow him, even though he had just promised that as long as she followed him in, he might tell her the answer.

But after all, Xiu Zhongsheng had the power to easily take her life, and she didn't want to rush up to find trouble.

So she found a seat in a corner not far from the door and sat down. She planned to find Huangfu Qiye and ask him to tell her after the banquet was over.

So after sitting down, she began to guess why Huangfu Qiye suddenly pushed the door open and went out?

Was it really just Xiu Zhongsheng looking for Xiu Yuan?

Or was it because he saw that she was being pestered by Xiu Yuan, so he appeared to help her out?

She was very clear that he had lost his memory, but his attitude toward her now did not seem as cold as before. Therefore, she naturally felt that he had appeared to help her, which made her feel warm in her heart.

This feeling was exactly the same as the feeling of happiness and accomplishment after working hard and finally getting some results.

Therefore, when she told Huangfu Qiye just now that she would give up if she knew that he wanted to marry Xiu Lulu, she was actually lying to him. She just wanted to hear him answer that he would not marry Xiu Lulu.

However, it was true that she said that she was very tired.

During this period of time, she really felt very tired. It was not physically tired, but mentally tired.


Suddenly, there was the sound of glass shattering, and then the entire hall suddenly turned dark.

In the corner, Tang Xiaowei was already lost in her own thoughts. When the surroundings suddenly turned dark, she was shocked, but she did not stand up rashly.

"What's wrong?" she asked the maid beside her anxiously.

The maid hurriedly replied, "I don't know what's going on, but the lights suddenly went out. Miss Tang, don't be afraid. Just sit there and don't move. It'll be fine in a while."