Chapter 707: That woman is not a good person

After that, Li Taohua called her friends and went to the wedding dress shop to try on her custom-made wedding dress.

That's right. Although she and Tao Xian were only engaged in a few days and not getting married, she still wanted to wear a wedding dress.

She walked into the wedding dress shop with her good friend and immediately asked the salesperson to bring out the wedding dress that she had ordered before. She wanted to try it on.

"Taohua, what does your Tao Xian mean? He said that he was going to get engaged to you. Why didn't the Tao family prepare properly? Besides, you ordered the wedding dress yourself. Why didn't he come to accompany you?" Li Taohua's friend said angrily.

Li Taohua immediately glared at her good friend. "Don't talk about our Ah Xian like that. He is like this because he is too busy with work."

Tao Xian only said that he was going to get engaged to her and that he had set the date in a few days.

However, Tao Xian did not mention anything about the day of the engagement party or the custom-made wedding dress to her. However, even if he did not say it, she could prepare it herself.

"Alright, I can't say anything bad about him in front of you." Li Taohua's friend sighed helplessly. Then, she suddenly thought of something. She said softly, "Oh right, Taohua, have you seen the news from two days ago? Tao Xian's sister, Tao Yuyan, was exposed on the internet and exposed in a scandal. She even appeared on the television station. I heard that she was not a good woman. However, in the end, the television station and the magazine company apologized. Now, I don't know whether that woman, Tao Yuyan, was wronged or was just a slut. She might just used money to settle this matter."

"Who can say for sure about this? However, Ah Xian and I were about to get engaged. Ah Xian called his sister and asked her to come home. However, his sister ignored him and said coldly that she wanted to go on a trip. She said that she didn't like me and then hung up." Li Taohua heard her good friend talking about Tao Yuyan. She didn't explain. Instead, she took out the previous incident and raised her voice to tell her good friend about it.

When Li Taohua's friend heard it, she immediately became furious. "As expected, that woman is not a good person. She did not even meet you and said that she does not like you. Who does she think she is? You are married to Tao Xian, not her. She simply does not want to see you do well. Does she not know that you are her brother's future wife? She actually has no upbringing at all. She even hung up the phone and said that she wanted to go on a trip. I think she is just using the hard earned money of your future husband to go out and spend it recklessly. Taohua, when you marry Tao Xian in the future, you must remember to take good care of your husband. You can't let others cheat away the hard earned money of your husband."

"Alright, I know. Let's not talk about that woman anymore. She's in a bad mood. Quick, let me see. Is my wedding dress pretty?" Li Taohua quickly changed the topic and did not want to continue talking about Tao Yuyan.

"Of course it's pretty. Taohua, you used to be the school belle of our school. If you wear this wedding dress, you'll be the most beautiful bride." Li Taohua's friend's family was very poor. Over the years, she got to know Li Taohua, a friend who was considered the daughter of a rich businessman. After receiving help from Li Taohua, she lived a decent life and successfully graduated from university. After that, she even went to work at Li Taohua's home.

Therefore, this friend of Li Taohua listened to Li Taohua very much. Every day, other than praising Li Taohua, she would also insult the people they hated together with Li Taohua.

Therefore, Li Taohua happily continued to try on the wedding dress.

After that, she felt that the wedding dress was quite beautiful. Then, she asked the staff of the wedding dress shop to help her pack up the wedding dress and send it home. Then, she walked out of the wedding dress shop hand in hand with her good friend and took out her phone to call Tao Xian.

However, she called a few times, but the phone showed that she could not get through.

She wondered if Tao Xian had blocked her number.

Her good friend next to her saw her sullen face and asked her hurriedly, "What's wrong, Tao Hua? Is it disconnected?"

"No, it's probably because he's very busy, so he didn't keep his phone with him. I'll contact him later." How could Li Taohua admit that she could not get through to Tao Xian's phone? She was about to get engaged to Tao Xian.

In the future, not only would her parents think highly of her, but her former classmates and friends would also come over to hug her.

Moreover, in her eyes, this good friend of hers was just a more obedient dog that she had raised with money. Therefore, in front of the dog, how could the owner admit that he was not capable.

"I'm hungry. Let's go to a nearby restaurant to eat something." Li Taohua walked forward arrogantly.

Her good friend hurriedly followed. "Okay, okay. I'm hungry too. Let's go together."


A few days passed. It was getting closer and closer to the day that Tao Xian said he was going to get engaged to Li Taohua. Tomorrow was the day that he said.

During this period of time, he had been staying in the Tao family's company and had not come out.

Other than a few phone calls with his parents, Tao Xian did not see anyone.

Among them, Li Taohua could not contact him at all, so when she saw that the day was getting closer and closer to the day Tao Xian said, she became even more anxious.

She could not get through to Tao Xian's phone, so she did not know the truth. She did not know how the engagement party was going to be held the next day and where it was going to be held.

Her parents asked her to ask Tao Xian, and she pretended to call Tao Xian. Unfortunately, after she could not get through, her parents began to suspect her, and her idiot brother began to laugh at her.

All of this made Li Taohua extremely angry. She directly lied, saying that Tao Xian was giving her a surprise, and that he had been quite busy recently, so she did not want to call him. She would go to the Tao family to see the real situation.

Li Taohua's explanation made her parents believe her again. Then, they asked her to dress up and sent her out.

After Li Taohua was sent out by her parents, she sat in the car and snorted.

Fortunately, the man she chose to get engaged to was the man she liked the most, so even if her parents were so greedy for money and sent her to the car, she didn't feel much.

If her parents had given her to another man or an old man because of money, she would have hated her parents to death.

Li Taohua was sent to the Tao family's top-tier rich man's villa by her family's car.

She got out of the car and rang the doorbell.

Soon, a nanny came over to ask who she was. "Hello, may I know who you are?"

Li Taohua's expression turned cold when she saw that the other party was just a nanny.