Chapter 721: "I want to take a closer look at you. "

As he cursed angrily, he brought the medical kit over and began to treat her seriously and gently. Finally, he wrapped her with a bandage.

Tang Xiaowei watched him do all this quietly, and her heart was filled with incomparable sweetness.

She realized that although he had lost his memory, he was gradually becoming very similar to the previous Qiye who had not lost his memory. After all, he cared about her so much now, and at the same time, he was so overbearing and arrogant.

However, she still stopped him and said, "It's not the restaurant's fault. It's my own fault for being careless. Don't destroy the restaurant, or I'll feel guilty."

"Troublesome." Huangfu Qiye sighed with a dark face. Then, he put the medical box back to its original position and reached out to carry her to sit on his lap. He let her sit face to face with him at a close distance.

This posture really made her feel a little embarrassed.

She struggled for a while. "What are you doing? Can't you sit like that just now?"

"I want to look at you carefully." Huangfu Qiye did not put her back. Instead, he let her continue to sit like this and stared at her face very seriously.

Tang Xiaowei was soon uncomfortable under his stare. Her gaze was a little evasive. "Why are you looking at me like that? I remember that you were unwilling to visit me these past few days. Why? Have you thought it through now?"

"Tang Xiaowei, that crazy woman really drugged me that day. I promise you that this will never happen again. So, you are not allowed to be angry at me again, and you are not allowed to reject me. If you dare reject me, I will use a rope to tie you to my body. Wherever I go, you must follow me."

When Tang Xiaowei heard this, she was completely stunned.

What did he mean by this?

Wasn't he being too overbearing?

"Why aren't you saying anything? What are you thinking about?" After Huangfu Qiye finished speaking, he saw that she was in a daze and didn't say anything, so he anxiously shook her.

Tang Xiaowei hurriedly stopped him. "Don't shake, I feel a little nauseous."

"Do you feel nauseous? Then I'll put you down. I'll find a trash can for you," he muttered. Then, he really put her down and let her sit properly. He then found a trash can at the side and placed it in front of her, looking at her gently and domineeringly. He said with heartache, "Is it because of the baby in your belly that you want to vomit? Or is it because of carsickness? Go ahead and vomit."

Tang Xiaowei did feel like vomiting, but she couldn't tell if it was because of her pregnancy or carsickness.

However, his words and the fact that he suddenly became so overbearing today made her look at him suspiciously. Then, she leaned over and whispered in his ear, "How did you know that I would get carsick?"

Only Huangfu Qiye, who hadn't lost his memory, would know that she would get carsick.

And he said this now because he was just saying it casually, or because he had already...

Hearing her question, Huangfu Qiye's expression immediately changed, but he became very excited and happy.

He stared at her and raised his eyebrows slightly. The smile on his lips was full of mystery. "You guess."

Tang Xiaowei lightly punched his arm. "I'm not going to guess. You must tell me when we go back. Alright, put the trash can back. Although I want to vomit, I can't. Sit over here and let me lean against you."

Hearing this, Huangfu Qiye put the trash can back and sat beside her. He stretched out his big hand and pulled her small body into his arms and hugged her tightly.

"Lean against me."

"Qiye, I don't want to be angry with you anymore. In the future, let's not be angry for others, okay?" Tang Xiaowei closed her eyes and leaned against his chest. She remembered that he had been kissed by another woman because she was angry over the past few days. She felt very tired and painful living alone in the room.

She didn't want to experience such things again.

"Okay," Huangfu Qiye replied in a low voice. He wouldn't let others have the chance to disrupt his and Xiaowei's life and relationship in the future.

He wouldn't let Xiaowei have the chance to be angry with him again.

"Have you eaten?" Tang Xiaowei opened her eyes and looked up at him.

"No." He woke up early in the morning. Because he had regained his memory and knew that she wasn't at home, he immediately came out to look for her, so naturally, he didn't eat anything.

"I didn't eat anything just now. When we go back, let's eat together, okay?" She had not eaten with him for five days, so her appetite had been unusually poor these five days.

"Okay." Huangfu Qiye reached out to touch her face and gently pinched it. "You've lost weight. You have to fatten up in the future."

During the period when he lost his memory, she had suffered a lot. Now that she was pregnant and still so thin, he was really angry.

He was angry that he did not take good care of her.

He was also angry at his grandfather, Xiu Zhongsheng.

If Xiu Zhongsheng had a good talk with him at that time, he might have agreed to acknowledge him as his grandfather.

However, Xiu Zhongsheng drugged him and then asked Xiu Lulu to hypnotize him, causing him to hurt Xiaowei and causing her to suffer a lot.

He would not easily forgive Xiu Zhongsheng for all these.

"I don't know why, but I'm so sleepy when I'm near you." Tang Xiaowei could not help but yawn.

These past few days, she did not sleep very well because she thought too much.

But now, being carried by him, her sleepiness began to come to her door.

"If you're sleepy, then sleep for a while." Huangfu Qiye's expression gradually became gentle as he gently stroked her hair and cheeks.

Tang Xiaowei was held in his arms and leaned against his chest. Very soon, she fell asleep.


An hour later, the car slowly stopped on the forest manor's lawn.

A bodyguard immediately came up and gently opened the car door. Huangfu Qiye carried the sleeping Tang Xiaowei and got out of the car.

She hadn't woken up yet.

Huangfu Qiye looked at her sleeping face and walked into the manor with steady and powerful steps.

Soon, they arrived at the door of their bedroom.

He carried her in and carefully put her on the bed.

At this moment, she woke up slightly.

She stretched out her hands to hold his arms and looked at him in a daze. "Qiye, are we home?"

"Yes, I'm here." Huangfu Qiye didn't get up. He simply lowered his body and looked down at her with a gentle and affectionate gaze.

Tang Xiaowei had just woken up and they had reconciled previously, so she suddenly asked him embarrassedly, "I was too angry that day, so I didn't ask you. Now, I want to ask you a question."

"Okay, tell me." Huangfu Qiye looked at her tenderly.

"That's right... although you were drugged that day, but... but after I got pregnant, it has been more than a month since we... didn't do that... are you feeling very uncomfortable recently? If you feel uncomfortable, do you want to..."