Chapter 109: Someone is following us

Xin Zimo did not answer her immediately. He was deep in thought. After a moment, the solemnity in his expression changed. He smiled faintly. "Uncle Chen was not here just now. He wanted to take us to see the scenery in London. "

He deliberately emphasized the word "we" , and there was a hint of warmth in his eyes.

Du Anran did not dare to say that there was nothing to see. She just curled her lips and continued drinking her tea.

When Xin Zimo saw her lowering her head, he could not help but smile again. "You don't like going out with me? "

"No! " She immediately denied it, but she immediately realized that she had reacted too quickly and was perfunctory. She immediately lowered her head and did not say a word.

"Your eyes have long betrayed you. " Xin Zimo knew that she was unwilling, but he was not angry. It was a rare good temper.

In London, it only belonged to the two of them. As long as she was still obedient to him, even if it was perfunctory, he was willing to treat her well.

But... Xin zimo frowned. It was not a good thing to have someone following him ...

"Why aren't you drinking tea? It's getting cold... " Du Anran saw that he was deep in thought and could not help but point at the tea in front of him.

"I'm not drinking it. " Xin Zimo leaned on the SOFA. After being interrupted by her, he didn't have the mood to think about following her. He only looked at her and said, "Are you hungry? Do you want some snacks? "

Du anran quickly shook her head. "I'm not hungry. " He had ordered a lot of things on the plane. If she continued to be raised by him like this, she would become fat.

He seemed to see through her thoughts and smiled. "I don't mind being fat to any extent. "

Du Anran thought that if he didn't mind, she would mind herself.

"It would be best if I became a bun. I can even pinch it when I'm free. The texture must be good. " Xin zimo smiled mischievously. "The part that should be fat still has to be fat. "

Du Anran looked into his eyes and immediately understood what he meant. Half of her face turned red. She knew that talking to him would only embarrass herself, so she simply kept quiet.

The small room where only the two of them were was very warm. The light yellow lights and light piano music poured out like flowing water. Du Anran drank tea while looking at the scenery outside the building. There was a church in the distance, and white pigeons were flying outside the church.

Xin zimo closed his eyes slightly and leaned on the SOFA, quietly listening to the piano music.

It was not until the sky was almost dark that Xin Zimo left with Du Anran.

Uncle Chen had been waiting for them for a long time. Du Anran looked at the gradually darkening sky outside the car and asked, "do you often come to London? "

Xin Zimo's eyes narrowed. "If I had no choice, I wouldn't have come. "

Du Anran did not understand the meaning of his words and did not think too much about it.

When the sky in the country was completely dark, Chi Xue appeared in a bar with sunglasses.

The bar was very noisy. There was loud music everywhere, deafening DJ sounds, and the crazy screams of women mixed together, mixing with the dazzling five-colored light.

The combination of light and shadow made Chi Xue Dizzy.

She was the son of a red high-ranking official. The education she received since she was young made it impossible for her to come to such a place. But this man seemed to like to choose a different place every time they met.

The last time was in the underground garage of the airport, and this time it was in a noisy bar.

She successfully found the private room he booked and closed the door. Her voice was much quieter.

The table was full of all kinds of wine, cocktails, whiskey, red wine... ... And that man was seriously mixing his own wine. He looked very engrossed ...

"It's rare that you are so serious in such a noisy place. " Chi Xue sat opposite him and took off her sunglasses. She had never put on makeup. At this moment, her clean face looked even more beautiful under the light.

"As long as I'm willing to do something, I will be very serious. " The man finished mixing a glass of wine and handed it to Chi Xue. "Try it. "

"I don't drink, thank you. " Chi Xue declined politely. She had always been a good girl in front of Mother Xin. She didn't want mother Xin to smell the alcohol.

"Is that so? " The man chuckled. "Why do I remember that on the opening day of your shop, you and Xin Zimo appeared at the banquet hand in hand and got very drunk? "

Chi Xue frowned. Who exactly was this man When her shop opened, many of the guests were invited by mother Xin and Xin Zimo. She didn't even know most of their names. As for this man, she had no impression of him at all.

"Who exactly are you? " Chi Xue could not help but ask.

She always felt that this man knew her like the back of his hand, but she knew nothing about him.

The man lifted the goblet, shook the cup lightly, and elegantly said a few words, "Xie Chenjin. "

Chi Xue was so shocked that she immediately stood up and looked at him in disbelief. "You're Xie Chenjin? "

She had long heard of Xie Chenjin's great name, but she had never seen him before. It was no wonder. Young Master Xie had never had any scandals, and he had also refused any media interviews. It was reasonable that she did not know him.

"What's wrong? " Xie chenjin smiled faintly. "Is my name that scary? "

Even though Chi Xue had almost no knowledge of the business world, she had heard a little about the fact that the Xin Corporation wanted to acquire the Xie Bank. Now, she was actually cooperating with the opponent of the Xin Corporation!

Chi Xue felt that she had done something wrong, and she was a little emotional. "Did you find me on purpose? "

"How can you say that? " There was no displeasure on Xie Chenjin's face, only a smile. "It's just a win-win situation. "

"I don't want to work with you anymore! " Chi Xue said angrily. She really did not know that this man was Xie Chenjin, the number one talent in the financial world.

"You don't want to be the young Madam of the Xin Family Anymore? " Xie Chenjin said with a smile.

"I can still become the young Madam without you! " Chi Xue said, "but I betrayed Zimo by giving you money! "

"really? If you could become the young Madam of the Xin family without me, you wouldn't have discussed this deal with me, would you? " Xie Chenjin said "Moreover, if the Xin family really buys over the Xie Bank, it would only be icing on the cake. Without the Xie family, the Xin family can still flourish. "

Xie Chenjin did not mention anything else. Based on his judgment, Chi Xue would not know any more trade secrets. She would not know that Xin Zimo was determined to acquire the Xie Corporation and had invested a large sum of money.

However, these would always be top-notch trade secrets. Chi Xue would not know about it.

Sure enough, Chi Xue hesitated. "If I give you the money, it would undoubtedly save the Xie Corporation and place the Xin Corporation in injustice. "

Chi Xue was not stupid. She still understood this simple logic.

"For a banking industry, what can you use that money for? "

"since this money is like a drop in the bucket, why do you still want to make this deal with me? " Chi Xue was very puzzled.

"Of course, I have my own ideas for doing this. " Xie Chenjin did not continue. In fact, no matter what, everything was interconnected. He only needed to use this money to open up a certain link, and the entire crisis of the Xie family would be solved easily. Moreover, he was very willing to let Chi Xue be the young Madam of the Xin family.

Chi Xue did not continue asking. She just sat back down and reached out her hand. "where's the photo? "

This showed that she was willing to cooperate. Xie Chenjin smiled and handed her a glass of wine. "Let's talk while we drink. "

Chi Xue took the glass of wine. Xie Chenjin also took out a few photos and placed them in front of her.

The first photo was of Xin Zimo and Du Anran getting off the plane. Both of them were wearing sunglasses. They were very low-profile and did not make any intimate moves. However, Xin Zimo's lips were curved into a smile.

The second photo was of Xin Zimo and Du Anran sitting side by side in a porsche. Only the back of the Porsche could not be seen clearly.

In the third photo, outside a luxurious villa, Xin Zimo half-blocked du Anran's body and brought her into the villa.

There were only three photos. Chi Xue was obviously very dissatisfied. "That's it? "

"Don't be anxious. It's only been a day. " Xie Chenjin expressed that the people he had planted in London had almost been discovered by Xin Zimo in order to obtain these photos. Fortunately, there was not much of a problem.

"I hope to see some useful photos. " Chi Xue returned the photos to him.

"useful? Do you want to be more explosive or do you want to be restricted? " Xie Chenjin laughed.

Chi Xue felt conflicted. She naturally did not want to see these photos, but she also wanted to know how far Xin Zimo and DU anran had progressed.

Chi Xue did not speak. Xie Chenjin continued, "you can rest assured that I will do my job. "

"Why are you helping me? " Chi Xue asked.

"I've said it before. We both get what we need. Remember, within seven days, five million. " Xie Chenjin shook his wine glass.

"No problem. " Chi Xue took a sip of wine.

Chi Xue and Xie Chenjin did not chat for long. After a few symbolic drinks, they left the bar in a hurry.

Before leaving, she looked at Xie Chenjin who was still sober after a few bottles of wine and said, "next time, don't ask me out in this kind of place. I don't like it very much. "

She had just finished speaking when she left. Xie Chenjin looked at her back and shook his head with a smile.

Chi Xue drove the Ferrari that mother Xin had given her around city a's business circle for a long time. She had only met Xie Chenjin twice, but for some reason, she could not figure out Xie Chenjin, just like she could not figure out Xin Zimo.

However, there was a big difference between the two of them. Xin Zimo was cold and distant, while Xie Chenjin gave people the feeling that there was a knife hidden in his smile.

Of course, the two of them had something in common. For example, their alcohol tolerance was very good. It was unknown if they would be able to develop this skill after being in the business world for a long time.

If the two of them drank together, who would get drunk first... ...

Chi Xue probably felt that this idea of hers was rather funny. The two of them would probably never be able to get together.

However, now that the Xin Corporation wanted to acquire the Xie Corporation, she was helping the Xie Corporation. If Xin Zimo and mother Xin found out about this, she would definitely not have a good ending.

However, on second thought, the Xie Corporation should be dispensable to the Xin Corporation. Even if the acquisition failed, it would not have much of an impact.

With this thought, she felt much more at ease.

At the end of the year, city a was exceptionally prosperous. Lights and streamers had already been set up everywhere. At night, the city was even more luxurious.

When she drove back to the Xin residence, Mother Xin was sitting on the Sofa in the living room reading a large stack of documents. Beside her was a cup of coffee that was still steaming. The little yellow cat that mother Xin had recently raised was lazily lying at the foot of the Sofa with its eyes closed.

The moment it saw Chi Xue return, the little yellow cat immediately opened its eyes vigilantly. It probably recognized Chi Xue as well. Not long after, it slowly ran over and rubbed against Chi Xue's ankle.

"Ahuang, have you been good today? " Chi Xue squatted down and picked up the little cat.

"meow... " Ahuang meowed softly. This cat was too small, so it could barely open its eyes.

Xin's mother also saw Chi Xue. She smiled and said, "Ahuang is very obedient. However, when you are not around, it likes to run to your room to scratch the door. No matter how I coax it, it won't come down. "

"Ahuang, you miss me so much. I'll buy you delicious food tomorrow. " Chi Xue teased Ahuang.

"It's very picky. It won't drink unless it's milk. " Mother Xin smiled and said.

"It's all because I spoiled it. " Chi Xue smiled lovingly.

"It's not that it can't afford to drink. You can buy it whatever it wants to drink. In the future, when you have children, you have to learn to give them the best things. "

"Auntie, it's just that brother Zimo doesn't like kittens and puppies. I'm afraid that when he comes back and finds out that Ahuang is here, he will be angry. " Chi Xue stroked Ahuang's head. Her face was a little aggrieved.

Ahuang also meowed and hid in Chi Xue's arms, afraid of sending it away.

"These few years, I've indulged him. Now that he has the Xin clan, he's looking down on me more and more. He doesn't like kittens and puppies, but I insist on keeping Ahuang in the Xin family. " Mother Xin said angrily.