Chapter 731: Of course, I have to support you

"You have to be good. In a few days, daddy and mommy will come back to see you. " Huangfu Qiye looked at Tang Xiaowei worriedly, then said to Xiao Anan on the other end of the phone.

On the other end of the phone, Xiao Anan heard that it was his father who was talking.

He was very happy and asked excitedly, "Daddy, why is it you?"

The person who had been talking to Xiao Anan the past few days had always been Tang Xiaowei. Ever since Huangfu Qiye left the Xiu family's island, he rarely spoke to Xiao Anan on the phone.

Therefore, Xiao Anan was very happy to hear his voice.

When Huangfu Qiye heard the child's question, he also felt a little uncomfortable.

Previously, when he was angry with his memories, although he accepted Xiao Anan's existence, he did not take care of Xiao Anan very carefully.

Moreover, this time, not only did he have to complete the work arranged by his grandfather, Xiu Zhongsheng, but he also had to recover his memories. Moreover, Xiu Zhongsheng did not want them to take Xiao Anan away with them, so the child had no choice but to stay behind.

This caused the child to miss them now. Xiaowei also missed the child very much. He also wanted the family to be together all the time.


Ever since Tao Yuyan woke up, Tang Xiaowei had come to the hospital every day to see her and talk to her heart.

As for Tao Yuyan, she was only willing to see Tang Xiaowei, Tao Baba, and Tao Mama. She did not want to see anyone else.

Therefore, for the past two days, every time Tang Xiaowei came to the hospital to see Tao Yuyan accompanied by Huangfu Qiye, she would always see Tao Xian guarding the door of Tao Yuyan's ward like a god.

That morning, Tang Xiaowei personally cooked a pot of soup for Tao Yuyan, and then Huangfu Qiye came to the hospital with her.

However, at the door of the ward, Huangfu Qiye separated from her and went out first. He said that he was waiting for her in the car outside and asked her to call him when she left. Tang Xiaowei nodded and then walked into Tao Yuyan's ward with her lunch box. She ignored Tao Xian at the door.

Tao Xian knew that Tao Yuyan was not willing to see him and only wanted to see Tang Xiaowei and his parents, so he did not stop Tang Xiaowei and just stood guard at the door in silence.

Tang Xiaowei pushed open the door of the ward and walked in.

In the ward, Tao Yuyan got out of bed and was sitting on the sofa in front of the window in a daze with her legs crossed.

After she jumped into the river, she did not suffer any serious injuries. She only had some minor abrasions on her body. That night, she had been receiving emergency treatment because she had drunk too much water.

So, after resting for a few days, her condition also recovered.

At the same time, she saw Tao Baba, Tao Mama, and Tang Xiaowei. These people were all comforting Tao Yuyan, so now she no longer had any thoughts of suicide.

However, she still did not want to see Tao Xian.

Even though she already knew that Tao Xian was engaged to someone else because he wanted to provoke her, and he did not succeed in getting engaged to Li Taohua in the end.

However, Tao Xian's actions had given her a warning.

Tao Xian was indeed not the person she had imagined who could give her a sense of security and protect her.

Perhaps, she and Tao Xian were really not suitable for each other, so she should wake up a little.

She wanted to think about it for a few more days. After she was discharged from the hospital, she would have a good talk with Tao Xian.

In the future, no one should pester each other anymore. No one should suffer for each other anymore.

"Yuyan, I made fish soup for you. Qiye wanted to drink it when he saw it, but I didn't give it to him. I only packed all of it for you. Come over and see if you like it." After Tang Xiaowei entered the ward, she closed the door of the ward. Then, she carried the lunch box to the dining table, put it down, and opened it. She took out the soup box from inside.

Hearing Tang Xiaowei's words, Tao Yuyan felt a little embarrassed. "Xiaowei, I've been much better recently, and there's no lack of food here. Don't bring it for me. I'll be embarrassed if you do that."

"It's okay. I'll cook it for him when I go back. Come over quickly and drink it to see how it tastes " Tang Xiaowei had already taken out a beautiful porcelain bowl and poured out a night's worth of fish soup. She looked at Tao Yuyan expectantly.

Tao Yuyan walked over to the dining table and sat down. She could only smile and nod. Then, she picked up the porcelain bowl and began to drink.

"Mmm, it's very delicious. The temperature is just right, and the taste is especially good." After taking a sip, Tao Yuyan was full of praise.

Tang Xiaowei sat down opposite Tao Yuyan and smiled. "It's good that you like it."

"Yuyan, I've asked the doctor. The doctor said that you'll be able to leave the hospital in two days. Your previous house has been canceled, so I asked Qiye to find a new place for you. I'll pick you up in two days to take a look, okay?"

"Is the house you mentioned expensive?" Tao Yuyan was also thinking about this question. Previously, she thought that once she died, she would give up everything. The house had been canceled, and the money had been spent. All the good things in the house had been donated, and everything that could not be used had been thrown away.

Now, she was really penniless.

"Why are we still talking about money in our relationship? I know your current situation very well. You don't have a single cent now. Since I'm your friend, of course I have to support you." Tang Xiaowei was not afraid of Tao Yuyan getting angry, so she spoke frankly.

When Tao Yuyan heard this, because they were good friends, and because Xiaowei cared about her, she would not think too much and get angry.

However, she still shook her head. "Xiaowei, I know that you are doing this for my good and want to help me, but I am already an *****. I can't spend your money for nothing. If I do that, I will feel uncomfortable."

Hearing that, Tang Xiaowei reached out to hold Tao Yuyan's hand. She said seriously, "Yuyan, didn't we agree to open a coffee shop together? This time, you'll move into the house I found for you. Then, I'll ask Qiye to help. We'll open a coffee shop and let you manage it in the future because I'm pregnant. After that, when you have money, you can move out and look for a new house. Isn't that great?"

"Xiaowei, do you know that by doing this, I'll be taking advantage of you?" Tao Yuyan still shook her head.

Tang Xiaowei sighed, "Yuyan, are we still good friends?"

Tao Yuyan was silent for a few seconds when she saw this, then she said, "Alright, let me think about it, I..."

"No need to think about it, let's make this decision. Anyway, when you are discharged from the hospital, I will come to pick you up. I will arrange a house for you to stay in, and after you have rested and our coffee shop has opened, you can go to work, and you will have a job and money in the future." Tang Xiaowei did not allow Tao Yuyan to refuse. She had already thought of everything in the future.

Tao Yuyan had no choice but to nod her head gently.

Seeing that Yuyan had nodded her head, Tang Xiaowei heaved a sigh of relief. She chatted with Yuyan for a long time and saw that Yuyan had almost finished the fish soup, so she tidied it up.

At this moment, Tao Baba and Tao Mama knocked on the door and walked in.