Chapter 102, when the Young Madam

Chi Xue returned to her room and closed the door. She leaned against the wall and could not stop her tears. What kind of feelings did he have for her Did he take her in or repay her kindness But she did not need any of these. All she wanted was him.

Auntie said that Zimo had been bewitched by that woman for a long time and could not extricate himself. She had once thought that he was right because he had attended her ribbon-cutting ceremony, accompanied her to the banquet, walked side by side with her, and was praised by the media as a beautiful couple. She had once thought that he was hers and that no one could snatch him away.

But Now In front of others, he took good care of her, but behind her, he was indifferent and cold. Did she think that all of this was too beautiful... ...

That night, Auntie even talked to her, asking her to hold on to Xin Zimo's heart as soon as possible. But now, she had not even guessed his heart, so how could she hold on.

She leaned against the wall and cried for a long time. Only when her phone rang did she absentmindedly stop crying. She also hated herself for being useless, crying over a small matter. This was not like her personality.

"have you thought about what I asked you to think about? " A man's voice came from the other end of the phone.

Chi Xue frowned. It was this man again. He had called her once yesterday and said a lot of things that she did not understand. Today, he called again.

"I said you called the wrong number! " Chi Xue said in a bad mood.

"What? Aren't you Chi Xue, Xin Zimo's childhood sweetheart? " Just as Chi Xue was about to hang up the phone, the man on the other end of the phone smiled.

The hand holding the phone trembled. Chi Xue composed herself and said coldly, "who are you? "

"Don't ask me who I am first. I just want to know if you are interested in the deal I proposed. "

"What deal? " Yesterday, Chi Xue didn't listen to him seriously. Today, she had completely forgotten about it.

"Miss Chi is indeed a noble person who forgets things. She didn't listen to a stranger like me. Alright, I'll say it again. " The man on the other end of the phone was rather patient "I have a way to help you become the young Madam of the Xin Family and let you marry Xin Zimo. However, we need to make a deal. Do you think it can be done? "

Chi Xue frowned. "I don't understand what you're saying! "

"You don't understand? Miss Chi, we don't beat around the Bush. Others think that you and Xin Zimo are a natural couple, but you should know better than anyone whether Xin Zimo will marry you or not. "

Chi Xue admitted that his words pierced into her heart. Yes, from the outside, she was undoubtedly the young Madam of the Xin family. However, whether she would marry Xin Zimo or whether Xin Zimo would marry her, she had no chance of winning. It could even be said that apart from Auntie's support, she had no confidence at all.

However, Chi Xue did not know the other party's background. She forced out a smile. "whether or not I will become the young Madam of the Xin family, I don't need a stranger like you to worry about it. "

"To show my sincerity, I can reveal a piece of information to you. Do you know why Xin Zimo did not bring you to London? " The man said joyfully.

"It's not suitable for a woman like me to go to such a serious occasion. "

"Miss Chi really knows how to deceive herself. You came back from studying in the UK. The parties there are used to bringing female companions. Don't tell me you don't know? "

"If you have something to say, just say it! " Chi Xue lost her patience. In fact, the man on the phone had already guessed her thoughts. She was really afraid that she could not hide it anymore.

"If I said that Xin Zimo brought Du Anran, would you believe me? " The man smiled sinisterly.

Chi Xue was stunned. Du Anran Did he really bring Du Anran over No wonder, whether it was mother Xin or her, both of them had once asked her to accompany him to London, but he had rejected them without exception.

So that was the case. If a man had a woman by his side, would he bring another woman out?

She was really too stupid to be saved.

The man on the other end of the phone saw that Chi Xue had stopped talking and continued, "you should know better than me who Xin Zimo loves in his heart. However, you should also know better than me who is more suitable for the position of the Young Madam of the Xin Family! "

"What if I reject you? " Chi Xue said, "I don't need to make a deal with anyone. The position of the Young Madam of the Xin family can only be mine! "

"Miss Chi is indeed confident. However, such blind confidence is not acceptable. "since you are not willing to make this deal, we can not do it. "However, I advise Miss Chi to keep a close eye on Xin Zimo. If you are not careful, he will get a marriage certificate with someone else. "

Chi Xue's heart tightened. After a moment of silence, she said faintly, "then tell me your conditions. "

Seeing that Chi Xue had relented, the man on the other end of the phone smiled. "I have long known that Miss Chi is a smart person. I can help you become the young Madam of the Xin family and marry Xin Zimo as you wish. However, you have to promise to lend me a sum of money. "

"MONEY? " Chi Xue did not expect this condition. To be honest, if she really became the young Madam of the Xin family, she would not be able to get as much money as she wanted.

"Yes, 80 million. "

"YOU'RE CRAZY! " However, Chi Xue did not expect the other party to be so greedy. "IMPOSSIBLE! " This sum of money was not a small sum. Even if she became the young Madam of the Xin family, she would not be able to get such a large sum of money.

The person on the other end of the phone sneered lightly. "It's only 80 million, not 800 million or 800 billion. Any project that Xin zimo randomly brings out is more than 80 million. Miss Chi, there's no need to make such a fuss, right? "

"Then I advise you not to think about it! " 80 million was not much for Xin Zimo, but even if she married Xin Zimo, would he not understand why he gave her such a large sum of money With his intelligence, would he ignore this 80 million and let it go?

"I don't know what Miss Chi is worried about. When you become the young Madam of the Xin family, the daughter-in-law of Madam Xin, or even the mother of the future heir of the Xin family, will you still care about this 80 million When the time comes and the rice is cooked, I reckon the gift money given to you by Madam Xin will not be lower than this amount, right?"

Chi Xue's heart was slightly moved. What he said Made Sense. When the time came, she would become the young Madam of the Xin family as she wished. At that time, she could find any excuse to spend 80 million. Even if Xin zimo investigated, he would not be able to find out what she had done.

The man on the other end of the phone guessed that Chi Xue was probably moved. He continued, "Miss Chi, this transaction is very worthwhile no matter how you look at it. So... I think you should consider it carefully. "

Chi Xue thought for a moment and said, "what method do you have to make me marry Zimo? Moreover, I don't even know who you are. How can I trust you? "

The man smiled and said, "in business, trust is important. As the saying goes, if you suspect someone, don't use them. Since I trust you, you should also trust me. ". "How about this? Xin Zimo will fly to London the day after tomorrow. In order to prove my sincerity, I can also tell you a piece of news. "He and Du Anran will fly at 5:10 a.m. the day after tomorrow. When that time comes, I will be at the airport parking lot, parking lot B064, black Q 7. You can look for me anytime. "

So early... ... Chi Xue muttered If she had been skeptical just now, after hearing these words, she basically no longer had any doubts ...

"okay... then I'll see you tomorrow, " Chi Xue said ...

"Don't let Xin Zimo find out. As for the rest... When we meet tomorrow, we'll have time to talk about it. "

"I'll be careful. "

"It's best. "

After hanging up the phone, Chi Xue pulled open the pink curtains and looked out of the window. The mountains were dark and silent. Her heart could not help but pound. Who exactly was this man Xin Zimo and Du Anran left so early. Were they so afraid of being discovered?

She laughed at herself in her heart and a bitter smile appeared on her face. What was his feelings for Du Anran Was He using her again, or did he really fall in love with her?

She did not believe that he could not fall in love with Du Anran.

That night, Chi Xue could not sleep. She tossed and turned all night, unable to fall asleep.

She thought a lot. She even remembered that when she was very young, the Chi family and the Xin family were in a large courtyard. She could call his name from downstairs. She remembered that he had a quiet personality, but he would often play with his friends in the courtyard. However, ever since he was eight years old, he had changed from being quiet to being taciturn.

At that age, she often saw him frown. Even today, he did not seem to have changed this habit.

She often wanted to share his worries, but as a young girl, she did not know what to do. She quietly watched him and adored him. Even after flying over thousands of mountains and rivers and crossing oceans, she still did not forget him.

She loved him for so many years.

But, why did everything change after twenty years.

Early the next morning, while Du Anran was still in a daze and sleeping soundly, Xin Zimo called.

"bring your luggage to the office today. Come with me to the villa on Lake Heart Island for the night. "

Du Anran was obviously not awake. She hated people disturbing her sleep the most. However, when she heard Xin Zimo's voice, she immediately rubbed her eyes. "Oh, I got it. "

"Okay. " Xin Zimo did not say much and immediately hung up the phone.

Du Anran pressed her phone. It was only five o'clock, how could she let people sleep She continued to close her eyes, but a moment later, she sat up again. The villa on Lake Heart Island Stay for one night?

She knew that his family was big and had many villas, but she really didn't know about the Lake Heart Island villa. But on second thought, it was probably a brand-new villa that he bought this year, but she didn't know who he bought it for.

She arrived at the office on time. She wasn't late today. Xin Zimo had already read the documents for a long time. The way he lowered his head and worked seriously was very fascinating, and he would occasionally frown.

The first thing she did every day when she went to his office was to feed the fish. She had already formed a habit, and when she looked at the fish, she couldn't help but think of herself. She had a feeling that they were in the same boat.

She took pity on her.

Du Anran pressed the touch screen on the wall and turned on the Electronic Board of the fish tank. She moved very quietly, afraid that she would disturb Xin Zimo, who was at work.

When she was halfway through feeding the fish, she remembered something. Tomorrow, she and Xin Zimo would go to London. Who would take care of these small fish... ...

"What are you thinking about? " Just as she was about to turn her head, Xin Zimo had already arrived behind her.

"We will leave tomorrow. Who will feed these fish? " Du Anran was shocked by him. She could not help but pucker her lips. Why did this person not make any sound when he walked.

"What's there to worry about? " Xin zimo chuckled. Why was Du Anran so childish.