Chapter 164, twenty years

"Zimo, after the New Year, you'll be twenty-nine. " Mother Xin knew that it was unwise to quarrel on such days, so she reasoned with him and moved him with her emotions.

Xin Zimo did not reply, but only handed a cup of tea to mother Xin.

"actually, if you're not satisfied with Xiaoxue, I can understand, " mother Xin continued "A few days ago, chief Qin's wife came to my place for a meal. Her daughter happens to be twenty-four this year, and her family is quite satisfied with you. If you have any ideas, let's have a meal together after the New Year. "

"You don't have to say these things to me. " Xin Zimo's face was a little indifferent. "My feelings were expressed very clearly a long time ago. "

"Then my attitude was also made clear a long time ago. " Xin Zimo's Mother did not give in.

Xin Zimo knew that his mother was a hundred times dissatisfied with Du Anran. In fact, if it weren't for the grudges between the DU and Xin families, there wouldn't be such a situation.

But before these grudges were completely resolved, he would try his best to avoid letting anran meet his mother.

"Mr. Xin, Madam, Miss Chi is here. "

Not long after, the Butler brought Chi Xue to the living room. Today, Chi Xue had changed into a bright yellow coat without any makeup. She looked quiet and generous.

The moment she saw mother Xin, she immediately threw herself into her arms. "Auntie, why are you here? Why didn't you tell me so that I could pick you up... "

"Isn't this a surprise for you? " Mother Xin hugged her. "I haven't seen you for many days. You've lost weight again. Has Someone bullied you? "

"With you backing me up, who would dare to bully me? " Chi Xue laughed.

Xin Zimo saw that Chi Xue and his mother were mother and daughter. It seemed like he wasn't her biological son.

"Auntie, I knitted a scarf for you when I was free in London. I brought it with me. Take a look. "

Chi Xue said as she took out a dark green scarf from her bag. She had always known that mother Xin liked this color. Sure enough, as soon as she took it out, mother Xin happily wrapped it around her. She even kept praising Chi Xue for her dexterity.

Xin Zimo saw that there was nothing much for him to do and went upstairs while they were chatting happily.

The channel villa was filled with laughter and laughter, but the Laidu Garden was a different scene.

When du Anran arrived at the Laidu Garden, old Mister Xin was exercising. The garden was empty and not as lively as the last time she came. All the servants were gone.

"Old Mister, are you alone? "

Old Mister Xin was still very surprised when he saw Du Anran. He thought that he would have to spend the lonely New Year's Eve alone this year, but he did not expect du Anran to come.

"Anran, why are you here? Didn't you come back? " The old man saw that she had brought many gifts.

"I didn't go back. I thought you must be lonely in Laidu Garden alone, so I came to accompany you. "

"Yes, I asked the servants to go back. They also want to spend New Year's Eve. "

"Then I'll stay with you. I'll spend New Year's Eve with you. I brought a lot of things here. I'll make dumplings for you later. " Du Anran waved the things in her hand and smiled.

"I've really troubled you, but Zimo agreed to you coming to my place? "

"Don't worry, old sir. He said that he still has some things to do and will come over when he's done. " Du Anran lied. However, at this moment, she saw the hope in the old sir's eyes.

However, this hope instantly dimmed and was replaced by the usual gloom.

"Will He... come over? " The old Sir's voice was a little shaky. He and Zimo had not seen each other for many years ? is He really willing to spend the New Year with me ?

"Yes, he will come. " Du Anran nodded.

She did not know if she was giving hope to the old man or to herself.

The old man's eyes were filled with tears, and a smile appeared on his weather-beaten face.

Du Anran understood that this kind of love was something that could not be separated from family. A few months ago, she had lost her favorite uncle. She understood the pain of suffocation. If... Xin Zimo also understood, she hoped that he would come.

Don't let her down, and don't let the old man down.

"Old man, let's go make dumplings! " Du Anran helped the old man into the house.

"Okay, okay. It's been many years since I've made dumplings myself. I'll take you to the attic. It's quiet there. "

The old man took du Anran to the attic they went to last time. The sound of shoes stepping on the wooden stairs was like the sound of a musical instrument from the old days.

"Is the little boy from last time still coming? " Du Anran thought of the cute little boy they met at the attic last time.

"Yes, he comes every day when he's not in school. I especially like it when he comes over. I haven't experienced this kind of feeling for many years. " The old man sighed.

The attic was very quiet, and the sunlight was abundant. He pulled open the curtain of the Xiangfei Bamboo, and the light shone on the simple attic, making it peaceful.

After du Anran finished preparing the things, she began to make dumplings. In fact, she had not made dumplings for many years, and everyone had done it together during the first year of college. She had not done it in five or six years.

The old man was quite good at it. He taught Du Anran how to make delicious meat fillings and how to wrap the dumplings tightly.

It was hard for Du Anran to imagine that an entrepreneur who had been in business for a long time was so proficient in these things.

This reminded her of the food that Xin Zimo had cooked for her. She did not know if it was hereditary. Although Xin Zimo rarely cooked, every time those delicious dishes made her appetite soar.

However, when the dumplings were ready and Du Anran had cooked them, Xin Zimo still did not come.

She stood at the window of the attic. The anticipation in her heart had turned into anxiety.

It was already noon. Was He really not going to come?

He had said before that he hated people threatening him the most. If that was the case, did he feel tired of the direct threats she made last night... ...

Du Anran did not like the dumplings. The old man probably understood a little. He would say some funny things from time to time to make Du Anran happy.

"Anran, I'll bring you around. " The old man stood up and prepared to go downstairs.

"Old man, Zimo might have been delayed by something. Don't worry, he will come. " Du Anran said the last part, and she felt guilty.

"I know, I know. " The old man smiled kindly, his face full of kindness.

Du Anran looked at him as if he was her grandfather. She could not find any words to comfort the old man, so she could only follow him down the attic.

The old man took her around a few buildings. The scenery here was beautiful, the birds chirped, and the flowers were fragrant. Everything was clean and well-organized.

"there are so many rooms, and I'm the only one living here. Perhaps the greatest sorrow of old age is this, " the old man sighed.

"Old man, you should come back with us. After so many years, you must also miss your hometown... "

"I've been in London for twenty years. How can I have the face to return to my country? I've let Luoluo down. " The old man lowered his head and stood under the sun with his cane. His face was covered with an indescribable sorrow.

Du Anran knew that Luoluo was Mrs. Yin's maiden name. However, Mrs. Yin had passed away more than twenty years ago. Twenty years had passed, and things had long changed.

Du Anran accompanied the old man in the garden of Laidu for the whole afternoon to have a heart-to-heart talk. The old man sat on the Rattan Chair while she sat on the swing like a pair of grandfather and grandson. The Sun shone on their faces, and it was very warm.

The old man told Du Anran a lot of things from the bottom of his heart. He also told Du Anran that business people were actually very lonely. They were always under the pressure of being vigilant against others. In their eyes, there was not complete trust There was only doubt that existed at all times.

He said that this was probably the reason why Luoluo did not let Yonghang enter the business world. She was afraid that her son would never be happy. Unfortunately, Xin zimo eventually returned to the business world.

Du Anran understood the old man's meaning very well. Just like her, when she took over Shihe, she felt the pressure that existed all the time. She did not like this kind of suffocating pressure at all.

Therefore, she was not suitable for business. Even if Shihe was not bought by Xin Zimo, it would eventually be bought by another group.

The old man also showed Du Anran the photo album that he had kept for many years. In the photo album, it was the first time that Du Anran met Mrs. Yin and Miss He.

Both of them were beauties that were one in a hundred. Mrs. Yin was calm and generous, while miss he was lively and charming.

What surprised Du Anran was that Xin Zimo was also in the photo album when she was young.

Xin Zimo was very similar to the present when he was young. For example, he frowned, and he did not smile.

When du Anran unexpectedly flipped the back of the photo, she actually saw a full set of Chinese characters. They were written with a fountain pen. Most of them were written on the back of the photo of Xin Zimo's father and Xin Zimo. They were all blessings and thoughts.

Du Anran understood that it was not that the old man did not love them, but that he could not love them. He had chosen to let them down... ...

Time passed bit by bit, and the sun slowly moved from the east to the West. Finally, it gradually sank. When the last rays of the setting sun shone on the grass, everything was silent. Only the sound of Du Anran flipping through the photo album could be heard.

The old man lay on the Rattan Chair and closed his eyes. He enjoyed the warmth of the last day of the old calendar year.

When the night swallowed up the day, du Anran stood up in loneliness. She knew that Xin zimo would not come.

Du Anran cooked a lot of dishes. Fortunately, the old man did not send away all the servants in Laidu's garden. There were still one or two people who could help her. However, du Anran really did not dare to compliment her cooking skills. Fortunately, the old man did not mind at all. Instead, he smiled and taught her how to cook.

It was not easy to prepare a table of dishes. Fortunately, there was no burning of the pot. Du Anran was already very glad. Although it was not delicious, under the guidance of the old man, she could eat a big meal.

"old man, try the sweet and sour pork ribs. This is probably the best of these dishes. " Du Anran stuck out her tongue to make the dishes. She was quite embarrassed.

However, the old man kept praising her, saying that her cooking skills were not bad and that there was a lot of room for improvement.

It was already nine o'clock in the evening after dinner. Du Anran did not eat well. Several times, she almost cried when she saw the old man's white hair.

There were only three hours left until the new year. Du Anran looked at the clock in a daze. Xin Zimo, in the end, he had given her a huge disappointment on the last day of the new year.