Chapter 751: "Don't cry, I'll be there in the future. "

However, when Tang Xiaowei heard her cell phone ring, she struggled to push Huangfu Qiye away. Her face was flushed as she panted and said, "Wait for me to answer the call."

"Answer it." Huangfu Qiye was a little unhappy, but he didn't get angry. He just got out of bed and walked into the bathroom.

Tang Xiaowei glanced at him. Judging from his tone, he didn't sound angry, so she answered the call with ease.

As soon as the call was connected, she heard Tao Yuyan ask gently, "Xiaowei, do you have time now?"

Tang Xiaowei was still panting. "Yes, I do. Yuyan, what's the matter?"

"Why are you panting so much? Did you go hiking today?" Tao Yuyan was stunned for a moment and asked curiously when she heard Tang Xiaowei panting.

Tang Xiaowei's face turned even redder from embarrassment and hurriedly explained, "No, no. Uh, that's not important. You should just tell me what you're looking for me for."

Hearing Xiaowei's awkward explanation, no matter how slow Tao Yuyan was, she could roughly guess what Xiaowei was panting for. Therefore, she was a little embarrassed and stopped asking about what happened just now. Instead, she said, "Xiaowei, I've already recovered. I don't want to stay at home all day. I want to ask you about opening a coffee shop. If you're not ready to open it yet, I'll go out and look for a job in the next two days. When you open it in the future, if I have the chance, I'll come and help you."

Back then, after Tao Yuyan graduated from university, she did not immediately look for a job. Instead, she chose to open a bookstore.

Now that she had to go out and look for a job, although it might be a little difficult, she could still find a job.

"Don't look for a job yet. After my birthday, I'm going to open a coffee shop, so I'll wait for another two days. Oh right, if you feel bored these two days, you can come to the forest manor to accompany me. I'll get Yuan Shan to pick you up." Tang Xiaowei felt that it was very good to have a good friend to open a shop with her. Therefore, she didn't want Yuyan to go out to look for a job. This way, she would have less time and opportunities to meet Yuyan in the future.

"Regarding the matter of opening a coffee shop, I'll listen to you first. However, I won't disturb you two in the next two days. I'll go over to celebrate with you on your birthday." Tao Yuyan smiled gently.

"that works too. " Tang Xiaowei was relieved when she heard that Yuyan had agreed to her suggestion.

After that, the two of them chatted for a few minutes before ending the call.

After ending the call, Tang Xiaowei turned around and saw that Huangfu Qiye was still in the bathroom. She wanted to go and see him.

However, at this moment, there was a knock on their door.

She was stunned for a moment before she walked over and opened the door.

Outside the door were her foster parents, Tang Qingxuan and Ning Xintian.

"Dad, mom." Tang Xiaowei immediately smiled.

They had been living here since a while ago and had never left. However, Ning Xintian usually needed more rest, so Tang Qingxuan had been taking care of his wife in their room. Moreover, the quarrel between Huangfu Qiye and Tang Xiaowei was over the phone, so the two elders did not know about the affairs of the young people.

Seeing that Tang Xiaowei opened the door, Tang Qingxuan looked at her with a smile, while Ning Xintian held Tang Xiaowei's hand. She said earnestly, "Xiaowei, your father and I have lived here for a period of time. My health has improved a lot, but your father and I still have more feelings for our family's old house, so we wanted to come and tell you that your father and I are going to go back to the Tang family's old villa today."

"Go back to the Tang family's old villa?" Tang Xiaowei was stunned for a moment, then she remembered the villa that had not been lived in for a long time. At this moment, it was probably full of dust. She immediately shook her head in disapproval. "No, Dad, mom. There hasn't been anyone living there for a few years. It must be filled with dust. If you guys want to live there, you can go back after I get someone to clean it up. Besides, it's my birthday in two days. You guys can stay here for two more days. When the house is cleaned up, I won't stop you guys from going back."

"Xiaowei, actually, we've already told Qiye that we want to go back and live there. He also got someone to help us clean up the house. Today, I'm here to tell you that we really want to go back. Dad and mom haven't forgotten about your birthday. When it's your birthday, dad and mom won't be absent." Tang Qingxuan simply made things clearer. She wanted Tang Xiaowei to understand.

When Tang Xiaowei heard this, she looked at her adoptive parents in disbelief. "Dad, mom, you've already told Qiye. Has he helped you clean the house?"

"Yes, he has." Tang Qingxuan and Ning Xintian both nodded. Ning Xintian also said, "Xiaowei, although Qiye doesn't like to talk, I can tell that he is serious about you and really wants to be good to you. We are really relieved to hand you over to him in the future."

Tang Xiaowei could only nod silently, unable to say anything.

In fact, Huangfu Qiye did not talk much in front of others.

But in front of her, he spoke easily.

However, she would not tell her parents about these small private matters.

Therefore, after lunch, Tang Xiaowei, accompanied by Huangfu Qiye, sent her adoptive parents to the car on the lawn.

Seeing her adoptive parents get into the car and leave, and she could not go back with them, Tang Xiaowei had an inexplicable feeling in her heart.

Even though she and Huangfu Qiye weren't married yet, she already knew that this would be her home in the future. Huangfu Qiye was also her family, and the person she would rely on in the future would be him.

As she thought of this, her nose turned sour. She threw herself into his arms, hugged his waist, and buried her face in his chest.

"Why are you crying? Can't bear to part with your parents?" Huangfu Qiye naturally followed her and called Tang Qingxuan and Ning Xintian's parents. Although he also knew that they were only Tang Xiaowei's adoptive parents, as long as they treated Xiaowei well, he wouldn't care about anything.

"Okay." Tang Xiaowei nodded honestly, her voice full of sobs.

Huangfu Qiye simply carried her up and walked into the villa.

Very soon, he carried her back to the room.

After placing her gently and carefully on the sofa and sitting down, he squatted down in front of her and held her heart. His gaze was deep and gentle. "Don't cry. You still have me in the future. I will accompany you down the road until we grow old and disappear from this world."

He spoke very seriously and his tone was especially sincere.

Tang Xiaowei's nose was already sore. At this moment, tears suddenly rolled down uncontrollably and she suddenly cried. "I know."

He said, "I know."

This made Huangfu Qiye clearly understand what she was thinking.