Chapter 644: Start Fishing

It seemed that Qiye was not on this island, but his ring had fallen here. This meant that he was not burned to death by the fire caused by the bomb.

Then, where did he go?

Xiu Zhongsheng was both afraid and worried.

He almost lost his balance. Fortunately, the bodyguard beside him quickly held him.

Xiu Zhongsheng took a deep breath and slowly recovered. He suppressed the suspicion in his heart and ordered the bodyguard beside him, "Send more people. Immediately start searching the surrounding waters. We must find young master Qiye!"

"Yes, Master!" The bodyguard replied and quickly went out. He brought the others and set off.

Xiu Zhongsheng also stumbled out of the small wooden house and slowly left the island. He was prepared to go with everyone to find Huangfu Qiye.

But at this time, his phone rang.

He took it out to answer the call, but he heard Xiao Anan crying, "Bad old man, can I call you great-grandfather? I beg you, I want to see my mother and my father. Don't separate me from them. I miss them so much, sob sob sob..."

After Xiao Anan woke up, he realized that the place he lived in had changed, and he didn't have his father and mother by his side, so he began to be afraid.

Hearing Xiao Anan's crying, Xiu Zhongsheng's eyes were a little dry and painful. He gritted his teeth. Then he said, "Don't cry, Great-grandfather is really happy that you can call me great-grandfather. Great-grandfather will come back to accompany you now. Your father and mother have something to do today, and they will be back tomorrow."

"Really? I will be able to see my father and mother tomorrow?" Xiao Anan's crying slowly stopped.

Xiu Zhongsheng nodded heavily, but when he thought that Xiao Anan wouldn't be able to see them, he was shocked to realize that he was already old and muddled. How could he do such a silly thing?

In the end, he comforted Xiao Anan with a few more words before hanging up the phone.

After that, he ordered all the bodyguards to take a helicopter and a yacht to look for Qiye.

He could only go back to take care of Xiao Anan first and see when Xiu Yuan would wake up. Although Xiu Rouxue said that Xiu Yuan didn't know where Huangfu Qiye was, Xiu Zhongsheng didn't believe her. He felt that Xiu Yuan definitely knew.

Perhaps the people they sent out weren't all looking for Qiye, but they could find out from Xiu Yuan.


On the second day on the yacht, the fog finally dispersed.

The sun began to dry the yacht, and the air was no longer moist.

Tang Xiaowei had dried all the things she had washed.

However, Huangfu Qiye's wounds hadn't healed yet, so he couldn't get out of bed to repair the yacht. Therefore, the yacht continued to drift aimlessly on the surface of the sea.

Neither of them had a cell phone or a clock that could calculate the time. They only knew that they had been separated from the land for two days and one night.

After feeding Huangfu Qiye bread, Tang Xiaowei watched him fall asleep.

She did not accompany him. Instead, she walked out of the yacht to the deck and began to ponder.

If no one found them, the bread they brought out from the wooden house would not be enough for a long time.

She looked carefully just now and they could only eat one more day today and the next day at most.

Therefore, she had to find food.

She began to search every corner of the yacht and soon found fishing tools and stools.

Tang Xiaowei didn't go in to disturb Huangfu Qiye's sleep. She sat on the stool and started fishing.

There was plenty of sunlight here. If she could catch a lot of fish, she could even dry them in the sun.

When she cleaned the yacht yesterday, she found that there was a small kitchen inside, so she also cleaned it at that time.

Moreover, there was gas and a lighter that they randomly grabbed from the wooden house, so they could make some hot food to eat.

Moreover, Huangfu Qiye was seriously injured. If there was fish soup for him to drink instead of bread for him every day, he would definitely recover faster.

With this thought in mind, Tang Xiaowei started fishing and waited very seriously and quietly.

However, the sea soon gave her a surprise. She only waited for a few minutes before she found that the fishing rod had moved.

After pulling it up forcefully, she saw that it was actually a very big carp.

She hurriedly took the carp down and carefully placed it into the bucket filled with water at the side.

Then, she endured the surprise and continued to throw the hook back into the sea.

After more than two hours, Tang Xiaowei actually caught a bucket full of fish. Each fish was bigger than her palm, and they were jumping around in the bucket.

Tang Xiaowei then stopped fishing and took the bucket of fish to the small kitchen inside the yacht to deal with it.

After more than an hour, she had finished dealing with all the fish. Then, she took out a large portion and placed it on the clean spot on the deck to let the sun shine.

Then, she began to prepare the rest in the small kitchen, planning to cook a pot of soup later.

Only at this time did she feel that the Xiu family was really too rich.

This was because this yacht was obviously broken and had been thrown away for a long time, but the Xiu family did not take back many of the things inside. Instead, they threw them directly on the yacht. Moreover, the quality was actually not bad. After being abandoned for so long, they did not break.

Therefore, she was soon able to start a fire. She took out a clean pot and began to boil the soup.

Looking at the fish soup in the pot, which was constantly boiling and emitting a fragrant smell, Tang Xiaowei felt that the idea of fishing today was really very wise.


When Huangfu Qiye woke up, he immediately smelled the slightly fishy smell of the yacht, but it was not the disgusting smell of the fish soup.

He looked around and found that there was no one around, and there was no one in the cockpit.

He was shocked and got out of bed subconsciously.

Although getting out of bed gently pulled on the wound on his abdomen. He had already recuperated for a day and a night and a morning, so he could still bear the pain now.

He walked out and saw the small kitchen that he could not see from the bed. At this moment, Tang Xiaowei had her back to him and was cooking something.

The pot in front of her was steaming.

The smell of fish soup that he smelled just now was even stronger now, so the smell that he smelled just now was obviously the one that she was cooking.

He walked over to her.

Tang Xiaowei had been cooking the fish soup in the pot the whole time. Just as she was about to take out the salt that had not expired and put it in the soup, a pair of big hands suddenly appeared on her waist.

Her hands shook, and a lot of the salt in the bag was immediately poured into the fish soup. She was shocked and hurriedly took the bag away.

Fortunately, not too much of it fell in, or else it would not be edible.

She put down the bag, then turned around and began to lecture Huangfu Qiye. "Why did you come down? Your wound hasn't healed yet! And you appeared without saying a word, which scared me. If you put too much salt in it, it won't taste good."