Chapter 16: Despair

Xin Zimo's actions woke du Anran up. She realized the changes in his body. In the futile struggle, she slapped his back hard, but this did not stop Xin Zimo at all. His hand slid across her back He slowly pulled the zipper down to the bottom.

"Oh... " Du Anran bit hard on Xin Zimo's lips. Even she could taste the taste of blood. Sure enough, Xin Zimo released his hand and looked at Du Anran with a strange expression.

In the panic, Du anran quickly tidied up her dress and hair.

The summer wind also woke Xin Zimo up. He had just... ... What was he doing ? In those two years, he had never had such thoughts towards her. Why, these days, he had been doing something abnormal ...

"What you can't have is the best, isn't it, Mr. Xin? " Du Anran sneered. Her smile was full of sarcasm.

"Let me tell you, I, Du Anran, am not someone you can just take and kick away when you say you don't want me! " Du Anran was furious. "How many women are waiting in line for you? You, Xin Zimo, are worried that you don't have any women? "

After saying that, Du Anran sneered a few more times and left through the exit. Xin Zimo, every time they met, he would give her endless pain, tearing open the wound that had not yet healed.

So what if she loved him Since he had already chosen to betray her, then why did she still want to remember him.

In those two years, she was really stupid. She laughed happily in the lies he made up, but she did not know that the person who could make you laugh could also make you cry.

She sat on the empty space on the first floor for a long time, letting the night wind blow on her body. Du Anran buried her head in her knees. The vast night could not hide her loneliness.

It was about eleven o'clock at night when she remembered that she had accompanied her mother to the hospital. She hurriedly tidied up her mood and climbed up to the high-class Ward on the seventh floor. Coincidentally, there was a strange man on the stairs. When he saw Du Anran, he happily talked to her for a while, and the two of them walked to the seventh floor together.

That man was his wife who was about to give birth. He could not sleep, and he was afraid of waking his wife, so he walked around the hospital alone.

"congratulations, you're so happy. " Du Anran smiled sincerely.

"Yes, I'm going to be a father. This feeling is really different. " The man rubbed his hands. His words and words were full of happiness.

"Is the due date in these few days? " Du Anran asked.

"The doctor said that it will be two days after tomorrow. " The man said happily, "my wife keeps saying that her stomach hurts. I really feel sorry for her. "

"she must be very happy to have a good husband like you. " Du Anran smiled. The man in front of her was like a little boy. He was so happy that he did not know what to do.

"being a mother is really great, " the man said. "Miss, are you married? "

"No... " Du Anran suddenly lowered her head. "I don't even have a boyfriend. "

In fact, if it were not for these things, she and Xin zimo would have been married in a few months. But it was also good. One could know a person's face but not their heart. At least, she could see Xin Zimo clearly. Perhaps, she should be glad that she was not married to Xin Zimo.

"Ha, there's no rush. I chased my wife for six years. " The man smiled "My wife refused to marry me no matter what. She said she wanted to test me, but I have plenty of patience. I won't marry her unless it's her. Well, she still obediently married me. Yo, it's the seventh floor. "

"Men nowadays are often fickle. There aren't many who are as infatuated as you, " Du Anran said. Her heart was a little sour, but she was more envious.

"then teach me how to chase after a girlfriend. " Du Anran had just arrived on the seventh floor when she saw Xin zimo leaning against the wall. He looked indifferently at Du Anran and the strange man who had gone upstairs together.

"I'm sorry. " The man scratched his head embarrassedly and smiled at Xin Zimo.

"What the hell. " Du Anran did not know how she could see him everywhere. She could not help but mutter softly.

"I'm serious. " Xin Zimo in front of her was serious. He only looked at Du Anran when he spoke. "My girlfriend is ignoring me now. What should I do? "

The man seemed to have guessed something. He laughed heartily and said, "that's easy. Pestering her. This is the best move to use. If it doesn't work, just forcefully kiss her and pounce on her. "

"That's all a man can do. " Du Anran curled her lips and recalled the scene on the first floor. She walked down the corridor with a bad look on her face.

"No, she still won't talk to me. " Xin Zimo also frowned in a childish manner.

"To be honest, if she still has feelings for you, this is enough. If her heart is dead, then, no matter what, it's useless. " The man sighed as if he had said the truth.

Du Anran and Xin Zimo's bodies trembled at the same time. If her heart was dead... ...

Du Anran stopped in her tracks. The corners of her eyes were wet. She must have given up on Xin Zimo... ... She could no longer bear the double betrayal of life and love. The blow he gave her would probably never be able to calm down ...

The empty corridor suddenly became quiet. Just as the atmosphere became a little tense, Xin Zimo's phone rang.

It was Xiao Qingqing. Xin zimo frowned and answered, "what's the matter? "

"Zimo, is mom okay? I just came back from the company and I had to work overtime today. I called you but you didn't pick up. " Xiao Qingqing's voice was full of anxiety.

"The doctor saw that she's fine, " Xin Zimo replied.

"That's good. I'm going to see MOM now. Which hospital are you in? " Xiao Qingqing said quickly.

"No need. Come back tomorrow. It's late, " Xin Zimo said.

"No, Zimo, tell me. Otherwise, I won't be able to sleep at night, " Xiao Qingqing said coquettishly.

Hearing Xiao Qingqing's voice, du Anran almost reflexively wanted to leave. A month ago, Xin Zimo was still holding her arm. However, in just a month, Xiao Qingqing called Xin zimo's mother "Mom. ". Du Anran sneered. The development was quite fast.

"Stop Fooling around. Mother needs to rest. It's useless even if you come. " Xin zimo frowned. "That's it. I'm hanging up. "

Silence returned to the corridor. The strange man waved at Du Anran and winked. He smiled and said, "I'm leaving. I'm going to visit my wife. "

"Okay, goodbye. " Du Anran also waved and smiled.

After watching the man leave the seventh floor, Du Anran subconsciously kept a distance from Xin Zimo. She did not know what her mother was doing in the ward, but she needed to wait for her mother to come out.

Xin Zimo put his hands in his trouser pockets and looked at DU anran casually. He did not say anything and only stared at the side of her face.

Just as Du Anran wanted to avoid his gaze, Chi Xue walked out of the ward.

"Brother Zimo! " Chi Xue's charming voice followed her footsteps. After a while, she stood beside Xin Zimo. However, she looked at Du Anran with hostility.

"How is it? Are you awake? " Xin Zimo was a little anxious.

"Not yet... " Chi Xue shook her head helplessly.

Du Anran looked around the ward, but she could not see anything. Since mother Xin was not awake, what about her mother She could not leave her mother in the hospital. She did not care about anything else and gently pushed open the door of the ward.

"MOTHER! " She saw her mother sitting on the edge of the bed.

Bai Ruyun did not realize that Du Anran would come in. When she turned her head, she forced a smile.

"Let's go home. " Du Anran came to hold her mother's hand.

"Okay, let's go back. I'll come back another day, " Bai Ruyun said sadly.

"The culprit is feeling uneasy? " Just as Du Anran and Bai Ruyun were about to leave, Chi Xue blocked the door and said coldly, "Auntie definitely doesn't want to see you two again, so it's better if you don't come. "

"It's you who caused the trouble first. What's there to be uneasy about? " Du Anran said righteously. She ignored Chi Xue and took her mother's hand and left.

"Come to my office tomorrow. I have something to ask you. " Xin Zimo's voice sounded faintly behind her. Du Anran was stunned.

Without turning back, Du Anran quickly left the hospital. She, Du Anran, was not a primary school student. Do you think you can go just like that Du Anran despised Xin Zimo in her heart.