Chapter 683: Tao Xian is about to go crazy

Tao Yuyan could no longer hear what the furious host behind her said, as if Tao Yuyan had killed her entire family.

The lunch in front of her was pushed to the ground by her. She widened her eyes in horror, unable to believe what she had just seen on the news.

How could this be?

How could there be such news?

She was not a celebrity. Why would someone slander her like this?

Although it was true that she had an abortion a few years ago, she had never seduced any man. Ever since she was young, she had only interacted with Tao Xian the most.

But now, she was actually on the news. She had been slandered as such a promiscuous person.

Tao Yuyan hugged her knees in fear. Tears of fear fell one after another.

What should she do now?

What should she do to make everyone believe that she was not what the news said she was?


Tao Baba and Tao Baba both had the habit of reading the morning paper.

So during breakfast, Tao Xian did not come downstairs to eat breakfast because he had a hangover last night. There were only Tao Baba and Tao Mama at the table.

Tao Baba's mother gently served Tao Baba porridge.

Tao Baba took the morning paper and prepared to read it.

When Tao Baba saw the news this morning, his eyes immediately widened. "What is this? How can there be such news? Who did it?"

Tao Baba couldn't believe it. He threw the newspaper away and was so angry that he wanted to beat someone up.

When Tao Baba's mother saw him like this, she hurriedly asked, "What's wrong? Did something bad happen to our family's company?"

"Go and see for yourself. I'll go look for Ah Xian," Tao Baba said angrily and then rushed upstairs.

Tao Mama didn't understand what was going on, so she picked up the newspaper and was ready to read it. When she read it, she almost fainted.

"Yuyan..." Her daughter was definitely not like what the news said. Who was deliberately slandering Yu Yan?

Tao Baba was extremely angry and hurriedly ran upstairs.

Tao Xian was woken up from his sleep. When he opened his eyes, he saw his parents looking at him with anxiety and anger.

He frowned, turned over and continued to sleep. "Dad, mom, don't disturb me if there's nothing. I'm very sleepy now."

"Take a look at this yourself!" Tao Baba threw the newspaper at Tao Xian angrily and shouted angrily, "I really don't know who's behind this, since they're slandering Yu Yan like this."

Tao Xian hadn't read the newspaper yet, but when he heard his father angrily mention Yu Yan's name, he was still stunned for a moment. In the end, he took the newspaper and began to read it.

A few seconds later, he sat up with a gloomy face and roared through gritted teeth, "Who did this? F*ck, I'm going to kill them!"

He was only wearing a pair of pajama pants. He did not realize that he needed to change his clothes. Then, he ran out of the door with the newspaper in his hands.

Tao Baba could not catch up with him at all. However, his parents were very satisfied with him being so worried about Yuyan. They knew that with Ah Xian handling it, there would definitely be a good result so they shouted from behind, "Ah Xian, we must find the culprit who slandered Yuyan and let that culprit go to jail!"

Tao Xian could no longer hear what his parents said. After he rushed out of the house, he immediately started his car and rushed to his own company.

At the same time, he also made a call and ordered in a gloomy tone, "Immediately contact xx forum and get someone to delete all the posts about Tao Yuyan. Also, we must find out who posted this!"

"Yes, president, please rest assured," the other party replied respectfully.

Tao Xian then hung up the phone and started to call another secretary. After the call was connected.. He said coldly, "Immediately go and find the hosts of MK's entertainment news station and the management of MK's magazines. If one of them is missing, kill them all!"

"President, this..." the secretary was a little surprised and wanted to ask about it.

Tao Xian's voice became even colder. "Is there a problem? If there's a problem, you can go to the personnel department to collect your salary and get lost!"

"No problem, no problem. I'll do it right away. Don't worry, president." The secretary heard this and did not dare to ask any more questions. He hurriedly nodded his head. Although Tao Xian could not see, the secretary still felt afraid.

Tao Xian ended the call and held back for a few minutes. In the end, he could not hold it in anymore and finally dialed Tao Yuyan's phone number.

At this moment, did she know about this?

Then where exactly was she? Was she afraid?

Would the people around her bully her and insult her because they believed in these fabricated things?

He frowned with a headache. The more he thought about it, the more afraid and worried he became.

However, what made him even more worried was that her cell phone was turned off and he could not get through.

Tao Xian was about to go crazy.

He had no choice but to call his friend and ask him to find out where Tao Yuyan had taken the train to yesterday.

After telling his good friend what to do, Tao Xian arrived at the entrance of his company building.

He had prepared his clothes in the car, so when he got out of the car, he had already changed into a simple casual suit.

He quickly walked into the company building and finally entered his office.

At this moment, his cell phone rang and secretary number one reported, "President, all the posts and news on the internet have been deleted, but it will take some time to find the person who posted the post. I will try my best to find him by today."

"Let me know immediately when you find that person," Tao Xian ordered coldly and hung up the phone.

At this moment, secretary number two knocked on the door of the office. "President, the people you asked to find have all been found. They are in the conference room outside."

Tao Xian heard this and walked out with a dark face.


An hour later.

When the news was broadcast in the news station this morning, the female host who wantonly insulted Tao Yuyan reappeared on the television screen. This time, she bowed to the camera with a regretful and apologetic look. Then she said, "I'm sorry, Miss Tao Yuyan. Our television station and magazine agency had spread rumors and slandered you because we didn't get to the bottom of the matter. I'm really sorry. We only now know that what was said in the previous post was false. Everyone in our station apologizes to you for slandering your reputation."

After the female host finished speaking, many people walked over. These were all the staff members who had joined the news broadcast this morning, as well as the staff members and management of the magazine agency that had published the newspaper.

Everyone looked at the camera and said sorry.

At the same time, on major websites.