Chapter 131, Savior

"Oh, Oh......." outside the cabin, the faint sound of a woman's laughter could be heard. Xin Zimo's wound was so painful that he could not sit up.

The cabin was very simple. The decorations were very simple, and there were very few items. There was only a long and narrow table. Xin zimo pursed his lips and smiled. Although it was only a very ordinary-looking table, it was a top-grade Expensive Rosewood.

There was only a set of exquisite tea set on the table, but Xin Zimo could recognize that it was high-grade blue and white porcelain.

The curtains in the cabin were sky blue, just like the color of the sea. Xin zimo liked this color. He knew that Du Anran also liked it very much.

Xin zimo guessed that the owner of this ship was either rich or noble, and his thoughts should not be complicated.

Just as he was looking around, there was a cheerful laughter outside the cabin. It was as crisp as a oriole against the sea breeze.

When the maid outside the cabin walked into the cabin, Xin Zimo had already closed his eyes. He could not guess where he was, but he missed du Anran very much. However, he could only see her when he closed his eyes.

"Miss, Miss, this guest doesn't seem to be awake yet. " The maid came in to take a look, then turned her head to the door and said to a young lady.

"still not awake yet? Do you want to invite Doctor Tang to take a look? " Outside the cabin was a young lady in her twenties. She was very beautiful and adorable.

She wore a sun hat and stood on the deck, enjoying the Winter Sun. She had a few female companions beside her. They were all around the same age, and their faces were full of youthful vigor.

"I'll go invite them. " The maid, ah Fu, closed the door softly and planned to go to doctor Tang.

"There's no need. " Xin Zimo heard their conversation. In fact, he only closed his eyes and did not fall asleep.

"You're awake? " Ah Fu turned his head first and saw that Xin Zimo had opened his eyes. His face was full of excitement.

"Yes, I'm awake. Can you help me sit up... " when Xin Zimo said this, his wound was still in intense pain, as if it was tearing.

"Okay, okay. " Ah Fu quickly walked over to help Xin Zimo sit up and gave him a big pillow.

After making the necessary arrangements, ah Fu shouted to the outside of the cabin, "Miss, the guest is awake! "

Sure enough, not long after, the miss outside the cabin walked in in a pair of eight-inch red high heels.

She first looked around at the door. Seeing that Xin Zimo was looking at her, she squeezed her eyes and said, "you're finally awake. It's been almost three days and three nights. "

"three days and three nights? " Xin Zimo held his heavy head. His head was also hurting badly. He did not know that three days and three nights had passed.

"Yes! " Ah Fu said straightforwardly. "If not for our miss saving you, you would have been feeding the sharks in the sea! "

"thank you. Where are my things? " Xin Zimo asked straightforwardly. Those things were far more important than his life. Even if they fell into the sea, they could not fall into the hands of others.

"You asked this as soon as you woke up! " Ah Fu reprimanded. "You don't have anything else! "

"Ah Fu, you go out first. " The Miss Waved at Ah Fu.

"Oh... " Ah Fu was obviously very reluctant.

"thank you for saving my life. " Xin Zimo did not know the young lady in front of him, but he was still grateful that she saved him.

"You're lucky. " The young lady was wearing a floral dress. Standing in the monotonous and dark cabin, the cabin immediately became lively "That night, my friend and I were preparing to go back when we were diving. Just as we were about to swim back, we heard someone jump down from the shore. It really scared me to death. "

"then... Young Lady, have you seen my safe? "

"Is that the safe that you were holding on to? I threw it away! "

"You threw it away? " Xin Zimo was very excited. His eyes were immediately bloodshot and his face was cold.

"You're so serious even when you're joking, " the miss said in disdain. "You were kind enough to save your life, yet you speak to me with this attitude. If I had known earlier, I would have let you feed the sharks! "

"I'm sorry. " Xin Zimo realized that he had lost his composure. "because that box is really important to me. "

"Let me guess what's inside... " the young lady's face had a cheerful smile on it the whole time In an instant, she had forgotten that Xin Zimo had shouted at her earlier. "Is it a small gift from a lover? Or is it a love token from a first love? Or is it a good gift from a little sister who has a crush on you? "

Xin zimo smiled. He had guessed correctly. This young lady was indeed simple-minded.

"Tell me what it is, and I'll return the box to you. "

"documents, " Xin zimo said bluntly. He guessed that she was not interested in such things at all.

As he expected, the young lady who was happily reading gossip a moment ago suddenly had a frosty look on her face. She spread her hands and said, "the world of men is indeed boring. "

The young lady sighed as she walked out of the cabin. The sunlight outside the cabin penetrated through the door, warm and bright.

Xin Zimo saw the situation outside the cabin. It was a tourist ship that was neither big nor small. There was a table on the deck. There were a few cups of unfinished coffee on the table, and it was still slightly steaming.

The sea water was very blue, and the sky was as clear as jade. It was just that he did not know which direction the ship was heading in.

"Your broken box. " Not long after, the young lady walked back.

There was a box in her hand. Xin zimo looked at it, and it was his safe. That safe was very special. It was waterproof, fireproof, and burglar-proof. As long as the box was there, the documents would be safe and sound.

The young lady threw the box to Xin zimo's bedside. "How are you going to thank me? "

"If you have time, young lady, I'll treat you to a meal, " Xin Zimo said sincerely.

"Don't you even want to know my name? " The Miss Looked at Xin Zimo with disdain.

"Oh... May I ask... "

"My name is Ouyang Pei. " Ouyang Pei interrupted Xin zimo's words before he could ask.

"Hello, Miss Ouyang. " Xin zimo smiled. "My name is Xin Zimo. "

"I'm not interested in your name. I'm only interested in how you repay me. " Ouyang Pei played with her hair.

Repay Xin Zimo really didn't know how to repay a person. In his life, if he wanted to repay someone, he would take care of her, such as Chi Xue. However, he didn't know Ouyang Pei Su. How could he take care of her. Moreover, Ouyang Pei didn't necessarily need his care.

"How do you want to repay? " Xin Zimo could only ask honestly.

"To be honest, I haven't thought about it... " Ouyang Pei frowned and thought for a while, but she still couldn't think of anything.

"Then I'll owe you first? "

"Owe you? " Ouyang Pei thought it was a good idea. "Okay, you owe me first. When I need you to repay me one day, I'll definitely ask! "

"okay, I'll be waiting for you anytime. Thank you very much. "

"No need to thank me. Mr. Xin, you're too polite! "

"then... where is this ship heading to? "

"China! " Ouyang Pei smiled, but soon her face showed an unhappy smile. "I really don't want to go back. "

"Go back to China? " Xin Zimo was stunned. That du Anran... ...

He was gone. was she worried He couldn't leave her. He had to go back to London. He had brought her to London, and there were still many things he hadn't done. He still owed her a Christmas present.

"Yeah. You don't want to go back either? " Ouyang Pei looked as if she had found a confidant.

"Is there a harbor nearby? Let me go down. I have something important to do. "

"your wounds haven't healed yet. If anything else happens, I'll feel guilty! " Ouyang Pei shouted at Xin Zimo, who was struggling to get out of bed.

"If you really want to help me, let me off the boat. I'll be grateful to you. " Xin Zimo held onto the edge of the bed. His wounds were still in severe pain.

"I told YOU NOT TO MOVE! " Ouyang Pei saw the blood oozing out from his shirt's chest. She was so scared that she hurriedly held onto him.

"I have to go! "

"Your Life was saved by me. What if I don't let you off? ''OuyanggPeii was also anxious.

"You have to let me off even if you don't want to! " Xin Zimo pushed her hand away and stood up with difficulty while holding onto the table.

Although he was a patient, he was still very strong. Ouyang Pei was pushed aside by him and whispered, "I've never seen such an overbearing patient like you! You make it seem like you're my savior! "

Xin zimo walked outside. The weather outside was warm and sunny. There were also a few young ladies leaning on the railing, drinking tea and chatting.

The ship moved forward in the sea. Its speed was very fast, but it was very stable. The ship made a "swooshing" sound as it sailed through the sea, accompanied by the sound of seagulls. It was joyful and happy.

Xin Zimo thought of Du Anran. It was such a good time, but he did not have her by his side.

She definitely would not miss him. She hated him so much. This time, would she be very happy? Would she be glad that she had finally escaped from his demonic claws... ...

Xin zimo's wound was still bleeding, and his shirt was already dyed red.

"You really don't want to live! " Ouyang Pei chased after him, holding a clean suit in her hand. It was the same suit that Xin Zimo had worn when he had fallen into the water.

"Let the boat dock. Consider it as helping me once more. " Xin zimo looked at Ouyang Pei and pleaded.

"When you've recovered from your injury, I'll let you go back. " Ouyang Pei looked at this man under the broken sunlight. She had never met a man with such a character in her life. He was clearly begging for help, but his face was as cold as ice.

"No, I have to leave immediately! "

"Then I said no! " Ouyang Pei was also a pampered young lady. After talking to Xin Zimo for a while, her temper also rose.

"Then I'll go directly to the captain! " Xin zimo struggled to carry the box and left the deck, leaving Ouyang Pei behind.

"Hey, come back! COME BACK! You'RE REALLY UNGRATEFUL! " Ouyang Pei was almost angered to death by Xin Zimo.

She was so anxious that she stomped her feet on the deck. The young ladies sneered and said, "even the young lady Ouyang has people who can't be controlled? "

"All of you, shut up! " Ouyang Pei glared at her best friends. These people only knew how to add insult to injury.

Ouyang Pei chased after them. She was really worried about letting Xin Zimo leave just like that. If something happened again, wouldn't she have saved him for nothing She was still thinking about his return!