Chapter 664: "I love you. "?

Then, Xiao Anan walked out. "Then let's go down and eat. An An is really hungry."

"Okay." Tang Xiaowei nodded, then stood up and walked out.

Seeing this, Xiao Anan walked in front by himself.

Meanwhile, Tang Xiaowei turned around and was about to call Huangfu Qiye to go down with her.

However, when she turned around, she saw Huangfu Qiye looking at her with an obscure gaze.

Tang Xiaowei couldn't help but feel strange. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Was my personality different before and now?" Huangfu Qiye asked in a deep voice, his tone clearly filled with uncertainty.

Hearing this, Tang Xiaowei immediately smiled. "Yes, that's right. Before you lost your memory, your personality was indeed different from now. You're much more gentle now than before."

"You mean before I lost my memory, I wasn't as gentle as now, but you still fell in love with me, right?" Huangfu Qiye's smile became more and more evil. He put one hand on her shoulder and lowered his head. He looked at her deeply. "Even though my personality is completely different from before, you still love me. Tang Xiaowei, why do you love me so much?"

"Yeah, I don't know either. Why do I love you no matter what you become?'' Tang Xiaowei smiled brightly and looked back at him with her clear eyes.

"I'm so lucky." Huangfu Qiye gently caressed her cheeks. His gaze was gentle and intoxicating.

Tang Xiaowei smiled slightly.

However, at this warm moment, Xiao Anan suddenly turned around and broke the warmth. "Dad, mom, why aren't you following us? An An's stomach is about to starve to death."

Hearing An An's complaints, Tang Xiaowei and Huangfu Qiye looked at each other and smiled. Then, they held each other's hands tightly and walked out together.


In the restaurant downstairs.

After entering the restaurant this time, they did not see Xiu Yuan. Only Xiu Zhongsheng was already sitting inside.

Seeing Huangfu Qiye, Tang Xiaowei, and Xiao Anan appear together, Xiu Zhongsheng smiled and let everyone sit beside him.

Xiao Anan had gradually fallen in love with Xiu Zhongsheng over the past few days, so when he heard his great-grandfather call him that, he walked over and sat down beside him.

Huangfu Qiye also walked over with Tang Xiaowei and sat down on the chair next to Xiu Zhongsheng.

"Qiye, Ah Yuan will live in the villa at the back from now on," Xiu Zhongsheng thought for a moment and explained.

Huangfu Qiye heard this and replied, "As long as I don't see him. Of course, don't let him come near my people."

Huangfu Qiye could not force his grandfather to chase Xiu Yuan away.

Therefore, now that Xiu Yuan had moved to another place, he could only accept this result.

"Don't worry, he won't," Xiu Zhongsheng assured him. Then, he smiled and said, "Eat your breakfast. The food will get cold soon."

After he finished speaking, he began to ask Xiao Anan what he liked to eat. Then, he kindly took care of Xiao Anan. It was impossible to tell that he was usually strong and cold-blooded.

Xiao Anan also obediently talked to Him.

Tang Xiaowei and Huangfu Qiye looked at each other and didn't say anything more. Then, Tang Xiaowei continued to feed Huangfu Qiye, who hadn't fully recovered from the gunshot wound on his arm.

After breakfast, Huangfu Qiye and Xiu Zhongsheng went upstairs to the study room to discuss some matters.

Huangfu Qiye originally told Tang Xiaowei to go back to her room to rest.

However, after Huangfu Qiye left, Xiao Anan held Tang Xiaowei's hand and walked out. The little guy said that he wanted to go outside and play.

It was said that there was a large open space outside, and his great-grandfather had gotten someone to build a small amusement park for him.

Tang Xiaowei thought that Yuan Qi would come to pick her and Huangfu Qiye up very soon. When that time came, An An would stay here to attend classes, and only she and Huangfu Qiye would leave together. Therefore, every minute and every second now, she wanted to spend more time with Xiao Anan and Huangfu Qiye. Then, she agreed.

The mother and son walked out of the door together and came to the entrance of the small amusement park that Xiu Zhongsheng had arranged for Xiao Anan.

As far as the eye could see, there were indeed many facilities in the amusement park.

Xiao Anan held Tang Xiaowei's hand and walked in. After entering, he jumped up and down happily. He wanted to play this and that.

Tang Xiaowei had no choice but to hire two maids and two bodyguards to follow and help take care of Xiao Anan. After all, she was currently pregnant with two children. She was pregnant with twins for the first time. So now that she knew that the child in her belly was twins, she was very careful, afraid that something would happen.

After that, Tang Xiaowei could not play with Xiao Anan. She sat in a pavilion at the side, and Xiao Anan was playing happily with the bodyguards and protection.

Just as Tang Xiaowei smiled and watched the child play happily, she suddenly saw a familiar figure at the entrance of the amusement park.

Her smile immediately froze, and her body also froze.

At this moment, the person at the entrance walked in. Behind him were two bodyguards and two maids. The four of them seemed to be anxiously whispering something in his ear, but he ignored them and directly walked into the amusement park.

His target seemed to be Xiao Anan. After he entered, he directly walked in the direction of the trampoline that Xiao Anan was currently playing on.

Tang Xiaowei subconsciously stood up and walked to the entrance of the trampoline, stopping him there.

When that person walked over and looked at her with a puzzled gaze, Tang Xiaowei opened her mouth and said, "Xiu Yuan, what exactly do you want to do? This place is full of things that children like to play with. Why did you come in?"

"I like to play, too, and Xiao Anan and I are friends." Xiu Yuan's tone was gentle, and his eyes were full of the light of looking at a stranger. "Who are you? Why did you stop me?"

"You really don't remember anything?" Tang Xiaowei was stunned when she saw Xiu Yuan looking at a stranger like this, and his expression and tone were very innocent and childish. He did not have the hooligan temperament of the past at all.

"Grandpa said that I was injured, so I don't remember many things," Xiu Yuan replied calmly, like an obedient child.

"If that's the case, then go play. But don't go play with Xiao Anan. You can go play with other things." Although Tang Xiaowei hated the previous Xiu Yuan who was like a hooligan, now, this Xiu Yuan who had lost his memory was so innocent that it made people feel strange. She could only send him to other places to play.

However, Xiu Yuan was very insistent. "No, I just like to play with Xiao Anan."

After he said that, he ignored Tang Xiaowei and climbed onto the trampoline from the side, jumping up and down with Xiao Anan.

When Xiao Anan saw him, Xiao Anan actually didn't like him, so Xiao Anan immediately climbed to the edge of the trampoline.