Chapter 59, leaving the newspaper office

"Take it off! " Xin zimo pursed his thin lips, his gaze as sharp as a sword.

Du Anran looked at this face that was so close to her, it was terrifying and unfamiliar. After hesitating for more than ten seconds, her trembling hands finally covered the fourth button, and she unbuttoned it with trembling hands.

Then the fifth button, the sixth button... Xin Zimo's breathing became complicated. Suddenly, he grabbed her hand and pressed her back onto the SOFA ...

"Du Anran... " he suddenly called her name. "Do you think Jin Shaonan would be sad if he saw you taking the initiative? "

Du Anran was shocked, and her heart skipped a beat. She grabbed his white shirt and cried, "Xin Zimo, you will die a horrible death! "

"Okay, then let me die a horrible death! But even if I die, I will drag you with me! "

Xin Zimo's kiss landed on her lips again, but this time, it was even more violent. He wanted to carve his brand on her body so that she would always remember that she could only be his woman... ...

When the love was strong, his hand had just touched the hem of her skirt when suddenly, the phone on the office desk rang. He frowned, but du Anran took advantage of his distraction to push him away and hide in a corner of the SOFA.

He glared at her fiercely and put her down temporarily.

"What's the matter? " It was a call from Sun Ping. He had to call at this time!

Through the phone, Sun Ping seemed to have heard something unusual in Xin zimo's voice and aura. He suddenly realized that he had done something good.

"You... are you... busy... " Sun Ping said carefully.

"If you have something to say, just say it! "

"President Xin, the press conference is ready for tomorrow. All the major media outlets have been notified. Please take a look and see if there's anything you need to add... "

Xin Zimo turned his head and saw Du Anran huddled on the SOFA. When their eyes met, she immediately lowered her head like a weak kitten. Her eyes were filled with fear.

It was autumn and the night was cold. She hugged her shoulders and her messy hair fell in front of her. Under the light, she shivered. It was hard to say if it was because of the cold weather or something else... ...

He looked at her for a full three minutes. After a long time, he sighed in his heart. "Tomorrow's press conference, CANCEL IT! "

On the other end of the phone, Sun Ping's eyes widened. "Ah? What about the specific project arrangements for that land? "

"Do as I say, and listen to the rest of the arrangements! "

"Yes, I understand. Sorry to bother you, please continue... " Sun Ping hung up the phone with a deeper meaning.

Continue Xin Zimo felt a hint of bitterness in his heart. He quickly walked forward. When he was in front of her, Du Anran suddenly buried her head in her knees and shook her head hard. "Don't come over! "

The hand that touched her hair immediately stopped. He frowned in embarrassment and stood there for a long time before he finally took off his suit and draped it over her body.

Puzzled by Xin Zimo's actions, she raised her head slightly and saw his disdainful face.

"Just now, if it was Jin Shaonan, did you hand yourself over without holding back? HMM? " He pinched her chin, trying to see the answer in her eyes.

"Don't think that everyone is as shameless as you! " Du Anran yelled at him.

How could he be so unreasonable? In the past, although he was quiet and prudent, he would never force her like this, forcing her into a corner. She was like a toy without any dignity. And where did his rationality go... ...

"Today, although I let you go, you must remember that you can only be Xin Zimo's woman, even if you're my lover! "

"Isn't it fun to threaten me? "

"I just want to remind you that as long as you're still in city a, you can't escape from me! "

"What do you get for scheming to take revenge on me like this? Does your father want you to be unhappy? Does he want you to live in hatred every day? "

"If I want to take revenge on you, there are a million ways... " Xin Zimo let go of his hand, and an unnoticeable look appeared in his eyes.

Du Anran knew that Xin Zimo had many things hidden in his heart, but he would never tell her these things, and she did not want to know about them. She had not been able to guess his thoughts since the day she met him. She had guessed for two years, but she still had nothing.

She glanced at him and took off her suit before he went back on his words. Then, she quickly put on her own suit.

"Du Anran. " He watched her do all this "In city a, if you want to beg the Jin family, why don't you come and Beg me? ". "Although Jin Haiguo treats you like a daughter, he didn't rely on kindness to get to where he is today in the officialdom. ". "You hate me for using you as a chess piece, but don't forget that Jin Haiguo can also use you as a chess piece. ". "Why don't you understand the ways of the world? "

"I don't need to understand. " She put on her shoes. She just wanted to leave this place immediately.

"Don't challenge my patience. " He stood up. "In the future, don't let me see stupid things like accepting marriage proposals! Let me remind you, if you dare to get a marriage certificate with Jin Shaonan, then don't blame me for being cruel to your family! "

"Xin Zimo, you're really despicable! "

"It's not the first time you've called me despicable. I'm already used to it. It's just that you have to get used to how despicable I am. "

Du Anran glared at him and ran away without looking back. She wanted to leave this place as soon as possible... ...

That night, Du Anran soaked herself in the bath. She wanted to wash away his scent, but she realized that the harder she tried to wash away his scent, the stronger it became. It was as if every strand of hair was his scent.

She cried. She cried very hard that night. She thought that she could finally enjoy her hard-earned happiness, but in the end, it was just a dream.

After that night, she didn't know how to face Jin Shaonan. She found an excuse and resigned from the newspaper company.

Jin Shaonan noticed that she was unusual. He asked her many questions, but she still forced a smile and acted as if nothing had happened.

"It was your dream to join the newspaper company. Why do you want to quit this job now? "

"It's probably because your newspaper company is too harsh. I can't stay. "

"harsh? You're a person who pursues perfection. Besides, I've already proposed to President Yang to transfer you to my side after some time. Anyway, now the entire city a knows that you're my fianc��e. "

The words "fianc��e" made du Anran tremble. Xin Zimo's words echoed in her ears again.

"You don't have to worry about others making things difficult for you when you are under my team. Anyway, I love you more than I can bear. " Jin Shaonan smiled. It was rare for him to express his feelings so straightforwardly. On the contrary, he was a little unnatural.

A warm current flowed through the bottom of his heart However, du Anran remained rational. "I have already handed in my resignation report. This job has already worn out my patience. The gap between dreams and reality is too big. I'm afraid that I will lose even my dreams. So, respect my choice. "

Jin Shaonan was silent for a moment before he finally nodded. "Alright, alright... "

"I'll go finish the handover first... " Du Anran was afraid of being alone with Jin Shaonan. She was afraid that he would see her deception, and in his heart, she would not lie to him.

Jin Shaonan grabbed her hand from behind. "Are you really not hiding anything from me? "

"No. "

Du Anran let go of his hand and walked towards the personnel office.

On the way, she bumped into Liu Wanwan. Liu Wanwan jogged towards her. "Sister Anran, sister anran! "

"WANWAN. " Du Anran stopped and waited for her.

"I heard that you're leaving. Is that true? " Liu Wanwan's eyes were filled with doubt.

"It's true. I'll leave after I finish my work. "

"Sister Anran, why are you leaving? Isn't it Nice here? President Jin... is here too... "

"There's not much of a reason. I just don't like this job anymore. " Du Anran smiled as if nothing had happened.

"then you have to take good care of yourself after you leave. Don't make yourself suffer. " Liu Wanwan lowered her head apologetically halfway through her sentence. "The last time at Moonlight restaurant... I lost my composure after drinking. Don't blame President Jin... "

"I won't blame anyone, " Du Anran thought. She should blame Xin Zimo for using such despicable methods "after I leave, help me take good care of Shaonan. Don't make him too tired for work. He's used to working overtime. Remember to remind him to go back early every day after work. "