Chapter 657: Her heart was slightly aching

When Xiu Zhongsheng saw Xiao Anan like this, he couldn't say anything more about Tang Xiaowei. He could only look at Huangfu Qiye He couldn't hide the excitement and joy in his heart. "Qiye, it's good that you guys are back. Go back and take a shower first. Then let the doctor see if there's anything wrong with your body."

"He's injured. It's a gunshot wound. Mr. Xiu, please immediately arrange for the best doctor to come over and take a look." However, before Huangfu Qiye could reply, Tang Xiaowei couldn't help but open her mouth.

After Tang Xiaowei finished speaking, she squatted down and carried Xiao Anan into her arms. However, because she had not bathed for a few days, she did not dare to be too close to the child.

Therefore, she did not hug him too tight.

On the other side, when Xiu Zhongsheng heard Tang Xiaowei's words, his expression immediately changed. "How did this happen? What exactly happened?"

Xiu Zhongsheng's gaze was serious as he looked at Huangfu Qiye.

Only then did Huangfu Qiye reply, "Let's go in first. I'll tell grandfather in detail later."

Thus, Xiu Zhongsheng stopped talking and called everyone in.

Huangfu Qiye reached out to pull Tang Xiaowei up. Then, Tang Xiaowei pulled Xiao Anan and the three of them followed.

Xiao Anan raised his head and looked at Tang Xiaowei. He asked in a low and anxious voice, "Mom, where have you and dad been these past few days? I haven't seen you guys. An An is really scared and worried about you guys."

Tang Xiaowei touched her child's little head. She felt that his child's voice was choked with sobs, and his heart was slightly sore.

"An An, don't be afraid. Mom won't leave you so easily in the future."

She decided that no matter what happened in the future, she could not be separated from her child. She had taken care of her child since he was young. During this period of time, they were always separated. Xiao Anan must be very worried and afraid.

She did not give her child a stable life at all. This was her fault.

She had to change it in the future.

Xiao Anan heard his mother say this and nodded. "Yes, yes. Then I must keep my word. No matter where you go in the future, you must bring An An with you."

Tang Xiaowei nodded.

Xiao Anan then revealed a smile and narrowed his big eyes.

Huangfu Qiye, who was next to him, also briefly described the situation in the past few days, including Xiu Rouxue's pursuit and the damage to their yacht.

After hearing this, Xiu Zhongsheng said in a cold and angry voice, "Xiu Rouxue, that ingrate, has already been dealt with. It can be considered as revenge for you. However, if I had known that she would lay a hand on you, I wouldn't have adopted her in the first place."

Huangfu Qiye didn't say anything more.

At this time, they had already walked into the hall of the castle.

Xiu Zhongsheng ordered his men to immediately call for the doctor, so at this moment, two doctors and four nurses were already standing by the side, waiting.

Xiu Zhongsheng turned around and ordered, "Qiye, go upstairs with these doctors for a check-up. There's a room for you upstairs."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Tang Xiaowei and said, "You too. You also go upstairs and have a check-up."

Seeing that he didn't Miss Tang Xiaowei and that his attitude was okay, Huangfu Qiye was relieved. Then, he held Tang Xiaowei's hand tightly and gave her a relieved smile, saying, "Let's go."

Tang Xiaowei could only let go of Xiao Anan's hand and said, "An An, daddy will go upstairs to have a check-up first. You and Mr. Xiu can wait downstairs for a while, okay? Mommy will come down to accompany you soon."

When Xiao Anan heard her mother say that she wanted to have a check-up, she knew that it was very important to have a check-up, so she didn't play around. She nodded obediently and said, "Okay, okay. Then Mommy and daddy will go upstairs. An An will wait for you downstairs."

Thus, Tang Xiaowei felt at ease and went upstairs with Huangfu Qiye. Then, the two doctors and four nurses followed them upstairs as well.

And downstairs.

Xiu Zhongsheng stroked his beard and fell into deep thought.

He had just carefully observed Qiye's condition. Qiye didn't seem to have recovered his memory, but why would Qiye be so gentle to Tang Xiaowei after losing his memory.

When they were on the island earlier, Qiye had lost his memory at the beginning. Wasn't he very cold to everyone? Moreover, at that time, Qiye treated Tang Xiaowei so coldly that Tang Xiaowei was so angry that she jumped into the sea to commit suicide.

How come now, after they disappeared together for a few days, Qiye couldn't leave Tang Xiaowei at all, and it seemed like he fell in love with Tang Xiaowei again?

Xiu Zhongsheng couldn't understand what these young people were thinking.

But now, he found that he didn't seem to have the strength to stop Qiye from being with anyone.

This matter was caused by Xiu Yuan's plan.

But now that Xiu Yuan had lost his memory, he might not be able to regain it for the rest of his life. Moreover, the current Xiu Yuan was very obedient. However, the only drawback was that the current Xiu Yuan had no recollection of managing the company in the past.

The current Xiu Yuan could not manage the Xiu family's business at all. Even if he wanted to give Xiu Yuan some property, Xiu Yuan did not have the ability to manage it.

Therefore, Xiu Zhongsheng could only rely on Huangfu Qiye now.

Moreover, Xiu Lulu had been locked in the room before, so when Xiu Yuan detonated the bomb, the explosion blew Xiu Lulu into pieces. In the future, Xiu Zhongsheng was not willing to find another person to match Qiye.

He was willing to agree to let Qiye and Tang Xiaowei be together.

However, he would not agree to let them get married so easily. He had to give Tang Xiaowei another trial.

Otherwise, Tang Xiaowei could not be Qiye's wife and enter the Huangfu family's door. She could only be Qiye's lover.

"Great-grandfather, what are you thinking about?" Xiao Anan could not go up to accompany his father and mother, so he could only stay downstairs.

Therefore, when he saw that Xiu Zhongsheng was in a daze, he curiously walked over and stared at him.

Xiu Zhongsheng was awakened by Xiao Anan's voice. He revealed a kind smile and reached out to touch Xiao Anan's head. He said with a smile, "An An, grandpa has found many teachers for you. You can go to class in two days. It's very close to our castle."

"Class? Why not go to kindergarten but here?" Xiao Anan felt very strange. He had heard from his mother that she wanted to find a kindergarten for him and let him go to class with a group of children.

But that was in school, not at home.

Therefore, when he heard his great-grandfather say this, Xiao Anan felt very strange.

"The teachers outside love to bully children. Moreover, the teachers that our family found are better than those outside. So, An An, you have to study obediently in the future, understand? In this way, when you grow up, you will be more powerful than your father. When that time comes, great-grandfather will give you a big gift."