Chapter 834: "Why are you crying like this? "?

It was not until recently that he was free. Then, he went to Xiaowei's city once again.

The bodyguards he left behind reported to him that Xiaowei's child had been replaced. He was very angry at that time, so he brought his men and snatched the child away. In his anger, he also beat Mu Sitian until she was only half-alive and covered in injuries. Li Yicheng, who was beside Mu Sitian, was not angry because he fought with Su Jin's bodyguards.

However, none of this was important.

Just as he was about to carry the child and leave, his subordinates came to report that Huangfu Qiye had arrived.

Su Jin was carrying a delicate little girl in his arms. Suddenly, he was reluctant to leave the child behind for Huangfu Qiye to take away.

Therefore, he took the child and left first, leaving a bodyguard behind to detonate the gas in the rented house.

After that, he quickly took the child and left the city, returning to his private island.

This child would be his in the future.

This was his daughter. He would not send her away again, nor would he tell anyone about her true identity. He would take good care of her.

From now on, this child would be called Su Aiwei, and she would be Su Jin's daughter.


The surroundings were pitch-black. A cold wind blew, and heavy rain poured down.

The ground beneath her feet was covered in mud. Tang Xiaowei kept moving forward, one step at a time.

She could faintly hear the sound of a child crying not far ahead. In her heart, a thought kept emerging, telling her that the child crying in front was her youngest daughter, Xinwei.

She began to run forward instead of walking.

But even though she ran very hard and very quickly, she still seemed to be walking on the same spot, unable to move forward.

She was extremely afraid. She was also very worried that the child in front would be drenched by the heavy rain. She was afraid that the child would catch a cold and get hurt.

But as she ran, not only was she unable to move forward, her body began to stiffen.

She became even more afraid and worried. She could not help but burst into tears.


"Xiaowei..." Suddenly, a nervous and familiar voice sounded in her ear.

She looked around, but it was still pitch-black and she couldn't see anything.

Her heart was in a panic, and her tears flowed even more fiercely.

"Xiaowei, wake up, wake up." At this moment, the voice from earlier shouted even louder and more nervously.

Then, her lips seemed to be blocked by something warm.

In the next second, she opened her eyes suddenly and saw a handsome face magnified in front of her eyes.

Huangfu Qiye saw that she had woken up and immediately left. He then helped her up and sat her down, gently wiping away her tears. "What happened to you? Did you have a nightmare? Why are you crying like this?"

Tang Xiaowei looked at the surrounding scenery and remembered that they were in the forest manor. It was pitch-black outside their bedroom. The clock on the wall showed that it was five in the morning.

She recalled the dream just now. She pounced into his arms sadly. "I had a nightmare. I dreamed that it was raining heavily. It was so dark and everything was fine. There was a muddy road under my feet. There were children crying on the road in front of me. I kept thinking that the crying child was Xinwei. I wanted to find her, but I couldn't move my body..."

Huangfu Qiye's guess was right. She really had a nightmare.

He hugged her tightly. He remembered that he was suddenly woken up by her crying. When he opened his eyes, he saw that her body was trembling and her tears were flowing non-stop. He felt a burst of pain in his heart.

"Xiaowei, don't be afraid. It was just a dream. Our child will be fine. I will find her as soon as possible." He comforted her while gently stroking her back, trying to calm her down.

"No... It wasn't just a dream. Xinwei has been gone for so long. I'm really worried. Qiye, what should we do? What should we do now? I'm really worried about her. I'm afraid that she will be bullied or hurt." Tang Xiaowei was in a daze. She grabbed Huangfu Qiye's arm tightly. "Have you found anything during this period of time? Have you found Xinwei's whereabouts?"

Huangfu Qiye's expression was very unsightly. He said in a deep voice, "Actually, I've already found a clue. I'll go abroad for a few days tomorrow to see if this clue is true."

"Really?" Tang Xiaowei immediately looked at him nervously and expectantly.

Huangfu Qiye nodded. "It's true. After investigating for so long, I finally found a more suspicious clue. So I have to go abroad for a few days to see the situation."

Hearing this, Tang Xiaowei finally relaxed.

"Then you have to be careful when you go out. I'll wait for you at home."

"Okay." Huangfu Qiye stroked her head and kissed her gently. "Go back to sleep. It's not yet dawn."

Tang Xiaowei lay down obediently, closed her eyes, and crawled into his arms.


On the calm sea, the luxurious cruise ship docked at the edge of the island. It pulled some distance away from the island, but the distance was not very far.

The handsome man sat in front of the desk, his slender fingers swiftly writing a few lines of words. Then, he handed the letter to the bodyguard at the side and said in a deep voice, "Send the letter to the princess."

"Yes, your grace." The bodyguard took the letter and then hurriedly left.

Soon, the bodyguard took the letter and left the cruise ship. He hurriedly walked onto the island and explained the purpose of his visit to the guards on the island. Then, he was put onto the island.

At this moment, in the exquisite and beautiful baby room, the little baby was lying on the small bed and sleeping peacefully. Beside him, the handsome man stared at the little baby and quietly stood by the side. It was obvious that he was in a very good mood.

Su Xiaoqi had long forgotten about the unhappiness between her and her brother. She also stood quietly at the side and played with her phone.

Suddenly, a maid knocked on the door and reported in a soft voice, "Your Highness, there's an invitation from a neighboring country's earl outside. He said it's for the princess."

Upon hearing this, Su Jin immediately waved at Su Xiaoqi and said, "Go out and handle it yourself. Don't let anyone come and disturb Xiaoai again."

Su Xiaoqi remained seated on the sofa without moving. However, she no longer played with her phone. Her face darkened because she was afraid of disturbing Xiaoai who was sleeping. Therefore, she gritted her teeth and said in a low and angry voice, "I'm not going to see that person. Brother, why don't you help me? You should have sent your guards to chase that Li guy away with guns. You don't even know how he bullied your sister."

"How did he bully you? Tell me." Su Jin raised his eyebrows and looked at his sister.

Su Xiaoqi snorted coldly and said, "Forget it if you don't believe me. I'm too lazy to talk to you. I'm going out to see him now. If anything happens to me later, remember to come out and save me."

Su Xiaoqi held her phone angrily and then walked out of the nursery.