Chapter 77, Street video

Chi Xue had gained a lot of attention due to the opening of her shop last time. She became one of the new targets of the media in City A. Soon, someone found out about Chi Xue's family background. It turned out that her father was one of the leaders of the central government. He had started his career in city a in his early years. Her mother was also a famous painter. She was born into a scholarly family.

However, after Chi Xue's father was promoted from city a to the central government, he retired early due to poor health. His entire family moved to England. The family had lived together in England for so many years. However, in an accident not too long ago, the two elders of the Chi family died at the same time, leaving their only daughter, Chi Xue, to return to the country alone.

Some people also found out that Chi Xue and Xin Zimo had lived in the same courtyard since they were young. They were childhood sweethearts, but later on, because Chi Xue went abroad, Xin Zimo wanted to revive the family business, so he got together with Du Anran. And Chi Xue should be the real mistress of the Xin family.

The media almost unanimously thought highly of Xin Zimo and Chi Xue. There were often people who captured the sweet scenes when Xin Zimo and Chi Xue were together.

When du Anran took the subway to work, she would often see news about them in the morning newspaper. The photos taken secretly were often not very clear, but du Anran could always recognize Xin Zimo at a glance. One of his smiles, the other of his back.. She used to be so familiar with him.

When she closed the newspaper, she would often think that the current her was like a mistress who was hiding and everyone wanted to beat her up. As she thought about it, the corners of her eyes became moist... ...

Her mother said that the Du family owed the Xin family two lives, so Xin Zimo wanted her to use her life to pay for it. She would never be able to find happiness again in this life. Is that so... ...

When she came out of the subway, Du Anran was still holding the morning paper in her hand. The snow was still falling, but it was about to stop. However, the sky was still dark, and not a single wisp of white clouds could be seen. It was clearly past eight o'clock in the morning, but it was as dark as the evening.

Du Anran did not hold an umbrella. She carried her bag and walked toward the XIN building. Xin Zimo did not allow her to appear in front of others, so she used the special passageway to get to and from work every day. She knew that paper could not hide fire. One day, everyone would know that her family had been destroyed by the Xin family, and she was also imprisoned in Xin Zimo's hands.

Just as she was walking towards the special passageway as usual, she discovered a group of people gathered in front of an office building, chattering about something. Bei Feng and snowy's coldness could not reduce their enthusiasm in the slightest, and it was showing signs of expanding.

Du Anran followed the gazes of the crowd and looked over. That office building was none other than the Xin Corporation building. On the outdoor video of the building, what was playing was not the usual corporate culture propaganda, but an ambiguous couple. The man was pressing on the woman's body, and the woman was hugging the man tightly.

Although the people in the video could only see his bare back, Du Anran still saw the ring on the man's hand at a glance. Du Anran's heart went cold, and the newspaper in her hand fell with the wind for some reason.

The video was played for less than five minutes before it was discovered by the person in charge of the Xin Group. They quickly replaced it with the usual promotional video, but more and more people gathered to watch the show. It caused a great sensation, and soon, the Xin Group building was surrounded.

The Xin Group had no choice but to use emergency public relations to forcefully suppress the matter, but no matter how hard they tried, they could not stop the crowd from talking. Soon, the matter became a hot topic on the streets.

Du Anran lowered her head and passed through the crowd. In fact, she was probably the same as the woman in the video. She was just one of his many women.

When they reached the 36th floor, Du Anran happened to see Sun Ping trotting into Xin Zimo's office. "CEO Xin, something bad has happened! "

Du Anran slowed down her footsteps. She guessed that it was probably about the video.

Xin Zimo was completely unaware of this matter. He was busy with the financial matters for this year and came to the company very early today.

"What is it? " Xin zimo frowned. There weren't many things that could make Sun Ping feel bad.

"The electronic screen of the company's building was tampered with. The usual corporate promotional video was changed... changed to... " Sun Ping lowered his head and couldn't continue ...

"changed to what? "

"changed to... Island... action... action blockbuster... main character, the main character is still you... " Sun Ping felt that he had said it in a reserved manner. He didn't want his bonus for this month to be completely deducted.

Xin Zimo was stunned. His first reaction was, did she know.

"Show it to me! " Xin zimo realized that the situation was serious. He closed the document with a "PA" sound.

Du Anran felt that it was a little inappropriate for her to stand outside again. She pretended that nothing had happened and entered the office as usual. She smiled and said "morning" to Xin Zimo and Sun Ping. She quietly sat in her seat.

Sun Ping saw that Xin Zimo's face was dark. He hesitated and could only whisper to Xin Zimo, "CEO Xin, take... or... not take? "

"Take it to the waiting room! " Xin Zimo said in a low voice.

"understood... " Sun Ping glanced at Xin Zimo, then at Du Anran, who was in the back row, and quietly left.

There was really someone who wanted the world to be in chaos... ... Xin Zimo gritted his teeth. If he caught such a person, he would definitely not be able to bear the consequences ! !

Not long after, Xin Zimo left the office and went to the waiting room, leaving du Anran alone in front of the computer. She did not know why, but she could not erase the image in the video of the building from her mind. Even the report on the computer had turned into a video image.

There was an inexplicable panic in her heart. Yes, others would look down on the woman in the video, but she could not. The current her was no different from them.

The more she thought about it, the more flustered she became. She could not calm down for a long time. What was she? What was the current her... ...

She covered her aching heart and looked at the increasingly blurry computer. She could not help but lie on the table and cry.

Xin Zimo went to the waiting room and saw the video. He could not see the woman in the video clearly, but there was a clear hotel logo on the room. He remembered that time he had a fierce fight with Du Anran, and then he got drunk in the hotel.

"President Xin, didn't nothing happen that time? How could there be these videos? " Sun Ping remembered that he called Xin Zimo at that time When he heard that Xin zimo seemed to be very drunk, he was worried, so he drove Xin Zimo back to the Xin residence. "I clearly remember that when I found you that night, you were still dressed well... how could it be... "

Sun Ping looked at Xin zimo timidly.

"The ring... " Xin Zimo muttered. After a while, he thought of something and turned to Sun Ping. "Go to this hotel and pull up the video from that night. See who entered my room and... took the ring from my hand... "

After hearing what Xin Zimo said, Sun Ping understood that there was someone who wanted to smear the Xin Corporation. Sun Ping Knew Xin Zimo very well. Although he was a playboy in the eyes of outsiders, he usually kept himself clean and would never be so casual.

"understood. " Sun Ping nodded, turned off the video, and left the 36th floor with all the documents.

Xin Zimo Sat on the SOFA. His eyes were deep. He looked at the sky outside the building. His eyes were complicated. Someone wanted to touch the Xin Corporation. WHO was so bold... ...

By the time Xin Zimo returned to the office, Du Anran had already wiped away her tears. She sat in front of the computer and worked as if nothing had happened. Xin Zimo had been thinking about the Xin Corporation, so he did not notice du Anran's abnormality.

That morning, Xin Zimo's temper was not very good. His secretary kept calling to say that someone wanted to see him. The Xin Corporation's executives even wanted to initiate an emergency public relations meeting to deal with this incident.

This video incident completely erupted in the afternoon. Many people recognized the man's ring in the video. It was the ring that Xin Zimo had always been with him. The media crowded downstairs of the Xin Corporation, and people kept sending documents to the CEO's office.

Xin Zimo thought that Du Anran did not know about this and kept his voice down to answer the phone. He did not lose his temper directly. After that, he could not take it anymore, so he left Du Anran in the office and went to the conference room to attend the emergency meeting.

All the important executives of Xin Zimo were there, waiting for Xin Zimo to come. President he was reprimanding a few employees who were in charge of the electronic screen. The rest of them did not say a word.

"Now is not the time for accountability! " Xin Zimo stood in front of everyone "I have already sent Sun Ping to deal with this matter. I believe there will be an answer soon. What we need to do now is to find out who is behind this and find out who is throwing dirty water on Xin zimo! "

"But CEO Xin, no matter what the truth is, once the video is released, the company's image will be greatly reduced! " Someone said.

"forgive me for saying this bluntly, CEO Xin, if you really did these things, then no matter how much you investigate, there will be no turning back. "

"Then let me ask all of you, what is the basis for you to determine that the main character of the video is me? " Xin zimo calmly scanned the entire scene.

"The ring... " someone whispered.

"Ha, the ring, is it this one? " Xin Zimo sneered and raised his hand. On his left ring finger, there was a Tiffany wedding ring that shone with a quiet and elegant luster under the light.

Everyone looked up. Indeed, the ring in the video was this one. Although the man in the video only had his back view, from his figure, he was not inferior to Xin Zimo.

"I can say responsibly here today that the main character in this video is not me. "Moreover, I won't be the only one wearing this ring. "If we mess up first, then the mastermind's goal will be achieved. "At this moment, what you all need to do is to be calm and objective, not to panic and choose a path! "

Xin Zimo's words were loud and clear, and gradually, there was silence below. Xin zimo paused for a moment He continued, "this incident is a trust that you all have given me, and it is also an explanation that I will give to everyone. Although I, Xin Zimo, am known for my reputation, I will never admit to something that I have never done, and I will not tolerate those despicable people who have ulterior motives! "

When everyone heard Xin Zimo's words, they felt that it was very reasonable. They had always known about Xin Zimo's abilities and tricks. Everyone nodded and said in unison, "don't worry, President Xin. We will do our best to find out who is behind this! "

"thank you for your trust. " Xin zimo bowed. "Today's meeting ends here. President He, you will handle the media downstairs. I will also give everyone an explanation as soon as possible! "

The snow outside the window drifted down again. Everyone slowly dispersed, leaving Xin Zimo alone in the huge meeting room. He stood at the window and looked at the heavy snow that gradually drifted into the sky. He raised his hand and looked at the lights in the room. He quietly stared at the wedding ring on his ring finger.

The ring was originally a pair. After du Anran threw the other ring to him, he kept it at home. He longed for the day when he would wear the ring on her hand again. He would never leave her for the rest of his life.

Xin zimo stood in the meeting room for a long time. He smoked another cigarette before returning to the office. His mood was very heavy. Recently, he had too many things to do in the company. He was somewhat unable to do it.

"anran. " He stood at the door and called her. He could not remember how long it had been since he had called her name quietly in front of her. His voice was very soft and gentle. Even so, du Anran still heard him.