Chapter 20 was like fire and water

"I want to say, can I leave now? " Du Anran said calmly.

Xin zimo glanced at her and was about to speak when Du Anran's cell phone rang. His gaze shifted to her handbag. He had called her over the past few days, and every time, it was "the subscriber you dialed is turned off. " How dare she blacklist him?

Du Anran also looked at Xin Zimo guiltily. Just as she took out her cell phone, it was snatched away by Xin Zimo.

It was Jin Shaonan's phone call. The resentment that had just subsided rose again. Xin Zimo did not care that Du Anran came over to fight over it and pressed the hands-free button.

"Anran, where are you? Why was your paper blank during today's written test? " Jin Shaonan was a little anxious.

Du Anran was stunned. Blank Although she did not know every question, she had answered all of them. No matter what, it could not be blank. Moreover, her personal information was filled in according to the requirements. How could it be blank Was there a problem with the computer system?

While du Anran was stunned for a moment, Xin Zimo said leisurely on the phone, "she's on my bed. Do you need her to pick up? "

The other end of the phone suddenly went silent. Du Anran came back to her senses and was furious. "Xin Zimo! Have you been kicked in the head by a donkey? " He could say such words. Since when did he become such a rascal... ...

Xin Zimo had already hung up the phone and flipped through Du Anran's phone book. There were not many names in the phone book. As expected, she changed her phone number. He used her phone to make a call to his own phone, and then threw the phone to Du Anran.

"Be careful, or I'll sue you for invasion of privacy. " Du Anran put away the phone.

"Let's just consider it a clean slate between us. " Xin Zimo crossed his arms and looked at her indifferently.

Du Anran's heart was touched by the words "a clean slate. " She felt an inexplicable pain. She lowered her head, turned around, and walked out. "impossible... "

Between them, what could be a clean slate The injuries she had suffered, the pain she had endured, could be written off Du Anran sneered, as if she had heard a joke, and quietly walked out.

Xin Zimo was trying to trick her again. If he really had the sincerity to write her off, he wouldn't have said those words to her last night. His words had truly broken her heart. Didn't he know that she would never look back?

"ANRAN! " Xin Zimo saw that she was about to leave, and in a moment of desperation, he called out her name. He did not know what he said wrong again. It seemed that every time he saw her, her face would be so pale.

He knew about the fake pregnancy, but he did not pursue her responsibility. Why was she still... ...

Xin zimo frowned. "Anran, actually I... I seem to have fallen in love with you. " He was actually a little reserved. Actually, this was really his first time confessing to a girl. If this could be considered as a confession.. ...

"Xin zimo! " Du Anran turned her head, and her brows were also deeply furrowed. It was as if she had heard a big joke. She smiled coldly. "You like me? "

What a joke. He likes me During the two years of their relationship, he also said that he loved her. Was it all fake Ha, it was fake. Perhaps only she, Du Anran, took it seriously.

She was a doll that was played around by him. She did not even know which of his words were true and which were fake. She could not see through such a person. would she dare to be with him?

"Xin Zimo, you said that you like me. I only told you that you are used to getting everything. This is not called liking, " Du Anran said calmly "You're used to controlling others, but I won't be manipulated by you. There are a lot of women chasing you. I hope you'll let me go. "

Du Anran opened the door and walked out. After saying what she had always wanted to say, she felt much more relaxed. Some "love" should have ended a long time ago. They had always used each other as a starting point. From the beginning, their relationship was not pure love. Moreover, now that he was behind Xiao Qingqing's back, what did he mean by saying that he liked her?

Did he think that she was easy to bully, or did he think that she was easy to play with?

"ANRAN... "

Xin zimo chased her to the door, but just as he shouted, he saw mother Xin and Chi Xue. Du Anran was also stunned. She lowered her head and left.

"Zimo, I said that I haven't seen you for half a day, so you were busy talking about love with women again? " Mother Xin held Chi Xue's arm and said coldly, "whose girl is she? She changes every few days. I can't even recognize her. "

It was not that Du Anran did not hear what mother Xin said. She just did not turn around and walked out of the hospital.

"Mom, what are you talking about? " Xin zimo frowned discontentedly.

"I'm just telling you, don't bring all the women home. " Xin zimo looked at Du Anran's receding figure with disdain.

Chi Xue didn't say anything. She winked at Xin Zimo, meaning that Xin Zimo wasn't in a good mood, so she shouldn't talk back to Xin Zimo. Xin zimo understood and didn't say anything else.

"Eh, what's this? " Xin Zimo's eyes were sharp. She suddenly saw a piece of paper on the ground, like some kind of examination report.

Chi Xue helped her pick it up. Xin Zimo wanted to snatch it away, but Xin Zimo snatched it away first.

"Du Anran? " When she saw the name at the top, Xin Zimo's mother looked at Xin Zimo in puzzlement. Then, she fell into a dead silence.

Xin Zimo knew that it was not good. He originally wanted to let it go if he knew about this, but now... ...

"She's not pregnant? " Xin zimo's mother was indeed shocked. She questioned Xin Zimo, "she's using a fake pregnancy to threaten you? "

"No, she's not threatening me, " Xin Zimo said.

"This woman is really scheming. " Xin zimo's mother crumpled the report into a ball and threw it into the wastepaper basket angrily. "She's really Bai ru Yun Sheng's daughter! "

Chi Xue quickly pulled Xin Zimo's mother away. "Auntie, I heard that there's a restaurant in the city hospital that specializes in pan-fried foods. It's almost dinner time, shall I bring you to eat? "

Xin Zimo's mother had no intention of getting angry with Xin Zimo. She had already thought of a countermeasure. She held Chi Xue's hand and nodded. "You're the most sensible one. It would be great if you were my daughter. Let's go and have a taste. There's no need to get angry, there's no need to. "

"Hey, I'll bring you there. " Chi Xue smiled and led mother Xin away.

Du Anran quickly called Jin Shaonan to explain as soon as she left the hospital. However, the more she explained, the more unclear she became. In a moment of desperation, she only said, "Shaonan, you must believe me, right? I'm in City A, and you're my only friend... "

"Yes, I believe you, " Jin Shaonan said leisurely on the other end of the phone. However, Du Anran, who was on the other end of the phone, was filled with disappointment. He still did not believe her... ...

She lowered her head in disappointment. Jin Shaonan also said at this moment, "if there's nothing else, I'll hang up first. I still have a meeting later. As for the exam papers, I'll help you check them again. "

The first time was when Jin Shaonan hung up first. Du Anran was even more disappointed. Leaning against a telephone pole, her heart sank bit by bit.

Even Jin Shaonan did not believe her He had never been so indifferent to her... ... Du Anran threw her phone away. Her tears were like the rain on a summer night, flowing down her cheeks silently ...

In the past twenty years, she had never been so lost, lost, and lost... ... An unprecedented panic and loneliness attacked her. The storm instantly filled her scarred heart ...