Chapter 850: How is it Does it hurt?

However, when he realized that the person inside was ignoring him, she did not give him a single reply. Su Jin finally began to worry.

However, he did not want to rush in right away. He was afraid that if he happened to see Xiaowei feeding the child, she might dislike him even more and might even call him a hooligan.

Therefore, the maid who had been taking care of the child was caught by him again. He asked coldly, "How long will it take to feed the child?"

All he knew was that it would not take long to feed the child with milk powder. However, he did not know how long it would take for the child's mother to feed the child.

The maid knew that His Highness had already waited for three hours, so she quickly replied, "The time is not fixed. It depends on how hungry the child is. However, from the looks of it now, the little princess should be full."

Upon hearing this answer, Su Jin let go of the maid. Then, he pushed open the door at the side and walked in

As expected, the moment he entered the room, he could see that the child was already asleep, while Xiaowei was lying beside the child. It was obvious that she had already fed the child.

Su Jin walked over and looked down at the little woman and the child on the bed. "Xiaowei, since you've fed the child, I'll carry Xiaoai back."

"No." Tang Xiaowei immediately pulled the child more tightly into her arms.

How could she possibly agree to let Su Jin carry the child away?

Now that she could stay with the child, she had decided not to be separated from the child again.

She would have to die if she wanted to be separated from the child.

"Xiaowei, I only agreed to let you feed the child. I didn't agree to let you stay with the child forever." Su Jin's voice turned cold. He reached out his hand and prepared to snatch the child away.

Tang Xiaowei hugged the child tightly. Although she was a little powerless, she had to persevere. She raised her head and glared at Su Jin angrily. "Su Jin, I won't allow you to carry the child away. I need to feed her every day, so I have to be with her every day."

"I can carry the child over when you're feeling unwell, or when the child is hungry. However, you have to separate from the child at other times." Su Jin had already hugged the child.

He was stronger than her. With a forceful hug, he snatched the child away from her embrace.

He took a few steps back and said emotionlessly, "Xiaowei, before you agree to marry me, I won't let you do whatever you want. If you want to be free, you have to think about whether you want to marry me or not."

After saying that, Su Jin turned around and left.

Tang Xiaowei hurriedly got up from the back and was about to chase after him. "Su Jin, give me back my child, do you hear me? Ah..."

She was too anxious and had no strength to care about her own body. All of a sudden, she fell from the bed and onto the ground, her head hitting the bedside table.

The pain instantly invaded her body and she groaned in pain.

Su Jin, who was about to leave with the child in his arms, suddenly heard her painful voice from behind. He immediately turned around to look worriedly.

Upon taking a look, he saw that she had already fallen from the bed and onto the ground. She was covering her head with her hands in pain while her weak body was lying on the ground. His heart ached immediately.

He hurriedly handed the child over to the maid who had been taking care of the child at the door. After instructing the maid to take care of the child, he immediately returned to Tang Xiaowei's side, picked her up, and placed her back on the bed.

"Get the doctor here, now!" he shouted at the door anxiously.

The maid at the door carried the child to the nursery. Upon hearing this, the bodyguard immediately ran to get the doctor.

Su Jin held Tang Xiaowei's hand in his, his heart aching. His voice was filled with worry. "Xiaowei, did you hit your head? How is it? Does it hurt? I'm sorry, I'll take good care of you in the future. I won't let you get hurt again."

Tang Xiaowei was unwilling to pay attention to him. She pushed his hand away.

However, in the next second, he held her hand even harder. It was impossible for her to break free.

She closed her eyes in pain.

"Su Jin, don't do this anymore. Just let Xinwei and I leave together, okay?" Tang Xiaowei opened her eyes again and softened her attitude. She looked at Su Jin expectantly.

Su Jin noticed that in order to leave, his attitude had changed. His voice and expression had become much gentler, and he felt very uncomfortable.

He immediately let go of her and stood up. He shook his head coldly and said, "Xiaowei, don't bring this up again. Unless Huangfu Qiye can really come to my island and take you away, I won't let either of you go personally."

After saying that, Su Jin turned around and left.

Tang Xiaowei knew that it was useless to argue with him. She had softened her attitude just now and begged him, but now that he still had such thoughts, she had no hope of convincing Su Jin.

She looked at his back and said coldly, "Since you won't let me go, then get someone to bring me some food. From now on, remember to bring the child over every morning, noon, and evening. I need to feed the child at least three times a day."

Su Jin stopped in his tracks. Then, he walked out without saying anything.

The door was closed.

Tang Xiaowei did not know if Su Jin had taken what she had just said to heart. She did not know if he would do it.

However, she was now alone and powerless. She could not fight against Su Jin at all, so she could only wait quietly.

Soon, a doctor came in and examined her. He said that her head was fine, and the doctor went out.

Half an hour later, the door was pushed open again. Tang Xiaowei looked up and saw two women in maid uniforms.

They were carrying two trays full of food. After they entered the room, they placed the food on the table not far away from Tang Xiaowei and said softly, "Tang Xiaowei, please have your meal. We'll come in to clean up in an hour."

After saying that, the two of them went out, and the door was naturally closed.

The table was not too far away from Tang Xiaowei, so Tang Xiaowei could pick up her chopsticks and eat the food on the table as soon as she sat on the side of the bed.

She had stayed here for almost a day and a night without eating anything. She was really hungry.

Although she knew that Su Jin was not a good person, even though she was afraid that he would ask someone to drug the food, her body was already under the control of the drug and she did not have much strength left. She could not keep starving, otherwise, she would not have enough milk to feed Xinwei.

Therefore, Tang Xiaowei put in a lot of effort and sat by the bed. She frowned and began to eat.

As she had too many things to worry about, Tang Xiaowei did not have much of an appetite. She only ate a little and stopped eating.

An hour later, the two maids who had gone out earlier pushed the door open and came in to put away the cutlery.

Tang Xiaowei stayed in the room alone for more than an hour. She realized that her body did not have any strange reactions and that the food she had just eaten should not have been drugged. Therefore, she was relieved.