Chapter 157, the sky-high price diamond ring

"Don't meddle in their family's affairs. It's not like you don't know Xin Zimo's temper. It's best for the DU family not to provoke the Xin family, " Bai ru said calmly.

Du Anran nodded and led her mother to the villa.

The housekeeper was cleaning the garden and tending to the flowers. Du Anran could not help but keep an eye out when she did not see Chi Xue's figure.

"Housekeeper, has she left? " Du Anran walked to the housekeeper's side and asked softly.

"Yes, old Mr. Xin came by. She hadn't left when she arrived. I don't know what old Mr. Xin told her, but she left after saying that, " the housekeeper said.

"Oh, that's good. Housekeeper, my mother is here. Can you tidy up a room for my mother to stay in for a few days? "

"Of course, I'll go right away. I can stay for a few months or years, not to mention a few days, " the housekeeper said with a smile.

"thank you. " Du Anran was very happy today. Of course, if she didn't need to accompany Xin Zimo to the party tomorrow, she would be even happier.

That afternoon, Xin Zimo endured not calling du Anran in the hospital. He felt that he had a more serious illness called lovesickness. A day apart was like three years. Even if he did not see du Anran for half a day, he would still miss her like crazy.

It was not easy to last until nine o'clock in the evening. He guessed that Du Anran should have returned to her room, so he called her.

"The clothes are ready, the shoes are ready, and the bag is ready. " Before Xin Zimo could speak, Du Anran spoke first.

She knew that he must be up to no good when he called. Wasn't it just about the party tomorrow She had settled everything when she went shopping with her mother in the afternoon, but when she swiped her card, she found that a certain bank card had been defrosted. She felt that he still had some conscience and knew to leave some leeway for her.

"Then, did you help me prepare it? "

"I'm not free. "

"I shouldn't have asked Auntie to come. "

"Don't chase my mother away, " Du Anran said quickly. She knew that Xin zimo would do anything. If she could get her mother to come, she would definitely get her mother to return to the country immediately.

"What are you thinking about? Isn't your mother my mother? Am I that bad? " Xin Zimo laughed through the phone.

"stop trying to get close to me. I won't go back on my promise to you. I'll definitely go to the party with you. "

"I'll come to the villa to pick you up tomorrow morning. Remember to dress up beautifully, my little princess. "

"Don't tell me you have a favor to ask of me? " Du Anran felt that Xin Zimo did not have any good intentions when he heard Xin Zimo's tone.

When Xin Zimo heard that, he was so sad that he almost cried. If he treated her well, it would be said that he had a favor to ask of her. Couldn't he treat her well However, he went with the flow and said, "Then I beg you to kiss me. "

"Xin Zimo, you've been hanging out with Guo Zi all day. If you don't learn how to be nice, is that all you've learned? "

Du Anran immediately hung up. Xin Zimo was indeed a person that she hated and hated. For example, right now, she wanted to smash his face with her phone.

However, she was only thinking about it. Even if he was standing in front of her right now, she wouldn't dare to do it even if she had ten guts.

Du Anran tried on a few pieces of clothing in one night. Many of them were small gowns that Xin Zimo had bought for her. However, his taste was getting better and better. The gowns that he chose were either strapless or revealing their backs. Du Anran tried them on and still felt that it was better to wear the clothes that she had bought.

Just as she was changing into a light yellow gown, Xin Zimo called again.

Du Anran turned on the speakerphone and threw it on the bed, not saying a word.

Xin Zimo pondered for a long time and said in a low voice, "wear that big red gown tomorrow. I like it. "

Du Anran's hand that was holding the gown trembled. She quickly looked around. Did he activate his heavenly eye Why did he even know that she was struggling with the matter of clothes... ...

"I don't like it. It's too tacky. " Du Anran glanced at the red gown. It was not tacky, but too revealing. Xin Zimo's taste had not changed. He liked women who were emotional and charming, but unfortunately, she was not.

"It goes with the broken diamond necklace and the Sapphire earrings I gave you. " Xin Zimo acted as if he did not hear what she said.

"I chose a more beautiful dress, " Du Anran retorted.

"It's settled then. " Xin Zimo hung up the phone, not giving her a chance to quibble.

Du Anran felt that Xin Zimo was sometimes as overbearing as the emperor, not showing any mercy.

Early the next morning, Xin zimo parked his maybach outside the villa early as expected.

Uncle Chen looked at his watch from time to time, then looked at Xin Zimo who was sitting behind him.

"Mr. Xin, is your wound okay? " Uncle Chen actually did not know that Xin Zimo had returned. When he found out last night, he was so happy that he almost cried. He rushed to the hospital from home in the middle of the night.

"It's okay. I'll go back to the hospital after the party. "

"You should drink less wine, " uncle Chen reminded him.

"I know. " Xin Zimo's face was still cold. In front of outsiders, it was the same cold and indifferent. There was not a trace of gentleness on his handsome face.

However, all of this changed when he saw Du Anran appear at the door. The corners of his lips gradually curled into a smile. As Du Anran walked closer, the smile slowly deepened.

"Mr. Xin, Miss Du is a perfect match for you today. " Uncle Chen could not help but praise Du Anran when he saw her slowly walking over in a red dress.

Xin Zimo was very satisfied. He would never tell others that his suit and her dress were the same. This series was called "perfect couple. ".

Du Anran was wearing a pair of ten-inch white high heels with diamonds embedded in them. The diamonds sparkled under the sunlight. She wore the broken diamond necklace and the pair of Sapphire earrings as per his request. She also wore the jade bracelet that he gave her.

Xin Zimo was very satisfied with Du Anran's appearance. He could not help but squint his eyes and scrutinize her.

His beauty was really devastatingly beautiful. It seemed that he had to keep a close eye on her in the future.

Du Anran got into the car and sat beside Xin Zimo. The fragrance on her body made him very intoxicated. She was still as elegant and gentle as before.

Old Chen started the car after he saw Du Anran get into the car.

"You're very beautiful today. " Xin Zimo raised his hand and couldn't help but stroke her hair. The corners of his lips were filled with a faint smile.

Du Anran actually wanted to say, "didn't you just say that the things you picked were pretty? ". But when the words were about to come out of her mouth, she swallowed them back and replaced them with two words, "thank you. ".

"But there's still something missing. " Xin zimo looked at her.

Du Anran lowered her head and looked at herself. What was missing?

Xin zimo smiled but didn't say anything. Soon, he took out a red box from his pocket. He slowly opened the box, and the bright luster immediately seeped out under the sunlight.

It turned out to be an exquisite diamond ring. It was purely hand-forged, and in the middle was a six-clawed diamond. It was crystal clear and eye-catching.

Du Anran was shocked. She had seen this diamond ring before. It was the "heart of an angel" that had been sold for 99 million at the European and American auctions not long ago. Later, she didn't care about this matter. She only knew that the ring had been bought by a man, but she didn't expect that.. This man was Xin Zimo.

Xin Zimo held her hand and took the diamond ring out of the box, wanting to put it on her hand. Du Anran subconsciously retracted her hand, but Xin Zimo was already prepared. He held her hand.

Xin Zimo put the unparalleled diamond ring on the ring finger of Du Anran's left hand. It was neither too big nor too small. He was very satisfied that the diamond ring had finally found its owner.

When he bought the ring at a high price, there was only one thought in his mind. He wanted to give it to Du Anran and let this ring witness their love.

Du Anran knew that Xin Zimo did it on purpose. She was not married yet, but he put the ring on her ring finger. This made it impossible for her to get married in the future.

Xin Zimo raised Du Anran's hand and kissed it gently. He smiled and said, "from now on, you are mine. "

"I will definitely sell it for a good price. " Du Anran looked at the ring and said deliberately.


"Why wouldn't I dare? I am worried that I don't have money. "

Xin Zimo was angered by Du Anran again. Didn't she just freeze a few of her cards?

Uncle Chen laughed as he drove. "Miss Du, if you really sell the ring, Mr. Xin will really be sad. "

Du Anran lowered her head and waved the ring. After a long while, she said, "what if one day I throw this ring in front of you? "

Her voice was very clear and cold. Xin Zimo and she both thought of the past at the same time. Xin Zimo also remembered the decision she made when she threw the proposal ring on the ground.

"there won't be such a day. " Xin Zimo's tone was very firm. This time, he would love her well and never let her down.

"I hope so! " Du Anran's tone also softened. His attitude of apologizing and admitting his mistakes these few days was not bad, especially when he sent his mother to London, which made her heart soften a little.

When the car arrived at the venue of the cocktail party, the atmosphere was harmonious with singing and dancing everywhere.

However, Du Anran quickly realized that there was a very obvious difference from the last time. This time, there were many reporters at the cocktail party.

There were foreign reporters with blonde hair and blue eyes, as well as Chinese reporters with black hair and yellow skin.

The moment du Anran got out of the car, she hesitated. Why were there so many reporters? She was a little hesitant.

Before she could think of a reason, Xin Zimo had already gotten out of the car. He held her hand and brought her out of the car.

The reporters were quick-witted. When they saw that the host of the party had arrived, they immediately swarmed over and surrounded Xin Zimo and Du Anran in the middle.

Uncle Chen and a few bodyguards quickly stopped them. Xin zimo turned to Du Anran and said softly, "hold my arm. There are so many people watching! "

Du Anran pouted unwillingly, but she still did it. She had no intention of ruining the party. After all, little smarty was not very smart. If he took revenge later, she would be in big trouble.

That day at the Party, Xin Zimo and Du Anran were the center of attention. Xin Zimo took turns to clink glasses with everyone. Du Anran also pretended to hold a glass, but Xin Zimo did not let her clink glasses. Therefore, sometimes, she still had so much wine in her glass.

"everyone is happy today. I'll drink a little, " Du Anran said to Xin Zimo.