Chapter 669: Are you really not going to take me out with you?

Tang Xiaowei frowned when she heard his tone. "Didn't you forget about the past? Why did you remember that I still have a foster father and godbrother?"

"An An told me. If he didn't tell me, I wouldn't have known that you had a godbrother. And this so-called godbrother of yours likes you very much. You seem to be treating him well." Huangfu Qiye's tone became more and more awkward. There was a strong sense of jealousy.

Tang Xiaowei heard this and couldn't help but laugh out loud. "You're jealous again?"

"Yeah, I'm jealous, but you're still laughing. What's so funny about this?" Huangfu Qiye let go of her angrily. Although he was a little angry, he didn't dare to push her hard. He was afraid of hurting her, and he was also afraid of hurting the child in her belly. After he let go of her, he angrily walked to the sofa at the side and sat down. His face was dark, and he looked like he didn't want to be near strangers.

Seeing this, Xiao Anan immediately went to the corner to play with toys.

Tang Xiaowei glanced at Xiao Anan, who had exposed this matter to the public. Seeing that the little guy was playing with his toys as if nothing had happened, she could also sigh. This child was really getting more and more naughty as he grew up.

Therefore, she could only go forward and sit beside Huangfu Qiye. She reached out and grabbed his hand. She explained gently, "What An An said is true. However, I'm in love with you now. We'll be fine as long as we're together. Moreover, Ling Yijue has long let go of me. You've also let go of your memories before you lost them. Don't be angry now."

"If you say that I'm letting go, then I'm letting go. How do I know that I've really let go in the past?" Huangfu Qiye was obviously unwilling to let go of this incident easily. "You have to give me a convincing explanation. Otherwise, I won't bring you out this time and will leave you here."

He even threatened her.

Tang Xiaowei couldn't help but want to laugh when she heard that. She reached out and drew a small circle on his chest. Her tone sounded somewhat sorrowful It was unclear whether it was true or not. "Are you really not bringing me out? Then don't you miss me? Or do you want to avoid me and go out to find other women?"

"What do you think?" Huangfu Qiye snorted coldly.

Tang Xiaowei also snorted coldly. "Hmph, if you dare to find other women, I'll go find my godbrother..."

"You dare!" Huangfu Qiye was furious. He stretched out his hand and turned her body to face him. The two of them immediately faced each other. His face was dark, and his eyes were blazing with anger. "If you dare to find other men, I'll kill every single one of them!"

"I'm joking with you. Who told you to threaten me on purpose and not take me out?" Tang Xiaowei pinched his handsome face helplessly. She didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

How could she find Ling Yijue? It was already impossible for her and Ling Yijue to be together.

"Tell me about the past. Now that I suddenly want to go out, I have no memory of many things. I feel very uncomfortable." Huangfu Qiye was finally willing to reveal his weakness in front of her.

He hugged her, his voice soft as he rested his head on her shoulder.

Tang Xiaowei heard him and looked at him in a daze.

The current him was usually very gentle. He would only be angry and domineering for a short while occasionally. Moreover, he was willing to tell her his weakness. He really trusted her.

"Okay." Tang Xiaowei nodded and pulled him to sit on the sofa.


Yuan Qi arrived on the island when it was dark.

Two helicopters and 10 bodyguards came with him.

Huangfu Qiye and Xiu Zhongsheng sat together again to discuss matters and let utler Xiu take Yuan Qi to rest.

Tang Xiaowei knew that she and Huangfu Qiye might leave tonight. She really couldn't bear to part with Xiao Anan, so she stayed with Xiao Anan and hugged the child tightly without letting go.

Xiao Anan also felt the atmosphere of parting. Xiao Anan said softly, "Mom, I really want to go with you and dad. However, great-grandfather said that I should study hard, so An An won't go out with you and dad. But don't worry, I've already threatened dad. He won't bully you."

Tang Xiaowei saw that her child was so obedient and considerate, so she couldn't express the sadness in her heart.

She hugged Xiao Anan and said gently, "Dad and mom will be back soon. Even if they can't come back soon, mom will video-chat with you every day, okay?"

Although Xiao Anan was comforting his mother just now, he didn't feel very good. Now that he heard his mother say that she would video call him every day, his mood improved.

"Okay, okay. Then Mommy will call me every morning and every night." The little guy raised two little fingers excitedly.

Tang Xiaowei smiled and nodded. "Okay, call An An twice every day."

Only then did Xiao Anan become even happier.

Tang Xiaowei's mood improved a lot. While the mother and son were talking, the door was pushed open and Huangfu Qiye appeared at the door.

He walked in, closed the door, and asked curiously, "What are you talking about? Why are you so happy?"

Xiao Anan raised his head and said happily, "I told mom and dad that they have to call An An twice a day from now on. This way, I won't feel sad that she can't see mom anymore."

Tang Xiaowei saw that the child had explained so clearly, so she didn't say anything. She just gently rubbed the little guy's head and looked at Huangfu Qiye gently.

"Good boy." Huangfu Qiye squatted down in admiration and reached out to hug Xiao Anan.

Xiao Anan was even happier. He was jumping around excitedly in Huangfu Qiye's arms.

Tang Xiaowei quickly pulled Xiao Anan back. "An An, don't move. Your father's wounds haven't fully healed yet."

Only then did Xiao Anan carefully push away Huangfu Qiye's large hand. He then looked at Huangfu Qiye worriedly. "Father, did I touch your wounds just now?"

"I'm fine." Huangfu Qiye stood up and walked over to sit beside Tang Xiaowei. He reached out to pick up Xiao Anan and sat him on his lap. Then, he turned to ask Tang Xiaowei, "Yuan Qi has already arrived. I've just met him. We've agreed to rest here for the night and leave tomorrow morning. What do you think?"

It was already dark. Huangfu Qiye was unwilling to travel at night with the pregnant Tang Xiaowei. In any case, it was not a particularly urgent matter. He could leave tomorrow morning.

Tang Xiaowei naturally let him do whatever he wanted, so she nodded. "Alright, then we'll leave tomorrow morning. However, did you think of anything when you saw Yuan Qi just now? And what did you guys talk about?"

"I didn't remember anything. As for what I said, I just casually said a few words. After all, Yuan Qi wouldn't say anything in front of grandfather. He's a pretty good subordinate. And I've forgotten everything, so I have nothing to say."