Chapter 686: Still Trying to quibble?

When Tang Xiaowei heard this, her interest was completely extinguished.

"Alright, alright, then we won't go. We'll go after the baby is born."

"That's a good girl." Huangfu Qiye held her face and couldn't help but kiss her.

A few minutes later, their kiss was interrupted by the ringtone of their cell phones.

Huangfu Qiye stopped impatiently and went to get his cell phone.

Tang Xiaowei panted and asked him, "Have you found Yuyan's exact location?"

Huangfu Qiye answered the call and pressed the speakerphone. Then, he hugged Tang Xiaowei. Yuan Qi's voice immediately rang out in the study room.

"Young master, we've found her. Yesterday, Miss Tao indeed took the train at 3 pm to s province. She's still there. She's currently staying in a hotel. She hasn't come out since she entered yesterday. However, many people there seem to have seen the news on the internet and television stations. They all thought that Miss Tao isn't a good person. Now that many people know she's there, they're all blocking the entrance of that hotel."

Huangfu Qiye only listened indifferently and did not speak.

After hearing this, Tang Xiaowei was very anxious. Then, she began to shake Huangfu Qiye. "Ye, send some people over to help Yuyan. Bring her back."

"Okay." Huangfu Qiye did not refuse. He could only nod and agree. Then, he instructed Yuan Qi, "Yuan Qi, bring a few people over to s province immediately. Bring young madam's good friend back safely as soon as possible."

"Yes, young master." Yuan Qi respectfully agreed.

Only then did Huangfu Qiye end the call. Then, he turned to look at the little woman sitting on his lap. "Are you satisfied now?"

"Yes, yes, I'm very satisfied. It's good to have you." Although Tang Xiaowei was still worried about Yuyan, now that Huangfu Qiye had helped her, she really felt that having him was especially good.

"Then you can talk to me now. Why are you hiding from me and secretly watching TV? Didn't I say that you're pregnant now, so you shouldn't come into contact with electronic products, yes?" Huangfu Qiye pulled her between his chest and the table He stared at her with an imposing manner.

Tang Xiaowei unconsciously swallowed her saliva. "I just felt that it was too boring, so I just casually watched it. I promise you that I won't watch it in the future. Moreover, it's fortunate that I watched TV today. Otherwise, I wouldn't have known that Yuyan was bullied. If that was the case, how could I still be Yuyan's good friend?"

"Still quibbling?" Huangfu Qiye slightly lowered his voice and frowned. It was obvious that he was going to get angry.

"Alright, I promise you to come into contact with it less in the future." Tang Xiaowei saw that he was going to get angry, and she was the one who was in the wrong, so she hurriedly raised her hand to guarantee that she wouldn't come into contact with electronic products in the future.

"It's best not to touch it. If there's a need, let me come. I'll tell you after I watch it." Huangfu Qiye thought about it and couldn't bear to let her down, so he had to come up with a solution.

Who knew that just as he brought it up, Tang Xiaowei immediately looked at him seriously. "Are you serious? If it's true, if there's a time in the future when I want to watch TV, you'll watch it for me first, then tell me the plot?"

"It's not impossible." Although Huangfu Qiye's expression was indifferent and his brows were slightly furrowed, he still agreed.

"Then let's go. There's a very good TV series recently. You can help me watch it first and then tell me the plot later tonight." Tang Xiaowei immediately jumped off his leg and held his hand as they walked out.

Huangfu Qiye had no choice but to get up. Then, he reached out and grabbed her waist as they walked out of the study.


Tao Yuyan turned off the television. Her phone was also automatically turned off because it was out of battery, so she did not charge it.

She sat on the sofa in a daze, her entire body trembling.

Anger, fear, fear, pain, all sorts of emotions were flooding her body.

She had no idea what she should do.

She was even more clueless as to why someone would target her in such a way, posting so many false things that slandered her on the internet.

It was not until a few hours later that she regained her composure. Then, she went down to pick up her phone and prepared to charge it. She decided to call the police.

Someone had slandered her on the internet in such a way that she had never done it. She could not allow this matter to be spread.

No matter who the other party was, she had to call the police and get them to help her find the person who slandered her.

However, when she turned her phone on and was about to call the police, a call came from her phone.

The caller ID showed that it was Tao Xian.

Seeing that it was his name, Tao Yuyan thought for a moment and hung up the phone. She did not pick up the call.

Then, she dialed 1 / 1 / 0 of the number.

Soon, a police officer answered her call. However, when the police officer heard what she said, he anxiously told her that this matter had already been reported to the police. The posts and news on the internet had been deleted. Now, the police and Fang were pursuing the person who had spread the rumor and making her wait for the results.

Tao Yuyan could not believe it. After ending the call, she immediately logged into Weibo and searched the internet. As expected, there were no posts that slandered and insulted her.

The only thing that was left was the video of the female host who had insulted her on television and many people apologizing to her.

Tao Yuyan looked at the video in shock. She could not understand why someone would help her report this to the police. Moreover, these people from the television stations and magazines had personally apologized to her.

However, when she saw the end of the video, she immediately understood.

So it was him. It was Tao Xian who was helping her.

Tao Yuyan immediately turned off the video and could not stop her body from trembling.

She lowered her head and covered her face with both hands.

In the so-called expose post, there were many photoshopped photos of her face. Her face was with other women and other men, with their ears, sideburns, and bodies. It was an unbearably lewd scene.

She felt disgusted and unbearably ashamed when she saw such a scene.

However, Tao Xian had also seen it.

Although those were not real, it still made her feel very uncomfortable.

She had always felt inferior and had always been careful.

Now, she was very clear that even if she cleared her name in the future, there would still be an unbearable past that would be remembered by others.

Just thinking about it made her feel terrified and her entire body felt cold.

At this moment, her phone rang again. It was Tao Xian again.

He really had perseverance. However, didn't he already have a girlfriend and was preparing to get engaged? Moreover, he and she had already fallen out, so why was he helping her now?

Tao Yuyan did not dare to and did not want to talk to him, so she quickly turned her phone off.