Chapter 66, passionate kisses

Du Anran stumbled and fell on his chest. He took the opportunity to press her down and kissed her deeply, not giving her any chance to resist.

He was still alive, and she was still alive. It turned out that at the last moment of his life, all that was left in his life was her outline. Now, she was still standing in front of him alive. He felt the great grace of God.

The moment she fell into the water, he jumped without thinking. It turned out that he really did not have any regrets. Today, he truly understood his heart. She was more important than anything else.

In these two years, all of his habits had become natural. All of his disguises had disappeared at some point. He was the only one who had been lying to himself, because there was still a voice in his heart telling him that the DU and Xin families.. Were irreconcilable.

But, so what? It was enough that he loved her.

From now on, he could bear all the hardships for her, whether in the past or in the future.

His deep love was already in his bones. He hugged her, closed his eyes, and kissed her to his heart's content. At this moment, she belonged to him.

Du Anran did not expect Xin Zimo to suddenly wake up. Perhaps he had already woken up and was secretly listening to her cry. At this moment, she was held by him and could not move at all.

Their wet clothes were tightly pressed together, adding to the countless flirtatious feelings. Du Anran's cheeks were red. She wanted to break away from his arms, but she had not succeeded once in a long time.

Sure enough, Xin Zimo did not let her go. He turned around and pressed her under his body. He grabbed her taste more and more deeply, and his lips and teeth rubbed against each other. Although he could not get any response from Du Anran, he was still very satisfied.

As the kiss slowly deepened, Xin Zimo's breathing became rapid and hot. Through the cold clothes, Du Anran could feel the heat and uneasiness in his body.

At that moment, Xin Zimo stopped everything. He left her lips and quietly looked into her bright eyes, deep and focused.

"I love you, Anran. "

The Sun shone on du Anran's face. He looked at her like this. He wished that he could look at her like this for the rest of his life. He wanted to keep her by his side for the rest of his life, no matter what method he used. It turned out that loving someone could be so unforgettable.

Du Anran also looked at him. She could not believe that the gentle person in front of her was also Xin Zimo.

The person who gave her the court summons was Xin Zimo. The person who forced her to take her blood was Xin Zimo. The person who slapped her was also Xin Zimo... ... But now, the person who said he loved her was still Xin Zimo ...

She sometimes wondered if there were two Xin Zimo in City A. One was overbearing, one was gentle, one was unreasonable, and the other was as gentle as jade.

"You promised me on the broken bridge. Does that still count? " Du Anran thought of this matter.

Xin zimo looked at her for a few seconds, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly. His smile was as bright as spring. After a long time, he faintly said a few words, "it doesn't count. "

"You went back on your word! " Du Anran was anxious. How could he do this!

Xin Zimo pressed her shoulder and continued to smile. "I agreed to your conditions so that you wouldn't jump, but you betrayed my good intentions... "

"You... " Du Anran was speechless.

"However, you have to remember what I'm going to say next. It will be effective for the rest of your life. "

Du Anran looked at him in disbelief and did not speak.

"I will walk with you slowly in the future, no matter if it's thorns or flowers, until your hair turns white. I will bear all the pain for you, and you only need to enjoy all the happiness. The hatred between the Xin and DU families will be written off, and everything in the future will be left to me. As for me, I only have one request... "... "..

Xin zimo paused for a moment, bent down, and stuck close to Du Anran's ear. His hot and humid breath wrapped around her neck, and his voice was a little hoarse. "Give me a child... "

The corners of Du Anran's eyes were moist. In fact, if he had said these words to her half a year ago, she would have been very touched, but now, they were already so close to each other.

It was a coincidence. If only he had been lying to her like that, don't tell her the truth, don't wake her up from her dreams. would she not be in so much pain now... ...

Xin Zimo's kiss once again lingered on her lips. After a short pause, it slid all the way down and kissed her neck, her earlobe.

His left hand skillfully circled around her black hair, went behind her, and gently unzipped the back of her skirt.

Du Anran was shocked. Taking advantage of his weak consciousness, she pushed his hand away. "No, not here! "

She just instinctively refused. She did not expect him to smile meaningfully. When she met her clear eyes, her voice was a little hoarse. "then... shall I carry you back to your room? "

Realizing that she had said the wrong thing and made him misunderstand, she quickly said, "No, don't misunderstand! "

"I didn't misunderstand. " He carried her horizontally and carried her away from the river bank. It had been a long time since the last time he carried her. She seemed to still be so light. That's right, just look at her kitchen.

Since she did not know how to hurt herself, then she would let him hurt her.

Although there were few people on the river bank, it was a busy street after going around the river. However, Xin Zimo did not seem to have any intention of taking a remote path. He carried her and walked toward the bustling street.

"PUT ME DOWN! " Du anran struggled to jump down. She even lowered her head and bit his arm.

Xin zimo gritted his teeth in pain. "Are you a dog? "

"PUT ME DOWN! " Seeing that there were more and more people, and there were already a few aunties who knew her pointing at her, Du Anran quickly buried her head in Xin zimo's chest.

"If you don't want to fall to the ground, then obediently hug me. If you don't want to be seen by more people, then obediently don't look up. " Xin zimo pursed his lips and smiled.

Du Anran knew that Xin Zimo did it on purpose, but she really had no choice but to lower her head and wrap her hands around his neck.

Xin Zimo seemed to enjoy it, but du Anran hid in his arms and was restless. She wanted to see where she was, but she could only raise her head to peek. She was afraid that someone familiar would see her, so she quickly lowered her head.

Xin Zimo's face was red. He stopped in his tracks and lowered his head to her ear as if warning her, "Don't move! "

There was a strong sense of danger in his tone. Du Anran understood and half of her face turned red.

It seemed that they had walked this road for a long time. Du Anran had never felt that this road was as long as it was today. From time to time, there would be people looking at her strangely. Du Anran could only bury her head in his chest and did not dare to lift her head for even a moment. On the other hand, Xin Zimo was calm and composed, and the smile on his lips deepened.

When they finally reached home, Du Anran jumped out of Xin zimo's arms. However, at that moment, her body froze.

"Young... Nan... " she did not know when Jin Shaonan came to her house, why he came, and what he would think when he saw her like this ...

"Shaonan, it's not... what you think... " she had no choice but to explain to him. However, in this situation, no matter how she explained, Jin Shaonan probably would not believe her ...

Jin Shaonan looked at her drenched body. He was not blind. He saw Xin Zimo carry her back. He had always thought that there was no more conflict between Du Anran and Xin Zimo. After all, that person had hurt her to the bone. However, he did not say anything. He only looked at her and said, "Anran, I asked my dad to help you find a job and arrange an interview tomorrow. Do you want to come over and give it a try? ''

"I... " She did not know how to answer Jin Shaonan. She had really let him down time and time again.

"Don't bother President Jin. " Xin Zimo walked forward and stood beside du Anran. "I have already arranged a job for her. Her monthly salary is 500,000 yuan. It is enough for her to eat, wear, and live. "

Jin Shaonan looked at Du Anran. He wanted to see the answer from her face. He wanted her to tell him the truth personally.

However, Du Anran did not speak. She only lowered her head.

"Did you submit to him because of the money or because he threatened you again? " Jin Shaonan saw that Du Anran seemed to have something to hide, so he questioned her.

"President Jin, you can't say such harsh words. " Xin zimo looked at du Anran's troubled expression and said on her behalf, "love is good, and I have intentions. It's a match made in heaven. Aren't you going to give us your blessing? "

After saying that, Xin Zimo put his arms around Du Anran's shoulders calmly and shamelessly.

Du Anran dodged his hand as if she was electrocuted. Just as she escaped to the other side, Jin Shaonan grabbed her right hand. "Anran, tell me, what did he use to threaten you again? "

Jin Shaonan knew that Du Anran was not the kind of woman who was greedy for money. With Xin Zimo's despicable nature, he really could not think of any other way except to threaten her.

"Shaonan, actually, we... May... really... not be suitable... " Du Anran did not dare to look into Jin Shaonan's eyes Not long ago, she had even agreed to his proposal. She also wanted to be ordinary and walk down the road with someone until her hair turned white, but how could there be so much helplessness in this world.

Last time in the Xin Corporation's office, although Xin Zimo had let her go of his own accord, she did not know if there would be a next time. How could she be worthy of Jin Shaonan now. She was like grass, while he was like the stars, the difference between Heaven and earth, looking at each other from afar... ...

"I can give you what he can give you! " Jin Shaonan raised her hand and forced her to look at him. Yes, he could give her what Xin Zimo could give her.

"Shaonan, I'm not good enough for you. Do you understand... " Du Anran burst into tears. She was no longer good enough for an outstanding man like Jin Shaonan. "The proposal the other day, I climbed up the ladder... "

Jin Shaonan let go of her hand. He frowned and only said a few words with a pained expression, "why do you think so? "

He had always thought that after six years of waiting, he had finally found the person he loved the most and found happiness. But who would have thought that it would end up like this? He should be the one to climb up to her excellence.

"President Jin. " Xin Zimo took a few steps forward, looked at Du Anran and then looked at Jin Shaonan "I'm probably the only one who dares to take in a woman like Du Anran who is unruly, willful, unreasonable, and especially bad-tempered. For the sake of the rest of your life, I still suggest that you stay away from this woman. "

Jin Shaonan just pretended that Xin Zimo did not exist. He stared at Du Anran without blinking, trying to see hesitation and coaxing in her eyes, but he did not. In her eyes, other than sparkling tears, there was nothing else.

He gently lifted his hand to push away the wet hair on her face and wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes with his fingertips. After a long time, he slowly said, "Anran, do you know that you are irreplaceable in my heart? No matter if you have nothing or if you are the center of attention, you are still the Anran in my heart. You have never changed. Only I am not worthy of you. "

Du Anran's tears kept falling. She had let him down time and time again. If he had scolded her and hit her, she would feel better. However, he did not. Why did he still treat her so well... ... She was not worthy of his love. She was a woman who would betray him for her own benefit ...

"Jin Shaonan! I'm not as good as you think. Du Anran from that university died a long time ago! Do you understand? ! " Du Anran cried. Her heart hurt.