Chapter 654: "He is her hero. "

Huangfu Qiye saw the three men he had released earlier. They were stabbing Eliza's servants with their knives.

Huangfu Qiye saw that they were in a bad mood, so he did not go over. He turned around and went to find Tang Xiaowei.

Tang Xiaowei waited in the room for a long time. Then, she heard someone knocking on the door.

At the same time, Huangfu Qiye's voice was heard. "Xiaowei, it's me."

His voice was calm, but she could still hear that there was a sense of forbearance in it.

She hurriedly opened the door and smelled the thick smell of blood on his body.

"Are you hurt?" Tang Xiaowei was worried and nervous, but she didn't dare to reach out to touch him. She was afraid that her hand would accidentally touch his wound.

"It's just that the wound opened a little earlier. I'll apply the medicine again later." Huangfu Qiye walked into the room, closed the door, and started to take off his clothes.

He didn't hide the fact that the wound had opened in front of her. After all, he still needed her help to apply the medicine and bandage it.

He was very clear about his wound. He could not hide his wound and not let her apply medicine just because he did not want her to know about it.

Tang Xiaowei hurriedly followed him. She took out the medical kit from before and began to apply medicine and bandage him again.

At the same time, while he was bandaging his wound, he also told her what he had just done outside.

Including the reason why he told her last night that he only knew the answer today.

Tang Xiaowei only heaved a sigh of relief when she knew that Eliza and Aiwen would no longer pose a threat to them.

Then, after helping him to re-bandage his wounds, she looked at his body and knew that he was not injured this time. The place where he had just bled was still from the previous gunshot wound, so she could not say anything more.

After all, he had only done this so that they could leave safely. Moreover, he had saved many people, although he was worried that those people might be unsafe if he let them out. Therefore, he did not release those people who were locked in the iron cage.

However, he had already done what he could. Tang Xiaowei felt that he was her hero, a haven that could give her a sense of security.

Huangfu Qiye waited for Tang Xiaowei to bandage his wound. Then, he took out a cell phone that still worked. This was just found on the body of the bodyguard next to Aiwen. There shouldn't be any special software installed, so you can call grandpa and tell him to come and pick us up immediately."

"Okay, then you can call your grandpa." Tang Xiaowei was stunned for a moment, then she nodded.

However, her heart began to panic.

She knew that Xiu Zhongsheng had never liked her. Xiu Zhongsheng had always wanted to marry Xiu Lulu to Huangfu Qiye.

Even though Huangfu Qiye had not recovered his memories and had agreed to be with her, she still had a vague feeling that when she met Xiu Zhongsheng, she and Huangfu Qiye might have to endure a new storm.

Sensing her depressed mood, Huangfu Qiye did not immediately call Xiu Zhongsheng's number.

He stretched out his uninjured arm and held Tang Xiaowei. He lowered his head and kissed her gently. In a deep voice, he said, "Trust me. No one can separate us, okay?"

Tang Xiaowei bit her lip and nodded. "Okay, I trust you."

"Then I'll make a call now, okay?" Huangfu Qiye asked her in a low voice.

Tang Xiaowei nodded again. Although his pacification gave her a sense of security, she still did not completely let go.

Although Huangfu Qiye was helpless, he knew that it was best for them to leave this place immediately, so he called Xiu Zhongsheng.


Xiu Zhongsheng did not follow the bodyguards to find Huangfu Qiye. Instead, he went back to accompany Xiao Anan. He also wanted to wait for Xiu Yuan to wake up and let Xiu Yuan tell him where Huangfu Qiye was.

However, after Xiu Zhongsheng waited for two days, Xiu Yuan finally woke up, but Xiu Yuan had lost his memory.

Not only did Xiu Yuan not know where Huangfu Qiye was, he did not even know who he was, nor did he know Xiu Zhongsheng.

Xiu Zhongsheng felt shocked and suspicious. Then, he asked the doctor to examine Xiu Yuan.

In the end, when Xiu Yuan was pressed down by the wall, his head was severely injured, so his brain nerves were damaged. He really lost his memory.

His situation was completely different from Huangfu Qiye's being hypnotized.

Moreover, after he lost his memory, he was very obedient.

Xiu Zhongsheng no longer asked Xiu Yuan about anything. After all, he could not bear to kill the Huangfu bloodline, so even if Xiu Yuan was childish, scheming, and betraying him, he could not bear to kill Xiu Yuan. Now that Xiu yuan was so obedient, Xiu Zhongsheng was more or less satisfied.

Then, he took care of Xiao Anan while occasionally visiting Xiu Yuan.

For the rest of the time, Xiu Zhongsheng listened to the news from his bodyguards every day, but he still could not find Huangfu Qiye. He was extremely angry.

Until this day, housekeeper Xiu hurriedly took his phone and shouted excitedly, "Master, it's young master Qiye. Young master Qiye called back."

When Xiu Zhongsheng heard this, he immediately walked over and snatched the phone. He was so happy that he almost cried, "Qiye..."

"Grandpa, it's me. I'm at XX location with Xiaowei. Send someone to pick us up." Huangfu Qiye calmly told him his location. Because there was a map on the ship, his location was very accurate.

"Okay, okay, okay. I'll send someone to pick you up immediately." Xiu Zhongsheng was very happy. He didn't notice that he had heard Xiu Rouxue say that Tang Xiaowei had been burned to death, and now he heard Huangfu Qiye mention Tang Xiaowei.

After hanging up the phone, Xiu Zhongsheng came back to his senses.

It turned out that Tang Xiaowei wasn't dead, and she was still with Qiye.

Xiu Zhongsheng couldn't think whether Qiye had recovered his previous memories or not. He could only determine the result after seeing Qiye.

Therefore, he did not say anything. He only ordered people to send a helicopter and a ship to pick him up according to the location provided by Huangfu Qiye.


On Huangfu Qiye's side.

After ending the call with Xiu Zhongsheng, Huangfu Qiye realized that Tang Xiaowei's mood was still very low.

He was just about to comfort her when he suddenly heard the sound of an argument coming from outside. Moreover, the sound of the argument was continuously approaching the room they were staying in.

Huangfu Qiye and Tang Xiaowei looked at each other, both somewhat confused.

"Didn't you just say that almost everyone was unconscious?" Tang Xiaowei looked at Huangfu Qiye nervously.

Huangfu Qiye's expression was serious. "That's right. Except for those who were locked up, Eliza and the others were unconscious. I also took care of Aiwen and his two bodyguards."

Huangfu Qiye also felt that it was strange. He had just called his grandfather for help.