Chapter 805: Being hugged tightly by Huangfu Qiye

However, Alexander ignored them and walked in front of Tao Xian He said to Tao Xian with a smile, "Mr. Tao Xian, I hope I have come in time. They didn't cause you any trouble. I'm really sorry. You can leave now. I'll take care of the rest."

"Then I'll have to trouble you, Officer Alexander." Although Tao Xian was a little unhappy that Alexander came a little late, fortunately, Alexander still came, so he didn't say anything more. Then, he hugged Yuyan, stood up, and walked out.

The two police officers who had come earlier saw that Alexander was so friendly and respectful to Tao Xian, so at this moment, although they felt strange, they did not dare to say anything.

And the three men on the ground, seeing that the police officers they had called over were so respectful to Tao Xian, they did not dare to shout anymore, let alone blackmail him. They were so shocked that they lay on the ground, not daring to make a sound at all.

Because although Tao Xian had hit them just now, they were in pain at the beginning, but later on, they were no longer in pain. The shouting just now was also a deliberate act of blackmail.

After Tao Xian walked out of the cinema with Yuyan in his arms, he no longer cared about how the people inside dealt with those hooligans.

At this moment, he was extremely displeased with this place and this country.

Therefore, he directly hailed a taxi and he and Yuyan got into the car. He told the driver to bring them to the hotel where they were staying.

This time, he and Yuyan went out for their honeymoon without any bodyguards or assistants because he wanted to spend a honeymoon alone with Yuyan.

For the sake of safety, before they went out, because they had confirmed where they were going to have fun, they had to inform the local people with status, so he would not worry about safety issues.

But at this moment, even if they did not have any safety issues, this place still made him unhappy.

So after getting into the taxi, he held onto Yuyan and asked her gently, "Yuyan, there doesn't seem to be anything interesting here. Next, where do you want to go?"

"I want to go home." When Tao Yuyan heard Tao Xian's question, she subconsciously wanted to go home.

"Yuyan, isn't it fun abroad? We can go to other places to have fun. I don't want to go home at the moment, let's stay away for a while more." Tao Xian did not want to go back.

In order to go away for a honeymoon with Yuyan, he had to deal with a lot of work in advance and specially took time out.

He had just gotten married, so he didn't want to go back to work.

"What about you? What place do you like better? Let's go to the place you like." Hearing that he didn't want to go home, Tao Yuyan didn't know where to go, but she wanted to know what place he liked.

Looking at her sparkling eyes looking at him gently and expectantly, Tao Xian's heart completely softened.

"Let's go to the hotel now. After we pack up our clothes, we'll go to the airport and see where there are plane tickets. We'll buy plane tickets to the same place, how about that?" Tao Xian didn't really like any particular place, just wherever Tao Yuyan was. So, he thought about it and proposed a more exciting proposal.

Tao Yuyan nodded when she heard what he said. "Okay, I'll listen to you."

Therefore, after they returned to the hotel to pack up their clothes, Tao Xian held Tao Yuyan's hand tightly. He pulled his suitcase and the two of them left the hotel together, heading to the airport. Then, they went on a trip to enjoy their honeymoon.


That morning, Tang Xiaowei woke up very early. She had slept too late last night, so she woke up early. When she woke up, Huangfu Qiye had not woken up yet. She remembered that Huangfu Qiye was going to take An An to visit Xiu Zhongsheng on the Xiu family's island today. The father and son would stay for two days before coming back. And because she was pregnant, Huangfu Qiye was worried about her, so he let her stay at home alone. He did not allow her to go out casually, and he was afraid that she would follow him to the island where Xiu Zhongsheng would ask her to stay on the island to raise the fetus, so Huangfu Qiye did not plan to bring her along.

Therefore, in order to send the father and son out, she did not disturb Huangfu Qiye and let him continue to rest. She gently got out of bed, changed her clothes, and then went downstairs to prepare breakfast for the father and son.

When she went downstairs, she realized that there seemed to be something different downstairs.

Soon, Tang Xiaowei realized that something was wrong.

It turned out that the hall downstairs was filled with the faint fragrance of roses.

This kind of flower fragrance was usually not present. Usually, it was the fragrance of other flowers, so she felt that something was wrong.

However, she did not think too much about it and walked into the kitchen.

In the kitchen, there was already a chef and a few maids busy. When they saw Tang Xiaowei, they immediately bowed and greeted her, "Good morning, young madam."

"Good morning." Tang Xiaowei also greeted everyone and then said, "I want to make some breakfast in a while. You don't have to cook for An An and his father. You can make your own food."

"Okay, young madam." The maids and chefs nodded respectfully after hearing Tang Xiaowei's words.

Tang Xiaowei began to prepare the ingredients and cutlery, and then began to get busy.

The baby in her stomach had already stabilized, so she could also move around now.

Soon, she cooked a pot of plain rice porridge and fried a few side dishes. This was a simple Chinese breakfast prepared for Huangfu Qiye and herself.

An An's breakfast was made with the child's favorite cute mold and made a very cute cartoon-like noodles. It looked appetizing and didn't taste bad.

After she finished making these, she could finally put everything down. She washed her hands, took off her apron, and stood up straight to let out a sigh of relief.

At this moment, she heard a rush of footsteps rushing toward the kitchen from outside.

She turned around and saw An An in his pajamas being carried by Huangfu Qiye who was still in his pajamas. The father and son appeared at the kitchen door together.

"You're awake? I was just about to go up and wake you." Tang Xiaowei immediately smiled gently at them.

"Mom, are you making breakfast for us? Is it ready? An An is so hungry and wants to eat." Xiao Anan happily moved around in Huangfu Qiye's arms and extended a pair of small hands to Tang Xiaowei in the distance.

However, Huangfu Qiye's expression was not very good. He held the child in his arms and stood where he was. He said to Tang Xiaowei in a deep voice, "Come here."

Tang Xiaowei did not understand why his expression seemed a little angry, but she still walked over.

However, she had just walked to his side when Huangfu Qiye forcefully pulled her into his arms. He was not afraid that his other hand would not be able to hold An An.