Chapter 761: encircle her in his arms

He had no choice but to ask Aze to find a dozen more bodyguards at home to act as security guards.

Tang Xiaowei was very excited and happy at first when she saw the booming business of the coffee shop. After all, the coffee shop she had previously opened was very small and only had one floor. Moreover, the number of customers did not usually reach such a terrifying level.

Therefore, she had always been excitedly checking around the coffee shop.

Huangfu Qiye naturally stayed by her side to protect her.

However, in the end, their identities were discovered by many customers. Many people knew who they were and began to secretly take photos of them with their cell phones. Some of them even had the guts to say that they wanted to take photos with them so that they could buy a few more cups of coffee.

How could Huangfu Qiye agree to 'sell his body' for a few cups of coffee? Therefore, he naturally refused. Then, he dragged Tang Xiaowei, who had almost agreed to the customer's request, and left the coffee shop downstairs in a hurry. They returned to the office on the sixth floor.

As soon as the office door closed, the sound from outside was blocked because he had specially asked someone to renovate this place. Not only was the office sound-proof, but the glass was also bulletproof.

"Are you tired?" Tang Xiaowei sat in front of Huangfu Qiye helplessly. He sat on the sofa and then wrapped his arms and legs around her. This kind of posture was really embarrassing, but she didn't have time to be embarrassed. She was only worried that he was tired.

After all, they had been busy for more than two hours just to accompany her to the opening ceremony.

"I'm not tired, " Huangfu Qiye replied calmly. Then, he blew on her neck. "There are too many people downstairs. Anyway, there are waiters and bodyguards guarding. Nothing will happen. You are the lady boss now, and you have a baby in your belly, so you have to rest upstairs. In the future, you can only come to the store three times a week, and you can only stay for three hours at most."

"Ah? Why did you suddenly set such a rule for me?" Tang Xiaowei thought that she could go out to work every day in the future, but she didn't expect that he would actually give her such a rule at this time.

"After you give birth to the baby, I can give you more time. But for now, you can only listen to me." Huangfu Qiye was worried that there would be too many people in the shop. If she had more time in the future, it would be easy for her to get into trouble. After all, if anything happened to her, not only would they lose two babies, but she would also be in a lot of pain. He didn't want to see her in pain.

"I have to come here at least five days a week." Tang Xiaowei also heard his worry, but she felt that she could only come here three times a week. It was really a bit unacceptable.

"If you don't agree, you'll come home with me later. You don't have to come here anymore. In the future, all the money earned by this shop will be transferred into your card every month, but you can only stay at home obediently," Huangfu Qiye threatened her.

Tang Xiaowei hated it the most when he threatened her. She frowned and secretly pinched his arm. "Okay, I agree. I'll only come here three times a week."

Huangfu Qiye didn't seem to feel any pain. He gently kissed her ear. "As long as you can agree to me, you can pinch me anywhere you want."

Tang Xiaowei's face immediately turned red.

She withdrew her hand and muttered, "Then I've only been here for two hours. I'll go out for a walk again. We'll go home in an hour."

"I have something to show you. Do you want to go out, or do you want to see the things I've prepared for you?" Huangfu Qiye wrapped his hands around her waist. He had no intention of letting her go.

"Things? What things?" Tang Xiaowei was a little curious.

"If you want to see things, don't go out for the next hour. How about it?" Huangfu Qiye started to negotiate.

Tang Xiaowei bit her lip and could only nod. "Okay, I won't go out later. Hurry up and show me what you've prepared for me."

Seeing that she had agreed, Huangfu Qiye let go of her. Then, he reached out to the table next to him and picked up a tablet. He held it in his hand and distanced himself from her before broadcasting a video on the tablet.

A crisp and cute childlike voice came from inside. "Mommy, mommy, I'm An An. Look, this is the little castle that I've built over the past few days. And this, this is the plane that I folded. And this, this is the little person that I pinched. This is the character that I wrote..."

In the video, Xiao Anan was wearing a short-sleeved shirt and a pair of short pants. He was jumping around happily in a room. Then, he smiled and pointed at the many things in the room, introducing them to Tang Xiaowei one by one.

Tang Xiaowei's eyes immediately turned red. At the same time, she was also attracted by the little guy in the video.

She held Huangfu Qiye's hand and looked at him with some sobs. She couldn't say anything at all.

She didn't expect that he would let An An an take such a video for her.

"Don't cry. I didn't let you watch these to make you cry." Huangfu Qiye reached out to wipe away her tears and threatened her again, "If you continue crying, I won't let you watch anymore."

Tang Xiaowei sniffled and sobbed, "I won't cry anymore. You're not allowed to keep it. I still want to watch."

Huangfu Qiye was only trying to scare her. Seeing that she didn't cry anymore, or rather, that she was holding back her tears, he didn't say anything else. He continued to hold the tablet and let her watch.

After that, Xiao Anan ran through his entire room in the video and introduced everything he had learned to his parents. Then, he hugged his calves and sat on the carpet, pouting. He asked them in a childish voice, "Daddy, mommy, when are you coming back? An An misses you so much. An An misses the two little sisters in mommy's belly. Come back quickly."

Tang Xiaowei had originally promised Huangfu Qiye that she would not cry, but when she saw the little guy in the video trying to hold back his sadness and say these words, she felt a sharp pain in her heart. Then, she hugged Huangfu Qiye and burst into tears.

"Qiye, let's go back today, okay? I want to go back and see An An."

"Xiaowei, listen to me. Calm down. It's not easy for us to go there now. If we go back just like this, we don't know if we'll have the chance to come out again. After I've settled everything, no one will separate An An and us. So, even if you miss him very much, don't go back, okay? Stay with me. Otherwise, when we go back to the Xiu family's island, I'll be even more worried about you. I can't stay calm and fight here alone." Huangfu Qiye knew that she would definitely be anxious to go back after watching the video. But he still showed it to her.

And now, he was also trying his best to persuade her.

"But... I really miss An An, and he misses us very much. How can we abandon our child? Qiye, can you think of another way?"