Chapter 179, causing trouble on the street

"since this matter is related to me, let me make things clear. " Sun Ping stood out.

Lu Jia originally wanted to stand beside him, but after being glared at by Du Anran, she obediently withdrew.

Liu Wanwan crossed her arms and rolled her eyes at Sun Ping. She didn't expect this man to have a wife who had been engaged since young. She really underestimated him.

"I don't have any wife, nor have I been married. I only have Liu Wanwan as my girlfriend. " Sun Ping suppressed his voice and glanced at Lu Jia and her daughter.

Lu Jia's mother was about to curse, but her wrist was grabbed by Du Anran and she couldn't move. She was still in pain and couldn't speak.

"The so-called engagement is just a joke from my parents when I was young. Moreover, Auntie, your family has never taken it seriously. "I remember when I was in university, my father fell down from the mountain due to an accident and borrowed money from your family. You closed the door and said that you had nothing to do with our family. Am I right? " Sun Ping looked at Lu Jia's mother.

Sure enough, the woman lowered her head and avoided Sun Ping's gaze.

"after I graduated from University, I met President Xin. He helped our family get through the difficult times and also helped me achieve what I am today. "I don't know where you heard the news from. You said that I have made a meteoric rise and even came to me with such a joking engagement. " Sun Ping's expression was solemn "But let me tell you, this is the 21st century. Everything has to be done according to the law. Lu Jia and I haven't seen each other for many years, let alone received a marriage certificate. What kind of husband and wife are we? Our relationship is at most between fellow townsmen and neighbors. "

"I know it's not easy for you to come to city A. This meal is my treat. Don't come to me again in the future, and don't harass Wanwan. Otherwise, don't blame me for being impolite and merciless, " Sun Ping scolded.

"Brother Sun Ping... don't you like me at all? " Lu Jia felt wronged Her mother told her that she would be happy for the rest of her life if she married a good man. She also said that Sun Ping was rich and powerful in city a and that she had to catch Sun Ping. She also said that she had to deal with that woman named Liu Wanwan.

She and her mother had planned to teach Liu Wanwan a lesson tonight. However, Liu Wanwan didn't come, so Sun Ping came.

"I haven't seen you for 20 years. What do I like about you? " Sun Ping asked.

"No one can say for sure about relationships! " Lu Jia's mother shouted, "you can cultivate it slowly. Didn't you guys play well when you were young? "

Everyone's faces were full of black lines. When Liu Wanwan heard Sun Ping's explanation, although she was relieved, she glared at Sun Ping.

"Brother Sun Ping... don't chase me away... can you let me stay by your side... " Lu Jia suddenly grabbed Sun Ping's arm and cried with snot and tears.

"Hurry up and go back to your hometown. City a is not suitable for you. " Sun Ping broke free from Lu Jia's hand.

"Let me tell you, hurry up and go back. City a is a place that eats people without spitting out their bones. Do you know how much the house price is here? " Liu Wanwan tried to scare them "30,000 yuan per square meter! " Do you know what 30,000 yuan per square meter is The size of a table is 30,000 yuan. "And let me tell you, Sun Ping is very poor. He doesn't even have a house. I followed him and ate my fill without eating my fill. "Don't look at how well-dressed he is. He often comes to my house to eat and drink. "

Du Anran held back her laughter. She saw that Sun Ping's face had turned black.

Sure enough, Lu Jia and her daughter were also intimidated by Liu Wanwan. Thirty thousand yuan was probably a year's income for them.

"Do you guys want to go back and continue eating? " The room manager stood at the side and watched for a long time. It was rare to see such a wonderful annual drama.

"WE'RE NOT GOING BACK! " "WE'RE GOING BACK! " The few of them said in unison.

Sun Ping and Liu Wanwan were definitely unwilling to go back. However, Lu Jia and her daughter saw the exquisite dishes and could not bear to throw them away. Moreover, it was Sun Ping's treat. It would be a waste not to eat.

Actually, they did not plan to spend their own money here. They wanted to call Liu Wanwan over and find an excuse for Liu Wanwan to pay the bill. However, since things had developed to this point, they did not have much to lose.

Manager Fang could not make the decision. He could only ask again, "then, will you come in with me? "

"I'll go and pay the bill, " Sun Ping said.

Lu Jia's mother saw this and rushed to Sun Ping's front. "I didn't eat much. I told them to pack it up and take it away! "

Liu Wanwan rolled her eyes and grabbed du Anran's hand. "Sister Anran, I've seen the best today... "

"Wanwan, you're relieved now, " Du Anran smiled.

"Don't worry, I'm 100% relieved. Sun Ping, that idiot, still paid the bill. If I hadn't killed them, I'D BE SHOWING MERCY! " Liu Wanwan waved her fist.

"You have such a temper. " Du Anran smiled helplessly.

At this time, a black mercedes-benz drove up to them. Xin zimo honked the Horn and glanced at Du Anran from the car window.

"that beast is here, " Liu Wanwan whispered.

"He must have been watching a good show for a long time, " Du Anran said in a low voice.

However, when Lu Jia was waiting for her mother outside, she suddenly saw a handsome man sitting in the car. He was even more handsome than the celebrities she saw on TV. Her eyes lit up and she ran over in her high heels She didn't notice the change in Du Anran's expression.

"handsome man! Leave your phone number! " Lu Jia shouted as she walked.

However, Xin Zimo was not Sun Ping. The moment he saw that Lu Jia was about to walk up, he stepped on the clutch and accelerator. The car made a turn and brushed past Lu Jia. It went around to Du Anran's side.

Liu Wanwan and Du Anran finally could not help but laugh.

"Get in the car! " Xin zimo glanced at Du Anran.

"Oh... " Du Anran looked at Xin Zimo, opened the car door, and sat in the passenger seat.

She waved at Liu Wanwan. "Wanwan, don't quarrel with Sun Ping when you go back. He has his own difficulties. "

"I know, I know. " Liu Wanwan waved goodbye to Du Anran.

Lu Jia looked at the mercedes-benz that was leaving and could not help but stomp her foot in defeat.

"I didn't know that you were so righteous. " Xin Zimo turned his head and glanced at Du Anran as he drove.

"Do you think everyone is like you, putting profit first? " Du Anran finally found an opportunity to fight back.

"How do you know that I put profit first in everything? " Xin Zimo asked.

UH... ... Du Anran was speechless. Didn't the people of city a say so ? Xin Zimo was unscrupulous in the business world, sacrificing everything for profit ...

"For example, you buy Shihe. "

She rarely mentioned Shihe to him in person, just like how she rarely mentioned the DU family to him. The DU and Xin families seemed to be a taboo, but if this taboo could not be broken, there seemed to be a gap between them.

"Who doesn't have ambition? The Xin family and Shihe are competitors to begin with. If one wants to dominate, the other must be sacrificed. It's just that I'm more determined to acquire Shihe. "On one hand, it's because of the DU family, and on the other hand, it's because of the market, " Xin Zimo said honestly.

"For the sake of Shihe, you're even willing to take wedding photos with me. " Du Anran pouted. Not only did she take wedding photos, but she also proposed.

"The so-called fake show is real. Or, I've long fallen in love with you. It's just that I didn't know it until I lost you. " Xin Zimo's eyes were full of affection.

However, these words still seemed to be quite useful to Du Anran. She pursed her lips and smiled. It was as if she had eaten honey in her heart.

"So, you've been ignoring me these past few days? "

When Xin Zimo heard her mention this, he couldn't help but fall silent again. After a long while, he gazed ahead and said faintly, "I'm just busy. "

Du Anran believed him. She had also forgotten the unhappiness of the past few days.

"Oh right, I want to go to school with my mother to teach children. " Du Anran thought of the Happy Times in the past and couldn't help but suggest to Xin Zimo.

"No. " Xin Zimo's expression didn't change much, but his tone was as cold as usual.

She didn't ask for leave during this period of time and didn't dare to come to work. He really didn't have the energy to care about her, but now that she asked to leave the Xin Group, he definitely wouldn't allow it. Leaving the Xin Group was just like leaving him.

"Oh... " Du Anran didn't resist. This man could discuss other things, but he wouldn't let her off on this matter.

The car turned a few corners and arrived at the villa on Lake Heart Island.

The villa at night was exceptionally quiet. It looked quiet and peaceful. The surroundings were filled with the faint fragrance of plants and water. Occasionally, one or two fish would jump over the river, making a splash.

After Xin zimo parked the car in the garage, he carried Du Anran upstairs. Du Anran wanted to jump down, so she mumbled, "I haven't eaten dinner yet. "

She was so focused on dealing with the mother and daughter with Liu Wanwan that Liu Wanwan was probably starving by now.

"I haven't eaten either. " Xin Zimo carried her through the hall and went up the stairs.

"then go and cook. We can eat together. "

"I don't like to cook. I think it's easier to eat you. " Xin Zimo's voice was Hoarse, and his eyes were clearly filled with lust.

How many days had it been since he touched her?

Du Anran sensed the dangerous aura that was approaching her. Xin Zimo threw her onto the big bed after he entered the room. The fragrance machine in the room was filled with ylang essential oil. The moist fragrance assaulted her face, and the entire room was filled with the rich fragrance of ylang essential oil.

This was a type of essential oil that could improve the mood. As expected, under the stimulation of this essential oil, Xin Zimo could not help but kiss du Anran's lips.

The fragrance of this essential oil surged up to du Anran's nose. Du Anran was also stunned, and in a daze, she let Xin Zimo manipulate her.

Xin zimo lingered between her lips and teeth. He was gentle and gentle, and his eyes were filled with endless love.

The dim yellow lights and the blurred crystal lights interweaved to create a chaotic scene. The ultrasonic aromatherapy machine did not make any sound. It only continued to emit the fragrance of Yilan essential oil.

He unbuttoned her coat, her dress, and his lips touched all her sensitive spots.

"Oh... " Du Anran could not help but moan.

Xin zimo patiently guided her. After more than ten minutes, when she was completely prepared, he buried himself into her body.

The night was silent. The light poured down on the wide velvet quilt like flowing water. The stars outside the window were bright, and the crescent moon was hazy. Wisps of clouds drifted with the wind, sometimes blocking the moonlight. Everything in the world was as quiet as water.

Do not know the origin, go deep.