Chapter 693: She bled a lot

In the hospital, because Tang Xiaowei did not have any identification on her, no one knew who she was.

However, when they examined her body, they knew that she was pregnant. Now that she was bleeding, it was very easy for her to miscarry. Therefore, the doctors did not delay and immediately treated her.


After taking the antidote, Huangfu Qiye fell into a deep sleep for an hour before he woke up.

When he woke up, he was covered in sweat and was pressed into the bathtub by two tall bodyguards.

He frowned and was about to scold them, but he quickly remembered that he was drinking with a client. Because he was not paying attention, he accidentally drank a glass of wine and soon lost control of his thoughts and body. There were many things that happened after that he could not remember.

Now that he was awake, these two bodyguards were people who were under Yuan Qi's control in the past, so they were the ones who saved him. Therefore, he only ordered in a low voice, "I'm done. You can leave now."

Hearing his voice, the two bodyguards immediately nodded, then stood up and walked out.

A few minutes later, Huangfu Qiye walked out in a bathrobe. He saw several bodyguards in the room. All of them were supposed to be protecting Tang Xiaowei in the forest manor with Yuan Qi. He frowned slightly. "Why are all of you here? Didn't I tell you to protect young madam in the manor?"

"Young master, it's because young madam hasn't been able to get through to your phone, so she asked Yuan Qi to bring her over to look for you. Just now, the scene of you being drugged and with that woman surnamed Huang was already seen by young madam. Now, young madam she..." the bodyguard hurriedly explained. He even told Huangfu Qiye about the current situation.

Huangfu Qiye's brows furrowed even deeper. He turned his head and looked at the bodyguard who had just spoken. He questioned sternly, "What? What did you say?''

"Young master, just now, young madam saw you with another woman. She didn't know that you were drugged, so she ran out very sadly. Now, Yuan Qi has already brought people out to look for her, but they still haven't found young madam." The bodyguard had no choice but to answer carefully. He was deeply afraid of being beaten up.

Huangfu Qiye's face suddenly turned dark.

After he lost his normal consciousness just now, he was actually with another woman?

And he was even seen by Xiaowei!

Damn it!

How could such a thing happen?

Who exactly was that so-called woman?

And where exactly was Xiaowei now?

He didn't have time to think too much. He turned around and rushed out. He had to find Xiaowei. He had to explain clearly that because he didn't have his previous memories, this was the first time he came out to discuss business. He thought that his identity was right here. No one would play tricks on him, but he didn't expect that he had miscalculated and was even drugged.

He thought about how Xiaowei was sensitive and extreme. Last time, before he realized that he was in love with her, he had said a lot of things to provoke her with Xiu Lulu. In the end, she even jumped into the sea to commit suicide.

This time, if he didn't find her earlier, what if she couldn't get over it?

Huangfu Qiye couldn't imagine what meaning there was in his life if Tang Xiaowei didn't exist in this world without him.


A few minutes later, Huangfu Qiye did not have the time to change his clothes. He put on his bathrobe and brought everyone he could bring along with him to look for Tang Xiaowei.

However, because it was dark and this was a high-end hotel, there were very few pedestrians around, so they could not find Tang Xiaowei's whereabouts.

In the end, a video was sent from the hotel. Then, they found the video of Tang Xiaowei crying at the entrance of the hotel and leaving in a taxi.

However, the surveillance camera did not capture the license plate of the taxi. So far, there was no way to know where the taxi had taken Tang Xiaowei.

Huangfu Qiye continued to ask people to continue searching, while he gritted his teeth and endured the pain in his heart. His eyes were fixed on the video in his phone.

In it, there was her back view of running out of the hotel in a hurry, and a side profile of her when she got into the taxi. Just from this side profile, he could clearly see her face full of tears and sad eyes.

When he had just lost consciousness, he must have done something that made her very sad. Out of frustration, he suddenly punched the window glass.

The car was suddenly jolted. Because the glass was specially made, the glass did not break. However, his hand was immediately cut open, and a lot of blood flowed out.

But when he saw her tears, he did not care how much blood he had shed.

"I'm sorry, Xiaowei, I'm sorry." He held his head in frustration.


When Tang Xiaowei woke up, the ward was very quiet.

There was no one in there.

Her thoughts slowly returned and she recalled everything that had happened before.

However, she did not forget the reason she came to the hospital after she fainted and was saved by the doctor.

She struggled to get out of the bed and walked out of the ward.

Her face was pale and she walked to the front desk like an expressionless dummy. Only then did she see the two young nurses on duty.

When the young nurse saw her, she immediately asked, "Miss, you're awake. How do you feel?"

"Oh right, the doctor said that your fetus is not very stable and needs a good rest. You should quickly go back and rest. Don't come down and walk around anymore. Otherwise, something will really happen to the child. It was bleeding just now. But, you should contact your family. The driver who took you to the hospital previously only helped you pay the registration fee. You still have a lot of medical fees to pay."

"I'll call my family very soon to help me pay. But, can you arrange a surgery for me now? I want to get rid of the two children in my stomach," Tang Xiaowei said softly as if she had lost her soul.

The two nurses did not expect that the patient would say such a thing. Both of them were stunned.

They thought that the woman who was sent to the hospital and was bleeding had come to save the babies because of a problem. They did not expect that she would wake up now and ask to get rid of the child.

The two nurses immediately looked at Tang Xiaowei with a helpless and disdainful gaze. Then, they said coldly, "There's no gynecologist on duty tonight, so miss, if you want to have an abortion, you can only wait until tomorrow. However, it's better for you to pay the medical fees we talked about just now as soon as possible."

"Okay, I got it. Thank you." Tang Xiaowei nodded and then walked back stiffly.

After walking around the corner, she saw the stairwell in front of her and the ward not far away from her. Then, tears immediately flowed out of her eyes.

Now, what should she do?

Just now, she had the courage to say that she wanted to abort the child, but...