Chapter 48. Old feelings were hard to heal

"Wu Jiandong, " Sun Ping said calmly.

"Him? " Xin Zimo obviously didn't care. "Did he not have enough fun last time? "

"President Xin, looking at his posture, he seems to be serious. "

"who cares if he's serious or not. Do you need me to teach you how to deal with this kind of person? "

"Of course not... " Sun Ping hurriedly said, "however, the last time we talked about Wu Jiandong's background, it was none other than our new mayor, Jin Haiguo. "

"What? " A trace of surprise flashed across Xin Zimo's face. The other reason why the proposal of this project hadn't been resolved was that the mayor had to sign the proposal personally. As for the former mayor of city a, he had spent a lot of money to buy him over However, God's plan didn't work out. The former mayor suddenly fell seriously ill and resigned and went back to his hometown.

"President Xin, it's said that Jin Haiguo admired Wu Jiandong. Wu Jiandong was promoted by him, " Sun Ping said slowly.

"Then, this mayor doesn't know Wu Jiandong's character, right? "

"I'm not sure about that, but from the looks of it, I'm afraid he doesn't know. However, in the officialdom, the word 'profit' is always the first word, so it's not necessarily unknown. The proposal will be finalized in two months. As long as Wu Jiandong disguises himself well, I'm afraid we won't be able to get this project. "

"So you gave me a 40% chance of winning? " Xin Zimo said coldly.

"This... conservative estimate, conservative estimate. " Sun Ping wiped his sweat ...

"That's enough. " Xin Zimo's eyes suddenly looked into the shopping mall. Du Anran was trying on a floral dress. Jin Shaonan was smiling at the side. He looked at their backs for a long time before he said slowly, "Sun Ping, isn't Du Anran going to marry into the Jin Family? "

Xin Zimo stopped there, and Sun Ping immediately realized that CEO Xin was trying to use the dislike between Du Anran and Wu Jiandong to drive a wedge between Wu Jiandong and Jin Haiguo. Jin Shaonan must have known that Du Anran was threatened by Wu Jiandong last time. In this way, Wu Jiandong could no longer pretend to be his biggest rival. He would definitely be vulnerable.

However, there seemed to be something wrong.

Sun Ping immediately patted his head and whispered in puzzlement on the other end of the phone, "CEO Xin, Miss Du is going to marry into the Jin family? " How could he not know when it happened.

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask. " Xin Zimo saw that Sun Ping was about to Start Gossiping again, so he immediately hung up the phone.

In the dim mall, Xin zimo was buried in the crowd. Wherever his eyes met, it was still the beautiful and generous Du Anran. However, her light and light smile turned into a pain in his heart.

He turned around and left in big strides. It was best if he didn't see her.

Xin Zimo originally wanted to find Han Yuan, but for some reason, he drove the car to the DU family's villa. The Du family's villa was still empty. He would occasionally send someone to clean it up, and everything was still the same as when Du Anran moved out.

However, when he parked the car in the garage, he found that the lights in Du Anran's room upstairs were on.

He thought it was a hallucination, but the lights were really on. He quickly walked upstairs, but when he reached the stairs, he stopped.

In his heart, he suddenly had a desire that the person upstairs was Du Anran... ...


Just as he was hesitating, the sound of a book falling to the ground came from upstairs. It sounded particularly loud in this empty room.

A thief Countless possibilities flashed through his mind, but a thief should not be so brazen as to turn on the lights and steal things. His mother Yes, the key to the DU family. Only he and his mother had it now.

Thinking of this, he quickly walked upstairs. The door was closed, and he walked over and gently pushed it open.

Even though the sound of the door opening was very soft, the people in the room were still shocked. The Crystal Photo frame in their hands immediately fell to the ground, and with another "PA" , the photo frame shattered.

"What are you doing! " Xin Zimo's eyes were red. He ran up recklessly and pushed Chi Xue away. However, the photo frame was already shattered. There was no longer any possibility of it being put back together.

Chi Xue was pushed by Xin Zimo. She did not manage to stand on her feet. She staggered and fell onto the bed behind her. Her face was already filled with shock and astonishment. There was a great sense of humiliation in her heart.

Didn't Auntie say that this man had never forgotten her all these years Didn't Auntie say that she was the most important person in his heart Didn't Auntie also say that she was the only daughter-in-law of the Xin family?

But, everything in front of her was telling her something.

"Brother Zimo... you... " Chi Xue couldn't care less about the pain in her heels. She wiped her tears and ran downstairs ...

Everything was just her wishful thinking, wishful thinking All these years of lovesickness and love were just for her to amuse herself!

The sound of Chi Xue's high heels knocking on the stairs gradually became distant before it woke Xin Zimo up from his grief. He had specially found someone to use the best crystal material to mount this crystal photo frame. Inside, it was a photo that he had specially chosen. In the photo, he was hugging Du Anran. One Kiss, one world.

However, this dream that he had personally woven was shattered. He was startled awake. It was impossible for him to return to this world.

He ran to the window and saw Chi Xue limping outside with difficulty. The wind blew against his face, causing his thoughts to be in a mess.

What was he doing just now... ... All those years, if it wasn't for the Chi family, would he have gotten to where he is today ? As for the DU family, the DU family was the instigator of all evil back then. He had been dreaming for so long, it was time for him to wake up ...

"Chi Xue! " He shouted out of the window. He could clearly see that Chi Xue's body had stiffened.

Chi Xue gritted her teeth and did not look back. She disappeared into the dark night.

Du Anran's house was filled with scattered photos. Beside the Lotus pond, there was the beautiful figure of the woman. It was already late at night. Xin zimo looked at these photos. Slowly, his vision faded. In the photos, he had actually become Jin Shaonan... ...

He thought of her indifference, the way she smiled at others, and many things. She would never love him again. Xin Zimo's lips curled into a deep and indifferent sneer, and his heart sank to the bottom of the sea.

Chi Xue wiped her tears as she ran along the road. She had never felt so hopeless before. Even though she had waited for too long in the past, there was still hope. But now, everything she had was just wishful thinking... ...

If her parents were still alive, would he still treat her like this Did he really forget that they were childhood sweethearts? They had no idea when they were young... ...

Chi Xue's eyes were red, and she was crying like a peach. She didn't know where to go. She didn't have a home anymore.

She ran quickly, and when she turned a corner, she didn't notice the sudden change in traffic lights. She quickly crossed the sidewalk.

With a screech, Chi Xue screeched. In front of a black Audi, Chi Xue fell to the ground like a butterfly, unconscious.

Under the reflection of the headlights, blood slowly dripped down from Chi Xue's head like a bright red rose.