Chapter 145, remember this pain

She waited patiently at the side. When Xin Zimo finally finished eating and was about to leave, she opened her arms to stop him. "ANSWER MY QUESTION! "

"I said that you crawled back on your own. Do you believe me? You're such an idiot. " Xin zimo glanced at her in annoyance, pushed her arms away, and walked upstairs.

Du Anran chased after her. "Did you trick me again? "

Xin Zimo felt that talking to her any longer would lower his iq. He simply ignored her and opened his room door.

This time, du Anran reacted quickly and blocked his door. "Are you not going to answer me? "

"I don't have time to talk to an idiot! " Xin Zimo did not wait for du Anran to speak again and slammed the door shut.

Du Anran kicked the door a few times in anger. As she did so, she scolded, "If you have the ability, don't talk to me for the rest of your life! "

The Butler heard the commotion upstairs and quickly ran over. "Miss Du, what's wrong? Did you quarrel again? "

"who dares to quarrel with him? " Du Anran was red with anger.

"Miss Du, Mr. Xin does have a bad temper, but you should bear with it a little. In fact, Mr. Xin treats you very well. "

"I don't care who he treats well. Just don't treat me well! I can't accept this great kindness! "

"Miss Du, you haven't eaten yet, right? Go down and eat. " The housekeeper couldn't help but smile when she saw that she was obviously angry.

"I'm not eating. I'm going out for a while. I don't plan to come back. " Du Anran also didn't want to pay attention to Xin Zimo. Since he didn't want to tell her if anything happened last night, she would pretend that nothing happened if he didn't tell her.

"Miss Du, who are you going to look for if you don't come back? " The Butler knew that Xin Zimo had frozen all of her bank cards. She was afraid that she would not know about it.

"I'm already very familiar with London. I won't get lost, " Du Anran said as she walked out.

"But... but Miss Du... "

"What's wrong? " Du Anran saw that the Butler wanted to say something but hesitated. She could not help but turn around and ask.

"Your Bank card... is no longer usable... "

Du Anran was stunned. "What? What is no longer usable? "

"Your Bank card has been frozen by Mr. Xin. If you go out, I'm afraid... I'm afraid that you won't be able to move an inch... " the Butler's voice became lower and lower as he spoke ...

Du Anran immediately became furious. She threw her bag onto the SOFA and ran back to Xin Zimo's room along the stairs. She kicked the door a few times. "Xin Zimo, come out! "

The Butler knew that there would be another bloodbath. She was so scared that she quickly ran away. They had to solve their own problems. At the very least, they had to learn to be honest with each other.

"Xin Zimo! Come Out! " He refused to open the door, so she kept kicking at the door.

However, after she kicked the door dozens of times, the door suddenly opened just as she raised her foot.

Du Anran did not stand steadily and her center of gravity fell forward. Xin Zimo had already avoided it. She fell to the ground with a terrible fall, and her face was badly bruised.

"YOU BASTARD! " He could have held her just now, but he deliberately avoided it. Du Anran was really angry.

"Do you know how much this door costs? " Xin zimo looked coldly at Du Anran, who fell to the ground, and asked coldly.

"I know you don't care about money, but don't go too far! Why did you freeze my bank card? The money in it was earned by myself. What right do you have to freeze it? " Du Anran stood up Compared to the calm-looking Xin Zimo, he looked as embarrassed as he could be.

"If you have the ability, you can freeze my money too. " Xin zimo glanced at her and said indifferently. He still didn't want to pay attention to her. He walked past her and went to the bedside.

He had been tortured by Du Anran last night, and now he wanted to sleep. It just so happened that he had nothing to do for the next few days, and he did not want to return to the country, so it was rare for him to be free.

"Xin Zimo, you're going too far! " Du Anran was furious. She saw that there were still things that she could throw away, so she threw the newspaper, coasters, and tissues at him.

Xin zimo dodged, but none of them could hit him. Du Anran became even angrier. She walked forward and pushed him. "What right do you have to freeze my bank cards? What right do you have? Fine, I don't want these cards. Just treat it as buying medicine for you. YOU'RE CRAZY! "

Du Anran turned around and walked out. She did not believe that she would not be able to move without money.

"where are you going? To look for an old lover? " Xin Zimo's voice sounded indifferent behind her, a little sour.

"It has nothing to do with you if I look for an old lover or a young lover! " Du Anran did not even turn her head.

Her forehead still hurt a little. The fall just now was really not light.

However, before she could walk out of the room, Xin Zimo had already taken a few big steps in front of her and closed the door in front of her.

Du Anran was trembling with anger. She knew that once he closed the door, she would not be able to get out.

"What exactly do you want? " Du Anran looked into his eyes, and he looked back at her. The two of them did not give in to each other.

"I don't have the energy to argue with you. Please stop. " Xin Zimo walked around her body and walked to the bed. He threw all the messy things that Du Anran threw at him on the ground, unbuttoned his clothes, and prepared to sleep.

"You're good. I admit defeat. " Du Anran bit her lip. "I lost miserably. "

She didn't want to play anymore. What was the point of playing with him. She had long lost herself, hadn't she?

Xin Zimo had already pulled the blanket over and was about to go to sleep. When he heard her words, he frowned. Lost He was the one who had lost. He couldn't do anything to her... ...

"Xin Zimo, tell me, what do you want me to do? " Du Anran walked up to him, her eyes red "leave you Or pay you back As for the person you want me, I've already given myself to you. According to your style, once a woman has been played, she should be thrown away. I agree to leave you and promise never to cause trouble for you. Your future wife will not know about us. I will stay far away from you and never appear in front of you. Also, after the night before last, I have already taken my medicine. Don't feel any psychological burden, i... ... ..

"What are you talking about! " Xin Zimo suddenly sat up and angrily interrupted her words.

His chest started to hurt faintly. Every time he quarreled with her, she would make him so angry that he was half dead.

"I've already promised you. If you still don't believe me, we can sign the contract. If you still don't believe me, there's nothing I can do. "

"Du Anran, you! " Xin zimo covered his chest. He was really afraid that if this continued, he would be angered to death one day.

"I've said everything I need to say. I don't want the bank card anymore. If you don't open the door, I'll jump out of the window. I won't die from falling from the second floor anyway. "

"Good, very good! " Xin zimo gritted his teeth. Even she dared to threaten him.

He walked forward, grabbed her hands, and threw her onto the bed. His hands almost tore her clothes apart.

She looked at his bloodthirsty eyes and trembled. "What are you doing? Let go of me... "

"What are you doing? You'll find out later! " Xin Zimo held her hands with one hand and her face with the other. He kissed her without any pity.

"Let go of me! Let go of me! " Du Anran dodged left and right. Her eyes flashed with panic.

"What, are you afraid now? Who was yelling at me just now? " Xin Zimo was embarrassed and angry as he kissed her.

"Butler! Butler! " Du Anran couldn't move and could only scream for help. Her tears were about to fall. Every time he was angered, she was the one who suffered.

"She can't hear you! " Xin Zimo said fiercely and unzipped her skirt.

"No! Don't touch me! " Du Anran's body was cold and her skirt had already fallen to the ground.

She was pressed against the bed and her back hurt. Xin Zimo didn't intend to let her go and it seemed like he just wanted to punish her. He did not even take off her shirt, and he directly took off the clothes at her waist.

There was no foreplay, and he did not intend to have any foreplay. He grabbed her chin. "It seems that I did not let you remember who your real man was last time! This time, feel it! "

Du Anran felt extremely humiliated and ashamed. "If you do anything reckless, I will never let you go in this life, no, I will never let you go in my next life! "

The corner of her lips was bleeding, and her eyes were red. That night, she thought that it was a new beginning between them. She waited for him like that, and even thought that if he died, she wouldn't want to live anymore... ...

But now that she thought about it, what she had done was not worth it. It was worthless. She had only added a joke to him, making him laugh at the fact that she was no different from the women outside.

Xin Zimo couldn't take it anymore. He frantically carved his mark on her body.

Du Anran felt a tearing pain. It was more painful than the first time. Her tears flowed down her cheeks, and she arched her body. It was so painful that her face was twitching.

Xin Zimo, on the other hand, felt very uncomfortable, so the discomfort in his heart turned into violence in his actions.

He went back on his words... ...

He had promised to give in to her when they quarreled, but he also had his own temper. When would he be able to control himself. This woman had been his weakness all his life, and there was nothing he could do about it.

When he thought of this, he gritted his teeth. But when he saw her bite her lips so hard that she would not let him make a sound, he got angry. Just like the last time, he pinched her chin.

However, he did not feel the slightest pleasure. On the contrary, he felt very uncomfortable. At this moment, he did not feel much better than Du Anran.

"You will go to hell... " blood dripped from the corner of Du Anran's lips. That red color flowed down from her lips. It was a shocking sight, like a blooming red poppy.

More than half an hour later, he saw the urge to kill in her eyes. Only then did he let her go.

He straightened his body slightly, put on his clothes, and stood in front of her as if nothing had happened. But she was different. She was in a sorry state. She wanted to kill herself first.

"Du Anran, if you dare to take the medicine again, next time, I will make sure you suffer a thousand times more pain than this time! " Xin zimo warned her fiercely. He admitted that he was deeply hurt by the medicine in her bag.

Did she really have no intention of having a child with him But he wouldn't. He dreamed of having a child with her... ... He wanted to hear their child call him "Daddy. " He only wanted the child she had ...

"Don't even think about it... " Du Anran looked up, her eyes filled with stubbornness.

Xin Zimo was suddenly afraid of seeing her look like that. He had also thought about whether they were not suitable for each other. But he really loved her. That kind of love, she did not understand... ...

After so long, had he not learned to love someone?