Chapter 171, Not Understanding Romance

In a luxurious presidential suite, a woman with a good figure had just come out of the bathroom. She was wrapped in a bath towel, and her half-wet hair was lazily draped over her chest. The bath towel only reached her chest, and it was very attractive. Her two fair legs carried the beauty of a freshly bathed person as she walked slowly towards the large bed in the suite.

A man stood at the spacious floor-to-ceiling window of the suite. His slender figure was like a God as he stood at the window and looked out.

"CEO Xin... " The woman called out. Her delicate voice had an indescribable charm to it. As expected of a singer.

Xin Zimo frowned and turned his head. Under the half-light, he saw Mi Li leaning on the bed and playing with her hair.

"Now can we talk about why you gave up on the Xin Corporation? " Xin Zimo put his hands in the pockets of his suit pants and looked at her leisurely.

Mi Li was probably attracted by his handsome appearance and couldn't help but glance at him. This man was worthy of attracting countless women to submit to him. He had the capital to do so.

"CEO Xin... who said that he gave up on the Xin Group? " Mi Li chuckled ...

She was indeed a popular celebrity in city a now. As long as she made a promotional film, she would definitely be able to achieve twice the result with half the effort. However, during the period when Xin Zimo was in London, she suddenly changed her mind and wanted to promote the Xie Bank.

The Xin Group had sent several negotiation experts to discuss a collaboration, but they were all blocked by her agent. However, she secretly learned that when Xin Zimo returned, he had arranged to meet Xin Zimo at the hotel.

"Laura, don't forget that the benefits of working with Xin Zimo are far better than working with any other company. "

"Why didn't I know about this? " Mi Li stood up and walked to Xin Zimo's side. She hooked her arm around Xin Zimo's arm and said, "working with such an outstanding man like you, I am more than happy to... "

"since you are so sincere, why don't we sign the contract now? "

There was no way Xin zimo would allow her to promote the Xie Corporation. He had just failed in the acquisition of the Xie Corporation, so he couldn't let the Xie Corporation develop again without paying attention.

"As long as you are sincere, I will get my manager to talk to you tomorrow. "

Mi Li rubbed against Xin Zimo's body and hooked her arm around Xin Zimo's neck like a water snake. She held Xin Zimo's waist with one hand and untied his tie with the other.

"Miss Laura, it seems that you always talk about cooperation in bed. " Xin zimo raised his eyebrows and revealed a cold smile.

"I am not happy that you are talking about me like that... " Mi Li continued to Unbutton Xin Zimo's shirt.

She could not help but be intoxicated. This man had an extraordinary charm. Even the elegant perfume on his body was so mesmerizing.

In the past, she had wanted to further develop with Xin Zimo several times, but he had rejected her mercilessly. Now, there was finally a chance for him to beg her.

Just as she was unbuttoning the second button on Xin Zimo's shirt, Xin Zimo held her wrist with his back hand. "Miss Laura, I see that you don't have the sincerity to cooperate. "

Mi Li's hand was hurting from his grip. She twitched a few times and screamed repeatedly, "Aiyo, CEO Xin, why don't you show any mercy to the fairer sex? I came with good intentions to talk to you about the promotional film. How are we going to talk after you treat me like this? "

"I don't like to procrastinate. I came here personally tonight to give you face. If you continue to refuse the toast, don't blame me for not being polite. " There was a trace of hostility in Xin zimo's eyes.

Mi Li originally thought that she would be able to have sex with Xin zimo tonight and get some juicy news at the same time. This way, she would be able to shine like a star. She did not expect Xin Zimo to not fall for this trick.

"You're threatening me like this? Do you believe that I will call the reporters over now? When the time comes, we will see who those gossip entertainment will believe! " Mi Li was also angry. This man was not someone that she could handle.

"How dare you! " A trace of hesitation flashed across Xin Zimo's eyes.

Mi Li knew that Xin Zimo had some scruples. She sneered and pulled her hand away.

"Why wouldn't I dare? Look at us now. Don't we look like lovers? " Mi Li continued to speak without fear of death.

"Laura, you can choose not to sign the contract. If you dare to affect my life, I will make you disappear from City A. "

"CEO Xin, don't think that just because I am a celebrity, I don't know anything about business. The Xin Corporation is in a financial crisis now, right "The reason you came here in person tonight is to raise the reputation of the Xin Corporation and attract more investment. Am I right?"

"Who did you hear it from? " Xin Zimo's eyes were filled with patience.

Very few people knew that the Xin Corporation was in a financial crisis. He tried his best to hide it, hoping to use a series of remedial measures to fix the situation and salvage the crisis. However, he did not understand that Mi Li actually knew about this.

"Don't worry about who I heard it from. You did find the right person to ask me to do a promotional video. With me doing a promotional video for the Xin Corporation, we will definitely be able to attract more funds. However, CEO Xin, if you are not sincere enough, don't blame me for looking for another company to work with. "

"Don't forget, I have a video of you that you can't let others see. "

"CEO Xin, don't threaten me. If you release the video, both of us will suffer losses and neither of us will get any benefits. Why don't we not think about anything tonight and let me accompany you properly, okay? "

Mi Li's hand once again clung onto Xin Zimo's neck, and she continued to Unbutton Xin Zimo's shirt.

Xin Zimo frowned and pushed her away. "There's no need for us to talk about this collaboration today! I advise you to consider it carefully. "

He left the suite without stopping and closed the door with a bang. Mi Li was shocked and did not come back to her senses for a long time.

There was actually a man who was not interested in her at all. Mi Li was very frustrated. There was no man in city a that she could not handle, but Xin Zimo was not.

She admired her charming figure in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror, her half-curled hair, and her curvy figure. She simply could not find any fault with herself, but Xin Zimo was actually such an unromantic man.

When Xin Zimo drove away from the restaurant, Sun Ping called.

"President Xin, Miss Du is drunk. " Sun Ping knew that Xin Zimo was talking about working with Mi Li, but Liu Wanwan kept pestering him to call Xin Zimo. He had no choice but to call her.

But he did not expect that Xin Zimo actually said, "I'll be right there. ".

Sun Ping knew that Xin Zimo had been deliberately avoiding Du Anran for the past few days. He was also avoiding Du Anran, if Liu Wanwan had not suddenly invited them to meet.

"Sun Ping, is your boss here yet? " Liu Wanwan held du Anran. At first, they were very happy drinking fruit juice. Later, she felt that drinking fruit juice was not enough, so she opened a few bottles of wine. She did not expect Du Anran to have something on her mind She got drunk as soon as she drank.

"He's coming right away, " Sun Ping said.

"Sun Ping, tell me honestly, did that beast bully sister Anran? Sister Anran looked very pale today. She kept drinking when I brought the wine. "

"I don't know anything between her and Director Xin, " Sun Ping prevaricated.

Actually, how could he not know? After CEO Xin returned to the country, he showed CEO Xin a few photos, and CEO Xin's expression immediately changed. Although CEO Xin didn't say anything, he had guessed everything from the past few days when he deliberately avoided Du Anran.

"Do you really not know or are you pretending not to know? If you dare to lie to me, YOU'RE FINISHED! " Liu Wanwan yelled at Sun Ping.

"I really don't know. " Sun Ping continued to lie.

Liu Wanwan saw that his attitude was quite sincere, so she didn't force him. She just said, "take care of sister Anran, don't always speak up for that beast! "

Sun Ping did not dare to disobey. He nodded. "okay. "

When Liu Wanwan helped du Anran out of the restaurant, Xin Zimo's car arrived shortly after.

Du Anran did not make a fuss. She only mumbled as if she was saying something, but no one could understand her. Xin Zimo helped her to the front passenger seat. He frowned and scolded, "why are you drinking again? Look at how drunk you are! "

Xin zimo hated it when Du Anran drank. She could not hold her liquor, yet she got drunk every time.

Before leaving, Liu Wanwan warned Xin Zimo, "Hey, sister anran looks like she's in a bad mood. Don't make her angry. "

Sun Ping quickly pulled Liu Wanwan away and said to Xin Zimo, "CEO Xin, it's okay. Miss Du just drank a little too much. "

Xin zimo nodded. "I know. "

He hadn't seen Du Anran for a few days. Xin zimo missed her a lot, the way he missed her every day.

"Xin Zimo... Xin Zimo... " He drove her to the villa on Huxin island, and suddenly heard her call his name ...

His driving hand paused, and he turned to look at her. She was still honest and did not move, but because she was drinking, her face was red.

He sighed.

When they arrived at the villa, he was still the one who carried her upstairs. The structure of the villa on Lake Heart Island was similar to that of the London channel villa, but one was european-style, and the other was chinese-style.

But both were equally quiet, especially on a night like this, when it had just snowed, it was even quieter.

After he carried Du Anran into the bedroom, he left the villa and only sent a few servants over.

Therefore, when Du Anran woke up in the morning, she thought that she was dreaming. First, she thought that she had returned to London. Then, she realized that something was wrong. This was the villa on Lake Heart Island.

Her head hurt, and her stomach hurt. Every time she drank, she would regret it, but the next time, she would forget it.

What else could she do when she was in a bad mood? She could only feel better after getting drunk and sleeping!

"Miss Du, you're awake... " as soon as du Anran pressed the bell by the bedside, a small servant came over.

"Is... is there anyone else here? " Actually, she wanted to ask if Xin Zimo was here ...

She sobered up a little and remembered that he was the one who sent her here last night.

"Miss Du, Ah Zhen, ALU, and I, " Aqin stood respectfully at the side.

"Oh... When did Mr. Xin Leave? "

"Mr. Xin sent you back last night. He carried you upstairs and left, " Aqin said truthfully.

Du Anran lowered her eyes. "I know, go do your work! "

"Hey! If you need anything, just let me know. "

Du Anran nodded and leaned weakly on the bed. Why did he not see her after he came back? Was He really very busy?

Du Anran did not dare to call him again. She was afraid of being disappointed. She did not know when, but that kind of dependence on him grew again. She was very afraid of this kind of dependence. She always felt that this kind of dependence was an extravagant hope.

Du Anran sat in a daze on the bed for a long time. It was not until Liu Wanwan called that she was shocked.

"Sister Anran, you're awake? " Liu Wanwan stuck out her tongue.

Last night, when Xin Zimo found out about the wine she gave du Anran, his eyes were filled with hatred.