Chapter 81, the three of them enjoyed the snow

"No... " Du Anran denied flatly, but her eyes were evasive.

"How dare you say no! " Seeing du Anran like this, Liu Wanwan was afraid that she was often bullied by Xin Zimo. She had heard a lot about Du Anran and Xin Zimo when she arrived in City A. She had always stood up for du Anran, but every time she planned to teach Xin Zimo a lesson, Du Anran would stop her.

"Wanwan, between Xin Zimo and me... don't get involved... " she was really afraid of getting Liu Wanwan involved again. She had already let Jin Shaonan down, and she did not want to lose another friend ...

"I can ignore other things, but if someone bullies you, I have to get involved! " Liu Wanwan said, "what's so great about him? The Xin family was raised and supported in the past. I will scold him every time I see such an ungrateful and despicable person! "

"No, Wanwan, you really have to stay out of it. You don't understand what happened between him and me... "

"The more I talk about it, the Angrier I get! " Liu Wanwan was already holding in her anger when she saw du Anran being bullied and crying in a corner. She pointed at Xin Zimo's ward. "Is he staying in this room? "

Seeing that something was wrong, Du anran quickly pulled Liu Wanwan back. "Shao Nan is still waiting for you to deliver breakfast. Hurry up and go in! "

"today is his lucky day! " Liu Wanwan glared at Xin Zimo's ward. However, Liu Wanwan did not let go of Du Anran's hand and pulled her into Jin Shaonan's ward.

When she pushed open the ward door, Jin Shaonan was reading a book. Du Anran saw that the apple she peeled was still by the bedside. She wondered if Jin Shaonan really did not want to talk to her anymore... ...

"President Jin, I'm here on behalf of the news agency to see you! " Liu Wanwan livened up the atmosphere and placed a large pile of delicious food on the cabinet.

"thank you for your hard work, reporter Liu, " Jin Shaonan said with a smile. His face was gentle, and the corners of his brows were raised like the rising of the new moon.

"Sister Anran, look at how busy I am. Hurry up and help. Bring this egg Tart, bread, and soy milk to President Jin to fill his stomach first. Otherwise, President Jin will be starving! " Liu Wanwan said busily.

"Oh. " Du Anran took the things that Liu Wanwan handed over to the bedside and took out a fresh egg tart and handed it to Jin Shaonan. "Eat some. It's still hot. "

Jin Shaonan took it with a smile, as if nothing had happened.

The three of them chatted from time to time. Most of the time, it was Liu Wanwan and Jin Shaonan who were talking, while Du Anran listened by the side, occasionally nodding and smiling. They were mostly talking about the news agency, which reminded Du Anran of the reluctance she had when she resigned from the news agency... ...

Unfortunately, she couldn't go back anymore.

"President, hurry up and get out of the hospital. You don't know how hard it is for us when you're not around. That president Yang is squeezing us every day, and he can't wait for us to work 24 hours a day! " Liu Wanwan complained to Jin Shaonan.

"You guys think I'm easy to bully, right? " Jin Shaonan said with a smile.

"No, you don't know. We all praise you in private. We say that President Jin is not only handsome and gentle, but he's also very good to his employees. There are a few people in our department who have a crush on you... Hey, are you happy? " Liu Wanwan teased ...

"looks like you guys have a lot of free time. You even have time to gossip. Then... when I go back, you guys can work 36 hours a day! " Jin Shaonan said in a serious tone ...

"How can there be 36 hours? President, please let us go. We promise to follow your lead! " Liu Wanwan said with a smile.

Jin Shaonan and DU anran laughed. Usually, the news agency was under a lot of pressure and was lifeless. President Yang was a very troublesome person. Du Anran also knew that when Jin Shaonan was not around, President Yang must have made them work overtime again They were probably taught a lesson.

Liu Wanwan was talking about the news agency alone. Suddenly, she seemed to remember something and asked Du Anran, "sister Anran, where did you work after you resigned from the news agency? "

Du Anran was stunned. Indeed, no one knew that she was Xin Zimo's secretary. Xin Zimo kept it a secret, and so did she.

However, Jin Shaonan had a vague guess. That was because the last time Xin Zimo fell into the water, Xin Zimo had said that he had arranged a job for du Anran with a monthly salary of 500,000 yuan. Jin Shaonan thought that in city a, other than the Xin Group being willing to pay this salary, which company would dare to be so rich... ...

"I work in an unknown small company... as a planner... " Du Anran whispered, her voice was even softer than a mosquito's In fact, she knew that she and Liu Wanwan had a good relationship. Maybe she shouldn't hide it, because some things were better shared with good friends than being alone ...

"planning? What company? I just interviewed a well-known planner from an advertising company a while ago, I can introduce you to him! " Liu Wanwan said happily.

"No need, it's just a small company. Maybe I won't do it for a while. After all, I don't know much about planning... " Du Anran smiled.

"Wanwan, the weather is nice today. The snow has just cleared up. Let's go for a walk later. " Jin Shaonan quickly helped du Anran out of trouble.

Du Anran looked at him gratefully, her eyes full of gratitude. At that moment, Jin Shaonan met her gaze. However, it was only for a moment before he shifted his gaze elsewhere.

"Yes, yes. " Liu Wanwan looked out of the window. The Sun Shone on the white snow, reflecting a brilliant light. "President, let's go for a walk later. Sister Anran will go too. "

Du Anran wanted to say no, but when she saw Liu Wanwan's eager gaze and remembered how she had helped her out so generously, she nodded.

The three of them chatted happily, and before they knew it, they had talked until noon. After lunch, Du Anran helped Jin Shaonan up, and the three of them prepared to go down to the garden to admire the snow.

The trees in the garden were covered in a layer of white snow. It was fluffy and soft. When the wind blew, the snow fell from the branches shakily. Occasionally, one or two birds that were not afraid of the cold would land on the branches. When they saw someone coming, they would flap their wings and fly away.

The entire garden was covered in white. However, as the sun shone on it, a lot of the snow had melted. The Red Plums bloomed on the branches, adding a bit of beauty to the cold winter. The fragrance of the wintersweet came from the white snow, adding an infinite posture to the snow.

"Wow, it's so beautiful! " Liu Wanwan was the first to shout as if she had discovered a new world. In the blink of an eye, she ran into the snow and jumped happily.

"I finally understand what it means to 'spoil the scenery' today. The so-called 'spoil the scenery' means that you stand in the center of the scenery. " Jin Shaonan looked at Liu Wanwan and laughed jokingly.

"President, you're bullying me again! " Liu Wanwan mumbled and ran to du Anran's side. She looked at Du Anran and then at Jin Shaonan. "President, if sister anran stands there, wouldn't it be icing on the cake? "

"You don't look smart, but you're quite perceptive, " Jin Shaonan said matter-of-factly.

"Sister Anran, look, the president bullied me like this at the newspaper office! " Liu Wanwan complained to Du Anran.

"Then, Wanwan, tell me, how are we going to punish him? " Du Anran winked.

"Just punish him to take our photos! " Liu Wanwan clapped her hands and immediately took out her phone. She really regretted not bringing her camera.

"Sure, I'm willing to help. " Jin Shaonan took the phone that Liu Wanwan threw at him and smiled at them.

Liu wanwan quickly pulled Du Anran to the snow to pose. The two of them hugged each other intimately and amused each other at times. They took a lot of photos with the beautiful snow scenery and plum blossoms. Jin Shaonan was so tired that he waved his hand while holding his phone stiffly.

"I can't take it anymore. The two of you are really troublesome. I need to rest, " Jin Shaonan said as he sat on a bench in the hospital.

"It's not tiring for us to pose, but it's tiring for you to take photos! " Liu Wanwan mocked him. "Do you want me to take a few photos for you? "

"I want to rest too, " Du Anran declined.

Unexpectedly, Liu Wanwan took the opportunity when the two of them were not paying attention and shouted, "one, two, three. " With a click, she secretly took a photo of Jin Shaonan and Du Anran sitting side by side on the bench.

"Haha, I got it! " Liu Wanwan laughed happily and looked at the photo carefully.

Although the two people in the photo were not sitting very close to each other, due to the angle of the photo, they looked very intimate. In the photo, Jin Shaonan was sunny and handsome while Du Anran was gentle and lovely. At the moment when the photo was secretly taken, both of them were smiling and there was a snowflake as the background. Therefore, this photo looked particularly beautiful.

"My photography skills are really superb! I didn't become a reporter for nothing! " Liu Wanwan bragged.

"Okay, you're secretly taking photos again! " Du Anran wanted to snatch the phone, but Liu Wanwan had already hidden it.

"Wanwan, do you think I should discuss with President Yang and transfer you to the entertainment Paparazzi? " Jin Shaonan threatened with a half-smile.

"No, no, no, please don't. It won't happen again, IT WON'T HAPPEN AGAIN! " Liu Wanwan smiled at them.

The three of them sat on the long bench in the hospital, enjoying the snow and teasing each other. They had long forgotten about the cold and all the unhappiness. As they chatted and laughed, the sun had already set.

It had been a long time since Du Anran had been so happy, and every time she was happy, Jin Shaonan would participate. In this life, he was the source of her happiness. When she was with him, there was no pressure or trouble. However, it was always short-lived.

Then, let's drink today and get drunk today. It was enough for her to have friends and beautiful scenery when she was in pain.

As the Sun set, beautiful clouds appeared in the sky. The sunset reflected on the clouds, dyeing the clouds red and adding color to the silver-clothed land.

"This beautiful scene... I'm almost intoxicated and don't know where to go! " Liu Wanwan's eyes lit up as she looked at the sunset in the sky and the vast expanse of white snow, full of longing ...

"then you stay here alone, and we won't stop you! " Jin Shaonan said seriously.

"President, will you get pregnant if you don't bully me? " Liu Wanwan raised her small fist in anger, and she was so angry that she was howling. If it weren't for the fact that Jin Shaonan was a patient, she would have punched him.

Du Anran laughed happily at the side, but Liu Wanwan didn't hold a grudge. After a moment, she asked Du Anran and Jin Shaonan, "it's getting dark. Are you hungry? If you are, we'll go for dinner! "

"reporter Liu, do you have any other pursuits besides eating? " Jin Shaonan shook his head, looking like a child that could not be taught.

"Yes, don't say that... " Liu Wanwan blinked, grabbed du Anran's hand, and stood up. "For example, if you leave our President Jin here, we'll go for a big meal! "

As Liu Wanwan said this, she deliberately pulled Du Anran away. Jin Shaonan coughed and followed her. "Well... The people regard food as their god... since I'm not a god, I'd better go for a meal... "

Liu Wanwan and Du Anran secretly smiled. Then, Liu Wanwan turned around and said, "then... President, are you treating? "

"NO PROBLEM! " Jin Shaonan caught up with them and walked out of the hospital with them.