Chapter 652: I'll let you know what Karma is!

She wanted to see if she could find out if Huangfu Qiye had left any messages for her.

Sure enough, she quickly found a piece of paper on the floor beside her bed.

There was a sentence written on it: After you wake up, stay in your room and don't go out. I'll be back soon.

Tang Xiaowei heaved a sigh of relief when she saw this sentence and sat on the sofa.

She didn't see this piece of paper just now. She must have accidentally dropped it on the floor when she was sleeping.

After seeing the note, she remembered that Huangfu Qiye had said that he needed to go out to do something last night, so he went out to do something to keep them safe.


Yes, that's right.

In the morning, Huangfu Qiye immediately got up when he heard the sounds of panic outside.

However, when he saw Tang Xiaowei, who had finally fallen asleep after worrying all night, he couldn't bear to wake her up, so he took out a piece of paper and a pen and left a message for her. Then, he quickly left the room.

After leaving the room, he immediately met the maid who was about to bring them breakfast. Before the maid could say anything, he reached out to take the tray and said indifferently, "Is this breakfast for us?"

When the maid saw Huangfu Qiye yesterday, she was attracted by his handsome face. However, at that time, Eliza was there, so the maid didn't dare to look at Huangfu Qiye.

However, now that Eliza was not there, the maid hurriedly nodded with a smile, and her face immediately turned red.

Huangfu Qiye continued to ask, "Has everyone had breakfast?"

The maid nodded again. "Yes, they have all eaten. Thank you for your concern, Mr. Huangfu."

However, the maid only smiled for a few seconds before she felt her body go soft. She hurriedly reached out to hold the guardrail beside her, but in the end, she still could not stand steadily and she fell to the ground.

Then, she closed her eyes, and before she could say anything, she fainted.

Only then did Huangfu Qiye sneer and throw the breakfast into the sea.

After asking the three people last night, he knew that the situation on the ship was not good. Not only would he and Xiaowei be in danger, but there were also many people trapped here.

Although he was not interested in saving people, he could not bear to see Eliza humiliate others with Aiwen.

So, he took out the brooch that he had always kept close to him. This brooch was very small and was given to him by his grandfather. He said that there was something in it that could help him in times of danger.

There was a small layer of separation in the brooch. Inside, there was a powder that could make people go into a coma for more than ten hours after eating it.

Last night, he had put this powder in the water source on the ship.

The maid said that everyone had eaten breakfast, so at this moment, everyone fell down one by one.

This way, he did not need to fight with dozens of bodyguards before his body had fully recovered.

Therefore, Huangfu Qiye immediately went to release the three people from yesterday. At this moment, these three people were no longer as weak as they were last night. They had more or less recovered some of their strength.

When Huangfu Qiye appeared and helped them untie the ropes, the three of them were in disbelief.

"Sir, won't it cause you trouble if you just let us go?" The woman among them asked carefully.

The two men beside them did not say anything.

"Eliza and the others have been drugged and fainted. I will untie you. You find your own clothes and put them on. Then, go and tie up all the people who belong to Eliza. They will be unconscious for more than ten hours, so you don't have to be afraid anymore."

Because the three of them were naked, Huangfu Qiye did not care much when he came in last night because the lights were turned off.

But now that he came in, he pulled a large piece of cloth from the outside and covered their bodies. Then, he untied one of the men, explained everything clearly, and walked out.

The three people inside already had some revolutionary feelings, so after Huangfu Qiye left, the man who had just been untied by Huangfu Qiye helped the other two untie the rope, and then the three of them found clothes to put on Then, they carefully walked out.

But after they went out, they soon found that the ship was full of people who had fallen down. If it wasn't for the fact that there was no blood around these people on the ground, and that these people were still breathing then these three people would have thought that these people who had fallen on the ground were all dead.

But when they thought of the torture they had endured, the three of them angrily began to find the rope and tied up everyone who had fallen on the ground.

Then, the three of them discovered the male servants who had tortured them yesterday and a few days ago. They sneered and lifted the unconscious male servants up and threw them into the sea one by one.

"Go to hell!"

"Trash, I swore that I will kill you one day, and now I've finally succeeded!"

"I've wanted to do this for a long time."

They threw a few people away, and in the end, only three male servants who had bullied and humiliated them were left.

After tying up the others, the three of them found all kinds of knives in the kitchen. Then, they went back to the three male servants who had bullied them and tied the three unconscious male servants together. Then, they started to stab the bodies of the three male servants with knives crazily.

"F*ck, when you bullied us, did you think of this day?"

"I'm going to kill you, I'm going to let you know what retribution is!"

"You insulted us a few times, we're going to cut you a few times and pay you back!"

The three male servants who had fainted after being drugged were stabbed with knives, and they quickly woke up from the pain.

However, they were tied up. When they opened their eyes, they found that the people around them were tied up, and they were stabbed by the people they had looked down on in the past who had been insulted by them. The three male servants were almost dumbfounded.

"Stop, what are you doing?"

"What's going on? Stop stabbing me, stop, do you want to die?"

"I'll kill you all! How dare you hurt me with a knife!"

The three male servants thought that their master would back them up, so they still spoke arrogantly.

However, the two men and one woman who had been tortured by them were so agitated that they were about to go crazy. They saw that their enemy had woken up, so the more they stabbed, the happier they became.

"You still want to kill us?"

"Now you animals deserve to be killed."

"You still dare to yell at us? What right do you think you have to yell at us?"

As soon as he finished his words, he stabbed the three male servants again and again.