Chapter 104, one night at the villa

He turned his body sideways, almost getting close to her. When du Anran's heart was beating non-stop, thinking that there was another storm, he only kissed her earlobe lightly. This kiss made du Anran's whole body tremble.

"Miss, do you have a boyfriend? " Xin Zimo's cold voice changed, and he whispered softly into her ear. Smelling the scent of Rosemary in her hair, she was completely intoxicated in the night.

Du Anran did not know what Xin Zimo meant, so she could only shake her head.

"then can I chase you? "

Du Anran did not know how to answer him. Yes or no?

Seeing that Du Anran did not speak, Xin zimo smiled, "I'll give you three seconds. If you can't, kiss me. If you can, let me kiss you. 3.... "

"2.... "

"Hooligan! " Du Anran, who was covered in cold sweat just now, suddenly became furious. This was clearly the overlord clause. Whether she agreed or not, she would be at a disadvantage. Moreover, the initiative was not in her hands at all.


Xin Zimo knew that it was impossible for Du Anran to take the initiative to kiss him. Therefore, as soon as he finished speaking, he unbuckled his seatbelt and pulled her into his embrace without any warning. He lowered his head and kissed her lips.

"HMM... " Du Anran was very uncomfortable as she was restrained by Xin Zimo while she was restrained by her seatbelt. She unconsciously wanted to break free from him.

However, Xin Zimo carefully Untied Her seatbelt. Without the restraint, he hugged her tightly and gave her a passionate and passionate kiss. It was as dazzling as a red rose blooming in summer.

After kissing her for a long time, he was finally satisfied. In the dark car, with the help of the streetlights outside, he studied her face and brushed his slender fingers across the side of her face. There was a faint smile on the corner of his lips. "from today onwards, you are my girlfriend. Unless I say goodbye, you can forget about leaving me. "

Du Anran scolded him nine thousand eight hundred times in her heart. Xin Zimo, do you still dare to be a little more shameless?

Seeing the annoyance on her face, he was even happier. He patted her face like he was coaxing a child. "You should be more obedient and cute. "

"If you park your car by the side of the road again, the traffic police will come over! " Du Anran warned.

Only then did Xin Zimo let her go and helped her mail her seatbelt again.

As the car drove all the way to the villa on Huxin island, Du Anran's emotions were complicated. It was because just a second ago, when he kissed her face gently, she suddenly had a hallucination. In the hallucination, she was still in love with him while he was in love with her.

If life wasn't so cruel, if reality wasn't so bloody... ... But, the wheels of time continued to move forward. There were no ifs and buts, and there was no retreat ...

The moment the car stopped, Du Anran was still in a trance. It wasn't until Xin Zimo got out of the car and opened the door that he whispered into her ear, "what are you thinking about again? "

Du Anran was startled and pulled herself back to reality.

"nothing... " she replied calmly.

Just as she was about to get out of the car, Xin Zimo was one step ahead of her and carried her in his arms.

All of a sudden, under the illumination of the Multicolored Lights, the fountains in the surroundings spurted out beautiful water splashes, accompanied by the sound of splashing water. Some of them were like flowers blooming, while others were like lush forests. The water droplets fell into the pool, just like pearls falling onto a jade plate, graceful and graceful.

The multicolored lights crisscrossed agilely, weaving into various beautiful patterns that complemented the music fountains. The Green Water in the pool was so clear that the bottom could be seen. There were beautiful lotus lanterns in the pool, drifting along with the flow of the water.

Du Anran was stunned by the beautiful scene in front of her. It was as if she was dreaming, and she also forgot that she was still being hugged by Xin Zimo.

"Do you like it? " Xin Zimo said in a low voice. His low voice was particularly pleasant to the ears.

"It's very beautiful... " Du Anran stared at everything in front of her. Indeed, it was very beautiful.

"I won't show it to you even if I like it! " Xin zimo carried her and walked towards the villa. "It's so cold outside. It's not worth it if you catch a cold. "

Du Anran was attracted by the beautiful scenery in front of her. She did not feel the chill of a winter night at all. The corners of her lips curved into a smile. "Let me look at it for a while more... "

"No, I want to look inside the house. " Xin Zimo carried her and walked away domineeringly.

A month ago, he had taken a fancy to this villa and bought it without hesitation. It was because he remembered that she had said that she liked places with mountains and rivers. And here, not only were there mountains and rivers, but it was also very quiet. It had the beauty of an otherworldly paradise.

After spending a month's effort, he had finally finished decorating this place. He guessed that she would definitely like it.

He had spent a lot of money just for a beautiful woman to smile.

This villa in the middle of the lake made du Anran feel as if she was immersed in an otherworldly world. It gave her a very surreal feeling. In the distance, the green mountains were filled with flowers. They were like ink sprinkled on the mountains, steady and heavy. Nearby, the flowing water was Gurgling, lively and graceful.

He carried her and walked across a long wooden bridge. When he walked across the wooden bridge, the wooden bridge made a slight creaking sound. Accompanied by the flowing water under the bridge, everything was as beautiful as the sound of nature.

"Anran, last year you said that when we get old, we'll find a place with beautiful mountains and rivers to retire. If you're willing, when we get old, we'll come here... " Xin Zimo also liked this place very much.

Du Anran's heart skipped a beat. When we get old... ... But who could have predicted that far away ...

In this life, whose hand will we hold, and with whom will we grow old... ...

She did not know how to answer Xin Zimo. Shouldn't everything between them end this summer?

He threw her a court summons, and she threw her wedding ring to him. They should have been even a long time ago... ...

After waiting for a long time for her answer, he smiled sheepishly in disappointment. "Let's not talk about things that are so far away. The world is unpredictable. Who can predict what will happen in the future? "

"I'm hungry... " Du Anran suddenly said. She was indeed very hungry. She had forgotten to eat lunch at noon and had not eaten at night. If it were not for Xin Zimo hugging her, she would probably be so hungry that she would not be able to walk.

"Huh? " Xin zimo frowned. "You didn't go to the top floor to eat? "

"No... I wasn't hungry at noon, so I didn't go. " She was careful, afraid that she would spill the beans ...

"Then what if there's nothing to eat in the villa? " Xin Zimo said seriously.

"then we'll go back. We'll come back after we're full... " Du Anran no longer had the strength to talk to this idiot.

"Why don't you eat me! " Xin zimo looked at her with a wicked smile, but the hand that was holding her did not relax at all.

"shameless... "

"Why don't I eat you? "

"Do you believe that I'll push you into the river? " Du Anran struggled to jump down. She clearly remembered that Xin zimo would not do that.


Xin Zimo was really afraid of the water. Last time, it almost killed him.

"Why wouldn't I dare? " Du Anran moved in his arms and wanted to jump down. She did not mind letting him fall into the water again. Moreover, it was winter now. It would definitely be more exciting than falling into the water in summer.

"You dare to threaten me, don't you? " Xin zimo raised his eyebrows, hugged her tightly, and quickly walked forward.

After crossing the wooden bridge, he opened the door of the villa and walked straight to the room on the second floor. Before du Anran could react, he had already thrown her onto the soft bed.

The next second, he bullied her.

Looking at her exquisite and beautiful face, he threatened, "now, try threatening me again? ''

This trick really worked, and Du Anran immediately fell silent.

He smiled, and his eyebrows were like the crescent moon, his eyes were full of warmth. He looked into her eyes and said, "I've been forgetting to ask you. Last time, when I fell into the water, why were you so nervous? "

That eye of yours saw that I was nervous Du Anran felt indignant in her heart, but she did not dare to say it out loud. She could only roll her eyes at him. "I can't just stand by and watch someone die. I'll be nervous if anyone falls into the water. "

"really? You'll also perform artificial suction on that person? " A dangerous message appeared in Xin Zimo's eyes.

She fell into his trap again. Du anran called him an "old Fox" in her heart, but she said, "treat kindness like a donkey's liver and lungs. The next time you fall into the water, I'll definitely not save you. "

"murder your husband? "

"I have nothing to do with you! "

"Do you believe that in the next second, I will make you my woman? ''

Du anran immediately surrendered and fought with animals. Regardless of whether she won or lost, she was worse than animals.

Seeing that she had become obedient, he smiled with satisfaction, but he refused to let go of her. He smiled maliciously and said, "are you hungry? "

"Yes... " Du Anran had no strength left.

"Call Me, and I will take you to eat. "

Du Anran's eyes widened. This Fox was really cunning, always taking advantage of her.

"Zi... Mo... " Calling his name, she was still so awkward and could not remain indifferent ...

"Yes, good girl. " Xin Zimo finally let go of her and held her hand as they walked into the villa's dining room.

So he had lied to her just now. Not only was there food in the villa, it was also very sumptuous.

The dining room was brightly lit. The Crystal Chandelier shone on the gold-threaded Nanmu dining table, and the entire room was filled with a delicate fragrance. A large table full of dishes was neither too much nor too little. It was more than enough for two people to eat.

Du Anran glanced at it. It was mostly her favorite food.

"Thank you, then I won't stand on ceremony. " Du Anran was indeed famished.

"I'll eat with you. " Xin Zimo did not eat dinner either. It was just right for the two of them to eat together.

The moment when he sat beside her and ate with her always made him feel warm. This was the first time in the past twenty years that he felt the presence of home. He did not know when he started to think about the past hatred when he was with her, but warmth instead.

He liked the days when she was by his side. Even if in her eyes, he was despicable, he, as long as she was by his side.

If I knew that there would be a day when I would fall in love with you, I would definitely fall in love with you at first sight. He had already missed two years. From now on, he would definitely not miss it.

"I don't like fish. " Du anran picked a piece of fish from Xin Zimo.

"It's smart to eat fish, " he said calmly. His good-looking face was full of "disdain" for her.

"But I just don't like to eat fish. " Du Anran picked up the fish and wanted to pick it aside.

"No. " He held her chopsticks. "I don't want my son to be as stupid as you. "

"..."Du Anran rolled her eyes at him. She had no choice but to admit defeat. His brain was really fast. He once again went back to the son problem that he had mentioned a few days ago.

Du Anran could not dissuade him, so she could only obediently swallow the fish. However, after eating, she realized that it was not particularly bad, even though she had not eaten fish for many years.

This meal was quite awkward for Du Anran. She was not used to having a man sitting next to her. On the other hand, Xin zimo looked happy. As he ate his own food, he picked up some delicious food for Du Anran. There was no awkwardness at all, as if he was used to it.

After eating, Du Anran wanted to see the night view, but Xin Zimo did not stop her. He stood by the window with her and silently looked out the window.

Because of the hot and cold air, there was a layer of ice on the window. Du Anran waved her hand and wiped off some of the ice. Only then did she clearly see the night view of the villa on Lake Heart Island.