Chapter 723: Miss Tao committed suicide by jumping into a river

The landlord did not say anything more after she refused to return the deposit for a month.

Tao Yuyan finally felt that she was no longer at ease after dealing with all this.

Then, she took nothing but the last 100 yuan she had on her.

Then, she went to her favorite store nearby.

She ordered two sets of dumplings with her favorite flavor.

In the end, she only ate two of each of the two bowls of dumplings and lost her appetite.

After paying for the dumplings, there was only eighty-two yuan left.

Tao Yuyan arrived at the bus stop, paid two yuan, and got on the bus.

Later, she got off at the entrance of a flower shop.

She only left two yuan, then used the last of her money to buy a few of her favorite stars of the sky.

Finally, she carried the few stars of the sky and got on another bus.

Half an hour later, the bus stopped at the terminus station. Tao Yuyan got off the bus and walked for more than ten minutes to reach the riverside in the suburbs.

She walked to a stone wall that was surrounded by fences. Then, she chose a seat and sat down.

There were very few pedestrians around. She only heard the sound of cars passing by, the sound of the wind, and the sound of water coming from the river in front of her.

The whole world seemed to have quieted down.

Today, she wore her favorite light pink dress, and her hair was tied into her favorite ponytail.

She looked up at the sky.

She had no idea who her biological parents were.

Where was her real home?

But even if she didn't know, she felt enough.

In her life, in just twenty years, she had received the love of her adoptive parents and the support and care of her good friends.

She had no more extravagant expectations.

If a person had no expectations for this world, or there was nothing in this world that she could continue to pursue...

Some people chose to continue living.

But she only wanted to choose to disappear from this world.

Now that everyone had their most important person, it didn't matter if one of them was missing.

When she heard Tao Xian say that they would be engaged in a week's time, she clearly knew that there was nothing in this world that could make her continue living.

Even if she gained a lot through hard work in the future, she had already lost the thing that was most important to her.

Therefore, in her last life, she didn't wait for the person that she had been looking forward to, but she went to see the scenery that she had always wanted to see.

This way, she did not have so many regrets.

The woman who was engaged to Tao Xian probably hated her. She was also worried that she would not be able to control her emotions when she saw them in the future.

Therefore, she did not feel that she was pretentious and willful when she disappeared from this world.

That was because everyone had the right to choose their own life and way of living.

The night was getting darker.

The surrounding street lamps were turned on. The dim yellow light illuminated Tao Yuyan's loneliness.

She finally stood up and walked forward with the stars in her arms.

She crossed the fence and kept walking forward.

Finally, she stood at the edge of the stone wall and listened to the sound of water coming from below. She closed her eyes and jumped down.

Splash! The sound of falling into the water was sad and lonely.


In the middle of the night, an urgent phone call woke up the two people who were sleeping.

Tang Xiaowei snorted in confusion. Huangfu Qiye immediately picked up the phone and answered, "Who is it?"

"May I ask if it's Tao Yuyan, Miss Tao's friend, Tang Xiaowei? Miss Tao is currently in critical condition and is in XX hospital..."

As the call was made in the middle of the night, and the surroundings were very quiet, Tang Xiaowei heard the voice on the phone clearly.

She immediately sat up and snatched the phone from Huangfu Qiye's hand. She asked the person on the other side in shock, "What did you say? What happened to Yuyan?"

"Miss Tao jumped into the river to commit suicide. Fortunately, someone was running in the night and saved her. But now, she is being treated in an emergency ward. Our hospital is informing the person on her phone that her phone just happened to be left on the stone wall. Miss Tang, please come over quickly." After the person on the other side of the hospital hurriedly finished speaking, she immediately hung up the phone.

Tang Xiaowei, on the other hand, was scared out of her wits.

How did this happen?

Why did Yuyan commit suicide by jumping into the river?

Tang Xiaowei thought of something.

Today, Tao Xian and Li Taohua were engaged. Although it didn't work out in the end, the engagement party was still ongoing when Yuyan left. At that time, she didn't contact Yuyan, so she forgot to tell her.

Could it be that Yuyan did this because of Tao Xian?

The more Tang Xiaowei thought about it, the more uncomfortable and angry she felt.

Why didn't she immediately call Yuyan and tell her that Tao Xian wasn't engaged to someone else?

And Yuyan, that big idiot, actually tried to commit suicide in such a quiet manner. She must have loved Tao Xian terribly but couldn't say it out loud. After seeing that Tao Xian was engaged to someone else, she couldn't bear to live, right.

No, she had to go to the hospital immediately. She didn't want Yuyan to die just like that.

"Don't cry, I'll go with you immediately." Huangfu Qiye also knew what the situation was like now, so he turned on the lights and prepared to take her out. But after turning on the lights and seeing Tang Xiaowei's face full of tears, his heart began to clench.

"Okay, we'll go to the hospital now." Tang Xiaowei hurriedly got out of bed and was about to run outside.

Huangfu Qiye was worried about her, and also worried about the baby in her belly. He hurriedly went up and picked her up. "Don't run around. I'll run you down."

"Okay." She nodded and tears flowed out again. She scolded angrily, "It's all my fault for not telling Yuyan in time. It's also Tao Xian's fault. If it weren't for him, Yuyan wouldn't have done this."

"Why is your friend so weak that she tried to commit suicide for this matter?" Huangfu Qiye couldn't help but feel that Tao Yuyan was too stubborn when he saw her crying so badly.

"You don't understand Yuyan. Besides, who do you think will feel good when you see the person you like getting engaged to someone else?" Tang Xiaowei glared at Huangfu Qiye angrily.

Huangfu Qiye was speechless and didn't want to make her angry again, so he had to change the topic. "Okay, I won't say anymore, but you have to be careful of your emotions. Don't be too emotional. If something happens to you and the child in your belly, I won't let you go."

"Yes, I know." Tang Xiaowei also knew that he was worried about her, so she nodded.

Huangfu Qiye carried Tang Xiaowei downstairs and quickly got the car ready. Then, they went to the hospital in the city.


At this moment, in the Tao family.

In the middle of the night, almost everyone was asleep.

However, there was still one person who did not sleep. After the engagement party was canceled, Tao Xian did not see Tao Yuyan at the Tao family home.