Chapter 107, other men

"Yes, thank goodness you thought of everything and changed the ticket, " Sun Ping said in admiration.

"Yes, even if he finds out that I'm not on this flight, he won't be able to contact the people here. At least, he'll have to wait until he gets to London. "

"President Xin, I've already made arrangements in London. Once the plane lands, we'll capture the suspicious person. I don't think he'll be able to escape. "

"No, don't alert the enemy. Keep an eye on him. If you capture him, he might not tell the truth. I'd like to see who this spy of the Xin family is. "

"understood. " Sun Ping praised Xin Zimo, who had thought it through carefully.

"Alright, as I said earlier, if there's nothing important, you don't have to contact me when you get to London. " Xin Zimo planned to spend time with Du Anran.

"Yes, I know, " Sun Ping replied, but he paused and said, "President Xin, this time in London, are you... going to see old Mr. Xin? "

Xin Zimo did not expect Sun Ping to mention this person. His eyes turned cold. "This is not something you should care about! "

"Yes, yes... " Sun Ping wiped his sweat. As expected, accompanying a king was like accompanying a tiger. If it was in ancient times, if he said something wrong, he would probably be rewarded immediately.

After hanging up the phone, Xin Zimo stood alone in the monitoring room and looked at the screen. If he wanted to do something to the Xin Corporation and Destroy Xin Zimo, it would not be so easy.

In the waiting room, du Anran was bored to death. She had been waiting for Xin Zimo, but she had not seen him for a long time. She did not know what he was doing, so she could only call Liu Wanwan to play.

"Wanwan, what are you doing? "

However, Du Anran forgot the time. She forgot that it was only 5:30 in the morning.

"Miss Du... I'm sleeping... " on the other end of the phone, Liu Wanwan was obviously still asleep ...

"Oh, right... " Du Anran stuck out her tongue. "I'm going on a business trip from today onwards. I don't know how long I'll be back. Can you help me take care of my mother? "

"where are you going? "

"It's not far, but I'll be busy for a while. I don't think I'll be able to go back. Sorry to trouble you! "

"Alright, I'm your good friend. " Liu Wanwan yawned.

"I knew you were a good friend. I'll treat you to a meal when we get back. " Du Anran smiled.

"Of course. I'll despise you if you don't treat me to a meal! "

In the underground garage of the airport, parking lot B064, a q 7 was parked quietly in the same spot. The fluorescent lights in the parking lot shone on the face of the person in the car. He was wearing black sunglasses, so one could hardly see his expression.

There was also a woman wearing a mask and sunglasses in the front passenger seat. Her long hair fell lazily on her shoulders. She was Chi Xue.

"Why don't I see Zimo? " Chi Xue looked suspiciously at the man in the driver's seat. She did not know this man, but she could say that she had no impression of him.

"He will appear at the airport with a big fanfare? "

"then why should I believe you? "

The man smiled, took out his phone, and showed the photo to Chi Xue. "Xin Zimo is too cunning. It was not easy for me to take two photos, and they are not particularly clear, but you should be able to recognize him. "

Chi Xue took the phone suspiciously. The photo was not very clear, and one only showed the back, and the other only showed the side of the face. The man in the photo was very tall, wearing sunglasses, and holding the arm of the woman in the photo The woman in the photo was wearing a sky-blue dress, and from the side of the face, she really looked like Du Anran.

Chi Xue had mixed feelings in her heart. Although she had long been prepared for the two of them to be together, she still felt very uncomfortable when she really saw it.

Chi Xue looked at the side of the man's face in the car. His side face was somewhat similar to Xin zimo's, and they were both very handsome. She was silent for a long time, unable to calm down the complicated feelings in her heart.

"My sincerity is already in place. Miss Chi, shouldn't you show some sincerity too? "

"What do you want? " Chi Xue raised her head.

"I need some funds. Within seven days, five million. " The man pursed his lips and looked ahead.

"I don't even know your name and who you are. How can I be at ease? " Chi Xue was not a fool who was easily fooled.

"Your name is just a code name. You don't need to know it for the time being. When the time is ripe, I will naturally let you know. "

"five million is not a small amount. How can I have so much money! "

"The initial investment of your shop must be ten times this amount. A mere five million is not even enough to be your pocket money. Even if Xin Zimo did not give you money, I'm afraid that Madam Xin gave you quite a lot. " The man sneered.

Chi Xue was silent. Indeed, five million was not a lot, but it was not a small amount either. Moreover, her shop was still in the initial stage of operation. The results were not very good recently, and it had not been profitable for a long time.

"Then I promise you, what should you do for me? "

"I can provide you with all the photos of them in London, as long as I can get my hands on them, " the man said with a smile. "This business is not at a loss. Even if you hire a private detective, it will still cost this much money. "

Chi Xue thought for a long time. This deal was indeed worth it. She nodded. "Okay, then let's start today. "

"Miss Chi is a smart person. "

"If I can be considered smart, then aren't you a Smart Fox? "

"Miss Chi, you really know how to joke. Have you had breakfast? Do you want me to treat you? " The man glanced at her.

"No need. Auntie Xin is still waiting for me to go back. If I'm found out, I'll have to lie again. I don't like lying. " Chi Xue lifted her hair.

"Is that so? Then I won't keep you. "

"Goodbye. Happy working with you. " Chi Xue opened the car door and waved at the man. She then walked towards area a of the garage, where her Ferrari was still parked.

Chi Xue did not plan to go back to the Xin family's house. She directly drove the car to her own shop. Along the way, her mind was filled with the two photos of Xin Zimo and Du Anran... ...

It could not be cut off, and it was still messy.

Her heart was in a mess. It had never been so messy. It was as if her beloved doll had been snatched away when she was young.

She had loved him for so many years, but she had not been by his side in recent years. Why did he fall in love with another woman.

They were clearly of equal status, and he had gotten close to Du Anran just to take revenge, hadn't he?

It must be like what Auntie had said. That woman must have used improper means to confuse Zimo. She would definitely not give up the position of the Young Madam of the Xin family. Not only would she not give up, but she would also sit there forever.

Thinking of this, Chi Xue gritted her teeth. The pain, bitterness, and pain in her heart surged forward. She drove the car onto the highway and opened the roof of the Ferrari. Even though it was winter and the cold wind was biting, she could not feel the chill at all.

As the car sped up, the wind blew across her face. She kept stepping on the accelerator and speeding on the empty highway.

She had not done such a crazy thing for many years. The last time she did it was in college. A group of men and women were chasing each other on the road in racing cars.

Along the highway, she drove to the suburbs of city a and headed north along the river.

Somewhere, she was tired. She stepped on the brake and stopped weakly on the side of the road.

The Sun had already risen. It was very warm, but she could not feel the warmth. Her heart was already numb, and her mind was only filled with Xin Zimo.

At 6:50, the plane took off on time.

Du Anran arrived at the luxurious cabin and realized that it was completely booked by Xin Zimo. There were only the two of them in the entire cabin.

"Why did you lie to me that the plane ticket was at 5:10? " Du Anran picked a seat and deliberately stayed away from Xin Zimo.

"I'll tell you when I have the chance in the future. " Xin Zimo's face was indifferent. She watched as Du Anran sat down before she shamelessly sat down beside her.

"I want to sleep. " Du Anran was implying that he should stay away from her.

"You can sleep as well if I sit next to you. You can sleep as much as you want. " Xin zimo looked at her with malicious intentions.

After saying that, Xin Zimo even helped Du Anran to lay down her chair. He smiled sincerely and said, "sleep. You can sleep in my arms if you're really uncomfortable. "

How could du Anran sleep with him by her side? Instantly, she lost all her sleepiness. The thought of having to see him every day when she went to London made du Anran's heart palpitate.

But even if she couldn't fall asleep, she had to lie down. Otherwise, if the two of them stared at each other, something might happen. So she immediately laid down on the chair and didn't face Xin Zimo. She closed her eyes and pretended that she didn't know anything.

Xin Zimo knew that there was still a barrier in her heart. He had woven a huge lie for her over the past two years, so she definitely couldn't forgive him.

What he needed was time and learning how to love someone.

He saw that Du Anran had fallen asleep. It was a long journey and he had nothing to do. He happened to see that the screen in front of the chair could play games, so he put on his earpiece and started playing games.

To be honest, he had almost never played games in his entire life. When others were still carefree in their childhood, he was burdened with too much hatred and responsibility.

In the eyes of others, he was precocious, unreasonable, and cold-blooded, but only he knew how much he yearned for this thing called "love" and a taste of "happiness" after so many years.

However, it was precisely because he had never played games that he was particularly bad at it. He was omnipotent in doing business, but he did not expect that he would not be able to pass a single level in playing games.

However, he was a person who refused to admit defeat. Therefore, from the moment he boarded the plane, he began to fight for the first level.

Du Anran originally closed her eyes to rest, but she was probably too sleepy and fell asleep soon after.

She had a very, very long dream. From the time she went to university until now, she had dreamed for six years.

She dreamed that when she went to university, she and Jin Shaonan were walking in the cherry blossom forest at the back door of the university. The drizzle was misty, and the years were peaceful.

When she dreamt of this, she could not help but dream. "Shaonan, take the left road... "

At that time, she often argued with Jin Shaonan about whether to take the left or the right path. Thinking back, she was really childish at that time, but she was also very innocent.

Xin Zimo, who had almost cleared the first level, shook his hand. The "villain" in the game bravely "sacrificed" .

He stopped the game in his hand and moved closer to Du Anran's face.

"I dream about other men even in my dreams. " Xin Zimo was very unhappy. It seemed that he hadn't made her remember him enough.

If he was unhappy, the consequences would be more serious.