Chapter 659: There's something I want to tell you

She felt that it was too unbelievable.

Just because she was pregnant with twins, Xiu Zhongsheng actually did not stop her and Huangfu Qiye.

It turned out that Xiu Zhongsheng actually liked children so much.

Moreover, he did not value boys over girls.

"Okay, let's go over." Huangfu Qiye nodded, and then put his arm around her shoulder.

However, after walking a few steps, Huangfu Qiye's gaze swept past the side, and then he stopped walking. His gaze was vigilant as he blocked Tang Xiaowei behind him.

Then, he turned to Xiu Zhongsheng and said in a cold voice, "Grandpa, what does this mean? Why is Xiu Yuan here?

Although the right side of Xiu Yuan's face was wrapped in gauze and looked like he was injured, Huangfu Qiye didn't notice it just now. Now that he took a closer look, he saw the person with the gauze on his face sitting not far away from Xiu Zhongsheng. It was definitely Xiu Yuan.

Huangfu Qiye didn't pay attention to his surroundings just now, but now that he saw it, he was naturally angry.

Xiu Zhongsheng knew that after Qiye came down to see Xiu Yuan, he would definitely ask about it.

So, he hurriedly took a few steps forward, and then at a distance that Xiu Yuan could not hear. He said in a low voice, "Qiye, grandfather only has a few relatives left. So, Ah Yuan did something wrong, and I can't kill him completely. His face is now disfigured, and because he was hit on the head, he lost his memory. So, let's not mention the past to him and forgive him."

When Huangfu Qiye heard Xiu Zhongsheng say this, his face was still dark.

He snorted coldly and waved at Xiao Anan. "An An, come here."

Although Xiao Anan didn't understand why his father's face suddenly darkened, when he saw his mother and father together, he jumped down from the chair and ran in the direction of Huangfu Qiye.

Huangfu Qiye held Tang Xiaowei in one hand and Xiao Anan in the other. Then, he said to Xiu Zhongsheng in a serious tone, "I won't forgive Xiu Yuan for what he did before, so I won't stay here with him. Let the maid send the dinner to our room. Tomorrow, I'll leave with Xiaowei and the child."

Huangfu Qiye said this coldly, then he took his woman and child and turned around to leave.

Although Xiu Zhongsheng wanted to stop them, he found that he could not speak.

He could only watch them leave, then ordered the maid to send the family dinner upstairs. Then, he ordered Xiu Aze and his men to guard the perimeter of the island, not allowing Huangfu Qiye and Tang Xiaowei to leave without permission.

After that, Xiu Zhongsheng walked back to the restaurant helplessly.

In the restaurant, Xiu Yuan was still sitting on his seat in a daze.

When he saw Xiu Zhongsheng enter, Xiu Yuan raised his head. His eyes were clear as he asked obediently, "Grandpa, who was that man and woman just now? Why did they take Xiao Anan away?"

Xiu Yuan could not remember the past. After he woke up, he was told that the old man in front of him was his grandfather. Because of his simple and obedient personality, Xiu Zhongsheng did not pay much attention to him a few days ago. Xiu Yuan had only met Xiao Anan a few times, and he liked to play with Xiao Anan.

"That's Xiao Anan's father and mother. It's your brother and sister-in-law," Xiu Zhongsheng explained, then helplessly walked to Xiu Yuan's side and sat down. He said, "Ah Yuan, if you were so obedient in the past, there wouldn't be so much trouble now."

"Grandfather, was Ah Yuan not obedient in the past? Then hit Ah Yuan. Ah Yuan knows he's wrong," Xiu Yuan said seriously, then reached out his hand, wanting Xiu Zhongsheng to hit him.

Xiu Zhongsheng felt that the Xiu Yuan who had lost his memory was actually more obedient than Huangfu Qiye who had lost his memory. However, it also made him worried.

He sighed and said, "Ah Yuan, there is a very beautiful house on this island. Tomorrow, grandpa will send you there. You can live there from now on."

The house that Xiu Zhongsheng was talking about was an exquisite small villa at the back of the island.

Although the villa was exquisite, it was a little far from the castle here. Therefore, he thought that since Qiye still could not forgive Ah Yuan, he wanted to protect Ah Yuan and keep Qiye, so he could only send Ah Yuan to the villa at the back.

He was absolutely worried about sending Ah Yuan away. With his innocent personality now, if he left the care of the Xiu family, it would be strange if he was not bullied by people outside.

Xiu Yuan felt that it was the same wherever he lived, but he still felt a little reluctant. "After Ah Yuan moves there, will he be able to see grandpa and Xiao Anan in the future?"

"Of course. Grandpa will often visit you and will also bring Xiao Anan to play with you." Xiu Zhongsheng nodded solemnly.

Xiu Yuan heaved a sigh of relief. "That's good. Then let's start eating."

Xiu Zhongsheng nodded and began to pick up his chopsticks.

Xiu Yuan ate his dinner in silence. He did not feel any rejection from Huangfu Qiye.

He felt that it was the same wherever he lived. Anyway, as long as he could see grandpa and Xiao Anan frequently, it would be fine.



After the maid brought the dinner up, Huangfu Qiye and Tang Xiaowei accompanied Xiao Anan for a quiet dinner. He had been very quiet, obviously in a bad mood.

Therefore, after Tang Xiaowei coaxed Xiao Anan to go play in the children's room next door, she asked the others to leave as well. Then, she closed the door and walked to Huangfu Qiye.

"You're still worried about Xiu Yuan, aren't you?" She looked at Huangfu Qiye and asked.

Huangfu Qiye heard her and looked up at her. Then, he reached out his hand and said, "Come here."

Tang Xiaowei walked over and sat next to him.

"I know that grandpa might forgive Xiu Yuan for his mistake, but I didn't expect that he was still willing to keep Xiu Yuan by his side and let Xiu Yuan live with us. I really can't accept such a thing." Huangfu Qiye reached out and held her waist. There was a hint of determination in his calm tone. "So, I'll think of a way in the near future. Let's move out with An An. "

"Actually, I've always wanted to tell you something, but the situation before didn't allow it, but I feel that I have to tell you now." Tang Xiaowei held his hand and didn't wait for him to answer. She continued, "Actually, two weeks ago, before you lost your memory, you were very reluctant to admit that Mr. Xiu was your grandfather. Moreover, you have your own company and many subordinates. I hope that you can remember the past and return to your previous state. The state I'm talking about isn't that you don't want to recognize Mr. Xiu as your grandfather, but that you don't want to abandon everything in the Huangfu family. After all, you worked so hard to manage them in the past. So when you said that you wanted to leave this place, I actually agreed."

"Do you know the real reason why I lost my memory?" When Huangfu Qiye heard her say this, he subconsciously clenched her hand.