Chapter 640: "You must come up and sleep. "

"I'm not afraid that I can't drive the yacht. I just want to stay with you."

"The yacht won't sink now. I'll repair it after I recover a little. Maybe I can drive it." Huangfu Qiye saw that although her expression and tone were indifferent, there was still a hint of resignation and giving up on the chance to survive. He couldn't help but feel sad.

Even if he lost his memory, he could still fall in love with this woman again.

Therefore, he would never let her and him die in this sea.

"Xiaowei, trust me. I won't let anything happen to you. We will leave this place alive." Huangfu Qiye reached out and held her hand tightly, giving her his promise.

"Okay, I trust you." Tang Xiaowei was touched by his words. She held his hand back and looked at him affectionately.

After that, she fed him some bread and drank some water. He said that he had no appetite and didn't want to eat anymore, so she stopped.

Then, Huangfu Qiye asked her to eat and go to bed. Anyway, the yacht was broken and she couldn't drive it. Moreover, it was dark now. She was still a pregnant woman. Although she wasn't injured, she still needed to rest.

However, Tang Xiaowei still felt that she had to keep watch. In this way, she could think of a way to escape if she encountered any big waves. Or if she encountered other boats and yachts, she could also ask for help.

Therefore, after listening to his words and obediently eating a piece of bread, Tang Xiaowei didn't plan to go up to sleep at all.

However, her actions were stopped by Huangfu Qiye with a frown. "Xiaowei, listen to me. I can't let you keep watch. You have to come up and sleep."

Tang Xiaowei wanted to persuade him again. After all, these were critical times. Although she was pregnant, he was injured by a gunshot after all. Moreover, they were in a bad situation now, so she couldn't do nothing.

"If you don't listen to me, come up. It seems that I have to come down and accompany you now." In the end, Huangfu Qiye saw that she still didn't listen to him, so he simply got up and prepared to get out of bed.

His appearance immediately made Tang Xiaowei nervous.

She hurriedly helped him lie down. "Alright, I promise you. I won't do anything. I'll come up and accompany you. Don't come down. Your injuries are so serious now. If you don't take good care of yourself, you might have problems."

"Wouldn't it have been better if you were like this earlier? Why are you so stubborn?" Huangfu Qiye stretched out his uninjured hand and pulled her into his embrace. He sighed helplessly and the two of them lay down. Because she was being held by him like this, she was completely leaning into his embrace.

Her face turned pale from fright and she didn't dare to move. She anxiously urged him, "Quickly let go of me. You still have an injury on your abdomen. You'll crush your wound like this."

"It's alright. You didn't crush your wound. It won't hurt. Don't be so nervous. Go to sleep." Huangfu Qiye didn't let go of her at all. Instead, he hugged her tighter and tighter.

However, he was telling the truth when he said that she didn't press down on his wound. However, he wouldn't tell her if it would lead to the pain of his wound.

Because at this moment, he really wanted to hug her to sleep like this.

After Tang Xiaowei was hugged by him, before she could feel the warmth of this moment, she anxiously pushed his arm. "Wait a moment. I still have to go down for a while. Wait for me."

"Go down for what?" Huangfu Qiye frowned and was unwilling to let go.

"I have to blow out the candle. I lit it because I was afraid just now. Since I'm going to sleep anyway, I won't waste the candle," Tang Xiaowei explained.

Only then did Huangfu Qiye let go of her and touched her head again. "Okay, you go ahead."

Then, Tang Xiaowei gently withdrew from his arms. She was so careful that she didn't dare to touch the area where he was injured. After getting off the bed, she blew out the candle and then quietly returned to the bed.

However, because the candle had just been put out, it was dark everywhere in the yacht. She didn't see clearly for a moment and accidentally threw it at his wound.

In the darkness, she suddenly heard his muffled groan.

She was shocked and hurriedly stepped back, afraid that she would continue to throw it at him. "I'm sorry, I didn't do it on purpose. Could the wound have split open? I'll light the candle again and let you take a look."

"No need, the wound is very good. Don't go, come up." However, Huangfu Qiye stopped her and stretched out his uninjured hand, pulling her up in an instant. She immediately rushed to his side.

He hugged her and laid her down beside him. He panted slightly and lowered his head. He breathed so hard that it was right beside her lips. "I'll kiss you once, and it won't hurt anymore."

After he finished speaking, he accurately kissed her in the darkness.

Tang Xiaowei closed her eyes and didn't dare to move, afraid that she would touch his wound.

Moreover, she also liked his kiss, so she quietly accepted it until she started to kiss him back.

After a long time, the two of them separated while panting.

Huangfu Qiye continued to hug her and said in a hoarse voice, "Go to sleep. Maybe grandpa will come to pick us up tomorrow."

"Okay." Tang Xiaowei's heartbeat was unbelievably fast. She closed her eyes and happily went to sleep.

After she fell asleep, she gently breathed in the darkness.

However, Huangfu Qiye couldn't fall asleep at this time.

At this moment, all the fingers on his hands were very clean. However, he was wearing a ring before. The ring had a GPS system that could let his grandfather know where he was and then come back to save him.

Unfortunately, he didn't know where the ring had fallen.

However, he thought that after a day and a night, after his grandfather had arranged for the guests to attend the birthday party, he would definitely have time to save him. However, his grandfather hadn't been able to find him. He must have gone to the place where the ring had fallen.

In that case, he and Xiaowei could only continue to stay on this yacht.

Thinking of this, he tightened his grip on Tang Xiaowei.


The heavy rain had just stopped, but the fog in the sky had not dispersed.

Xiu Rouxue had the doctor and maid left on the island help her take a shower. After having a shower, she changed into her pajamas and returned to her room to catch up on sleep.

In the afternoon, she woke up.

At this time, although the fog on the sea had not dispersed, the fog on the island had already begun to slowly disperse. The rain had stopped in the morning. At this moment, everything outside was full of vitality and was filled with fresh air.

Xiu Rouxue asked the chef to prepare a sumptuous dinner for her. After she finished eating alone, she got up and walked to a room on the first floor.

At this moment, there were several bodyguards guarding this room.

After she walked in, she chased the bodyguards out and left them inside alone.

There was a big bed inside. At this moment, the unconscious Xiu Yuan was lying on the big bed.

Xiu Rouxue walked over and sat down on the sofa next to him.