Chapter 852: a pure and innocent man

Su Jin heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that Su Jin had calmed down and did not shout or say anything else.

As expected, she would become obedient as long as he promised her to take care of the child herself.

Su Jin realized that he had found something that could control her.

If she was not obedient in the future, he seemed to be able to threaten her with his little love.

Although he could not bear to threaten her like this, she was not obedient after all, so he had no choice but to do so.

Su Jin carried her for about three minutes before they finally arrived at a spacious living room. It was brightly lit and luxuriously furnished, and there were four maids standing there. When the four maids saw them, they bowed respectfully "Your Royal Highness, Your Royal Highness."

Upon hearing them address her as such, Tang Xiaowei was about to ask them not to address her as such when Su Jin spoke first, "Well said. Remember, this is my Royal Highness and your Royal Highness."

"Yes." The four maids nodded respectfully.

Su Jin carried Xiaowei to the door of a nearby room. One of the maids quickly opened the door and Su Jin walked in. Then, he explained to Tang Xiaowei in a low voice, "I arranged for these four maids to take care of you and Xiaoai. Tell them what you want when I'm not around. Oh right, in order to let you take care of the child, I've prepared a large bedroom for you and the child. You can live together in this room."

Tang Xiaowei was in no mood to correct the maids, nor was she in the mood to care about Su Jin.

Upon entering the room, she immediately saw the little meatball sleeping soundly on the big bed, and her mood improved slightly.

The little thing lying on the bed was indeed her little daughter.

Although she was displeased that Su Jin had hidden her in such a place, it was likely that Qiye would not be able to find the mother and daughter when he came looking for her and the child.

However, she was unable to extricate herself now. Now that she was able to take care of the child herself, it could be considered as a form of consolation.

Su Jin kept his eyes on the child. He carefully placed her on the bed, then took a step back and stood up straight. He reached out and caressed her head. "Xiaowei, you and Xiaoai can stay here for a while. I'm going out to settle some matters. I'll come back to see you guys later."

"Don't touch me." Tang Xiaowei slapped his hand away and forbade him from touching her head. Her voice was filled with anger.

Su Jin was really in a hurry, so he did not force her anymore.

He withdrew his hand and looked at her deeply. Then, he looked at the sleeping child again. Without saying anything else, he turned around and left.

After Su Jin left, Tang Xiaowei finally heaved a sigh of relief.


Returning to the time when Huangfu Qiye left in a hurry...

Huangfu Qiye, Yuan Qi, and a few other bodyguards took a small boat back. Su Jin's men did not continue to chase after them.

However, when Huangfu Qiye returned to the place where the ship was parked according to the route, he discovered that the ship he had left on had completely disappeared from the surface of the sea.

Even though it was night and the night was very dark, it wasn't so hard to see if there was a ship on the sea in front of them.

The ship that they had taken earlier was indeed gone from the sea.

That ship had actually disappeared for no reason.

Other than the small ship that they had taken, there were no other ships on the sea.

"How is this possible!" Huangfu Qiye placed his hands in front of the guardrail of the small ship and looked at the sea in front of him in disbelief.

If the ship that had stopped here to wait for them had disappeared, then what about Xiaowei?

Xiaowei was still waiting for him to return from the ship, and now, she had disappeared as well.

What was going on?

Was there something wrong with the captain of the ship, or did his subordinates betray him?

Or did someone attack the ship after he left?

One possibility after another popped up in Huangfu Qiye's mind, causing him to break out in a cold sweat.

The biggest suspect was definitely Su Jin.

However, they had just come down from Su Jin's island in a sorry state. It was not the best time for them to appear again. He could only wait and think of a solution when the other group of people he had arranged came over.


In a classic and exquisite castle in Australia.

Li Yuncheng threw the tablet in his hand onto a kneeling woman in front of him and said coldly, "Christine, take a good look at yourself. Do you still have to be so stubborn now?"

The woman who was hit on the shoulder by the tablet was a European-looking woman. She was rather pretty. Upon hearing that, she did not pick up the broken tablet. Instead, she raised her head and looked at Li Yuncheng in disbelief. "Count, please believe me. I'm innocent. These videos are all fake. I love you the most. I won't do anything to hurt you."

Li Yuncheng recalled the small pictures and evidence he had seen on the tablet. He beckoned for a bodyguard and took out a new tablet. The information was still on it.

He stood up and clicked on the information. Then, he walked to Christine's side and pinched her chin with his cold fingers. His eyes were full of anger. "Take a good look at yourself. You actually bribed these people behind my back and bullied my fiancee while I was away. You even deliberately lied to my fiancee. You've already angered me. I won't go easy on you just because you're a relative of my mother's side. Men, take Christine away and let her stay in prison for the rest of her life!"

After Li Yuncheng finished speaking, he gave Christine a hard slap on the face and pushed the woman in front of him to the ground.

Then, he strode away, ignoring the shouts of Christine, who had been pulled away by the bodyguards.

No one dared to disobey his orders.

This time, he rushed back to deal with this matter.

Christine was a distant relative of his mother's side. About a year ago, Su Xiaoqi's mother, Her Majesty the Queen of K, met him. The Queen admired him very much, so she introduced Su Xiaoqi to him.

It was not that Li Yuncheng had never seen a woman in all these years, but he had never liked a woman or touched a woman. He was very conservative, hoping that his first or second time would be reserved for the wife he would fall in love with in the future.

Although he was not young and his style of doing things was very fierce, he was an extremely pure and innocent man in his heart.

The first time he saw Su Xiaoqi, he fell in love with her at first sight.

However, pursuing a girl was not a simple thing. He spent a lot of time and effort and finally made Su Xiaoqi have some interest in him. He was very happy to be able to give her some attention. At the same time, he also found that he liked Su Xiaoqi more and more.