Chapter 749: "I am the one who was bullied. "

Mu Sitian was determined not to leave.

She wanted to stay so that she could have a chance to pester Huangfu Qiye.

Only then could she possibly become the young madam of the Huangfu family.

Mu Yisen saw Mu Sitian's reaction and suspicion flashed through his heart.

This morning, Mu Sitian was obedient in front of him, and seemed to be very sensible.

However, the current Mu Sitian was obviously so irritable that she would not listen to anyone's words.

At this moment, Mu Sitian made Mu Yisen even more suspicious.

Was the previous Mu Sitian pretending to be obedient and sensible?

Now that she had been provoked, she finally revealed her true nature. She had also mentioned that Huangfu Qiye wasn't responsible for her, but this morning, he was also present. He had clearly heard Mu Sitian say that she didn't need Huangfu Qiye's responsibility. Although she didn't say it explicitly, her meaning was clear.

Previously, in front of Qiye, she had said that she didn't need to be responsible.

Now, she was shouting why he did not need to take responsibility for her.

Therefore, in his heart, he still believed that Mu Sitian might have done something with Huangfu Qiye last night. However, Mu Yisen no longer believed it and he began to suspect.

After all, her words were somewhat incoherent.

However, Mu Sitian still did not realize that her anger had exposed her true nature because she could not stay and was about to be sent abroad.

She was still making a big fuss. "Brother, I'm your younger sister. Even if I'm your cousin, I'm still your younger sister. How can you not help me? You want to see me being bullied by others and then send me abroad? I'm a virgin. Last night was my first and my second time. I've always been looking forward to meeting my true love and then giving my first and my second to my true love. But now, brother Qiye has taken my virginity. And I like him too. Why don't you help me? Instead of helping him. Why do you want to send me away? Do you still not believe that something happened last night? Alright, you can go to the hospital with me now for a check-up. The doctor will definitely be able to check if I was disfigured last night." Mu Sitian was about to go crazy. Because she suddenly knew that she was going to be sent away, she wasn't willing to pretend to be a little rabbit. Anyway, Huangfu Qiye couldn't see her now. She wanted Mu Yisen to help her, so she couldn't be bothered to pretend.

Unfortunately, she had underestimated the friendship between Mu Yisen and Huangfu Qiye.

Mu Yisen listened to her long story. Because he had already begun to suspect her, he didn't feel excited at all. Instead, he said calmly, "Go pack your clothes. When I find out the truth of the matter, I will give you a proper answer."

"I don't want any answer. I don't want anything. Just let me stay here. Isn't that enough?" Mu Sitian still refused loudly. Then, she suddenly cried pitifully, "Why are you doing this to me? Brother, why don't you help me? I didn't do anything. I'm the one who was bullied. I'm the most pitiful person. Why isn't anyone helping me? I don't want to go abroad. Please, don't send me away."

"Don't force me to use violence, Sitian. If the truth of the matter is that you've really been wronged, I will give you a satisfactory answer. When the time comes, I will do my best to give you whatever you want." Mu Yisen was still unmoved. It wasn't that the woman he liked was crying in front of him. He didn't feel touched at all.

Especially when it was his cousin whom he only met occasionally. If it wasn't for this matter, he wouldn't have paid much attention to the people from the second branch.

So, don't expect him to feel sorry for Mu Sitian.

When Mu Sitian saw Mu Yisen doing this, she knew that he was serious.

But she really didn't want to leave this place. She didn't want to leave home.

But right now, there was no one who could help her.

She gritted her teeth and began to think of a way.

However, how could she think of a way so easily?

Especially since she could not think of a reason that could suddenly stop her from leaving the country.

Therefore, in the end, she knew that she was really going to be sent abroad this time, but she did not want to go alone. Therefore, she hurriedly suggested, "Brother, I know that you are brother Qiye's friend, so this matter is very difficult. Although I do not want to go abroad, I do not want to give you any more trouble. Alright, I agree to go abroad. However, I do not want to go alone. I want to bring the maids and bodyguards of my family over."

"Sure, I'll assign you a maid and a bodyguard in a small village in England. You can stay there temporarily after you go," Mu Yisen nodded and agreed.

Thus, Mu Sitian revealed a sad expression and turned around to pack her clothes.

She had been crying and making a scene just now, but she still did not change Mu Yisen's decision.

And now, she could only listen to Mu Yisen obediently. After all, from her point of view, Mu Yisen still chose to believe her. That was why she suddenly woke up and felt that she had been too impatient just now. She hoped that Mu Yisen did not care too much about her irascibility just now.

She began to pretend to be an innocent little girl again.

Mu Yisen only glanced at Mu Sitian at the door and did not look at her anymore.

Half an hour later, Mu Sitian carried a small suitcase and followed Mu Yisen down the stairs.

Downstairs, Mu Sitian's parents did not rest. They were still sitting in the living room. They wanted to wait for Mu Yisen to leave and ask him why he came to look for Mu Sitian today.

But at this moment, when they saw Mu Yisen and their daughter, Mu Sitian, coming down together, and Mu Sitian carrying a suitcase and wearing clothes that were meant for going out, Mu Sitian's parents were stunned.

Mu Sitian's mother could not help but stand up and asked nervously, "Yisen, Sitian, are you going out? Why did you bring your luggage?"

Mu Yisen's expression was indifferent as he explained, "I have a friend who is going abroad in the next two days. Sitian and my friend agreed to go together, so I'm here to pick up Sitian today. Sitian might be going abroad for a few days."

Mu Yisen had already thought of an excuse, and he was very good at acting, so when he said these words, his expression was so serious that others would not be able to tell that he was speaking nonsense.

When Mu Sitian's parents heard this, they naturally took Mu Yisen's friend as Huangfu Qiye. Then, they nodded excitedly. "That's great. Since that's the case, all of you should go and have fun."

Mu Sitian's mother even gave Mu Sitian a look, but Mu Sitian was very unhappy, so she couldn't be bothered with her own mother.

Mu Sitian's parents didn't mind their daughter ignoring them.