Chapter 710: I'm so lonely here alone

However, he still needed to make use of Li Taohua again, so he could only seek revenge on her in the future.

At the same time, this time, he gave himself and Tao Yuyan one last chance. It would be great if they succeeded, but if they didn't, he would really let go.

He didn't know about Li Taohua's arrival at first, but after the security guard called, he knew.

Since Li Taohua wanted to die so badly, he would first send her to the police and the police station.

He'll take care of everything after that.

"Yuyan, this is our last chance."

Tao Xian looked at the sky outside the window, his eyes deep and cool.


Tang Xiaowei hadn't seen Huangfu Qiye since she woke up from the coma that day.

Five days.

At first she thought she was rejecting him, but at the same time she was reviewing herself and trying to ignore things that he didn't want to do.

In addition, he had not appeared, her whole person had been tortured and in pain. She simply could not calm down to stay.

She did not know what he meant.

She also did not know how she should face him at this moment.

Therefore, when she received a call from Ling Shitian that day, she suddenly had the thought of going out for a walk and temporarily leaving the forest manor.

Therefore, she had made a final agreement with Ling Shitian. After she had recovered a little next month, she would go to England to visit Ling Shitian.

Ling Shitian smiled kindly on the other end of the phone and said, "Little rosette, you have to take good care of yourself. When you come next month, if possible, bring Xiao Anan along. Ah Jue and I miss you both very much."

"En, when the time comes, I will think of a way to bring An An along." Tang Xiaowei had been alone for the past few days and no one had spoken to her. Now that she finally had someone to talk to, her mood was naturally much better.

She also remembered that she had not seen Uncle Tian for a long time. Ever since she wanted to open a coffee shop after graduation, she had left the UK for a few months.

After that, she met Huangfu Qiye and many things happened. She did not have the time to go to the UK to visit Uncle Tian.

There was also Ling Yijue. Previously, he was the one who accompanied her to the cruise ship to look for Huangfu Yuner. However, after that, she jumped into the sea with Huangfu Qiye and left. In the end, she even had to trouble Ling Yijue to help her send back the shares of the Shangguan family.

At that time, she thought that she was afraid that Huangfu Qiye would be angry, so she did not dare to call Ling Yijue to thank him.

When she got better the next month, she would still go to England to visit Uncle Tian and thank Ling Yijue in person. Only then would she feel at ease.

After that, Tang Xiaowei and Ling Shitian chatted for a long time before ending the call.

Tang Xiaowei put down her phone and rested for a while before eating dinner. Then, she called Xiao Anan.

On the phone, Xiao Anan was obviously very happy. "Mom, a teacher taught me how to ride a horse today. Although it's a little scary, I learned very well. The teacher even praised me."

Tang Xiaowei lay on the bed and listened to the child's voice, which was no longer as childish as before. She felt a little heartache. "An An is still young. Why are you learning how to ride a horse now? What do you learn every day?"

Xiao Anan heard her mother's worries and hurriedly said obediently, "Mom, An An learns very easily every day. An An doesn't feel tired, so mom shouldn't worry."

"Are you really not tired? But mom is still worried that there will be danger. Why don't you give your great-grandfather your phone, and I'll talk to him."

Tang Xiaowei thought about it and still wanted to talk to Xiu Zhongsheng.

Although she didn't want to see this child achieve nothing in the future, she also didn't want to see a three-year-old child learn many things that were not suitable for such a young child.

"Great-grandfather has gone on a long trip these two days. Only housekeeper Xiu is at home to accompany me." Xiao Anan sat down in his chair. A bored expression appeared on his small face. Then, he looked around. Other than the servants, there were also bodyguards. His voice sounded a little disappointed. "Mom, when will you and dad come back? Why did you and dad go out and now great-grandfather has gone out? I'm alone here. It's so lonely."

"An An, be good. Mom will come to pick you up in half a month. When that time comes, let's go to England to see your grandpa Tian. What do you think?" When Tang Xiaowei heard the child's voice, her tears almost fell. She also missed An An and didn't want to be separated from him.

However, even if she wanted to go back and hug him now, her physical condition wouldn't allow it.

Xiao Anan heard her mother say that she would be able to see her mother in half a month, and she could also visit her grandpa Tian. Xiao Anan immediately became happy. "Mommy, is what you said true? In half a month, we will go to visit Grandpa Tian together?"

Ling Shitian was especially good to Xiao Anan, so Xiao Anan also missed Ling Shitian very much.

Speaking of which, Xiao Anan hadn't seen his grandpa Tian for a few months.

"Of course it's true. So, you have to be careful. Don't learn anything dangerous. Otherwise, if anything happens, mommy will worry about you. By then, you won't be able to go far, understand?" Tang Xiaowei reminded the child gently.

After hearing this, Xiao Anan obediently held his phone. Although his mother could not see it, he still nodded excitedly. "Yes, yes, I will be good. Don't worry, Mommy. I'll see you in half a month."

"Okay." Tang Xiaowei took a deep breath. She really wanted to go back right now and hold Xiao Anan in her arms.

Ever since she gave birth to an an, she rarely separated from an an.

Even though she had to go to school at the time, she insisted on taking care of Xiao Anan every day after she went back.

But now, she was unable to go back and could only call the child more.

She chatted with the child a lot more.


After the call ended, the phone in Ling Shitian's hand was taken to the side by Ling Yijue. Ling Yijue's expression was a little worried and he frowned slightly.

As for Ling Shitian, his face was pale and his body was skinny as he lay on the bed. Not far away from him were many pieces of medical equipment. Ling Shitian was still in the condition of an infusion at the moment.

"Father, your condition is getting worse and worse. When you meet Xiaowei in half a month, she will definitely notice that something is wrong with you." Ling Yijue's tone was full of worry.

He was worried about Ling Shitian's health, but he was also worried that Xiaowei would break down if she knew that Ling Shitian's condition was not good.

Ling Shitian heard this and shook his head indifferently. "Don't worry, I am still very well now. I will rest for another half a month and meet little rose in half a month. By then, I will definitely be able to recover."