Chapter 173, her deception

In the CEO's office on the 36th floor of the Xin Corporation building.

Xin Zimo stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and watched the dark night engulf the day bit by bit. The street lights were lit up, and cars were coming and going on the wide road.

"President Xin, why don't we call it a day? You should go back earlier too. " Sun Ping closed the documents and looked at Xin zimo's back view in front of the window.

"Does he Yuguang know that we are investigating him? " Xin Zimo asked faintly.

"President he doesn't know for the time being, " Sun Ping said. "However, the recent accounts have all been handed over to others. I reckon that he will be able to find out very soon. "

"He Yuguang worked together with me in the world back then. I really didn't expect him to betray me. " A trace of loneliness appeared on Xin Zimo's face.

"No one wants this kind of thing, but since it happened, we shouldn't be merciful. "

"The person on the last plane was also arranged by him, right? "

"You did put his spies on the plane from the country to London, but then you changed the flight schedule, and he got nothing. As for the plane hijacking when you came back, it was indeed not done by him. "

"Why did he do that? I treated him well. " Xin Zimo's eyes were full of disappointment.

"I'm afraid he was ordered by someone, " Sun Ping said, "including the video incident at the building, it was also through his hands. "

"Who could give him such a benefit? To make him willingly give up his position as the vice president of the Xin Corporation to do these shady things! " Xin Zimo said angrily.

"CEO Xin, preliminary investigation, I suspect it's Xiao Qingqing. " Sun Ping lowered his head.

"Xiao Qingqing? " Xin zimo sneered, "a woman has charmed him into a daze? What a woman's knowledge! "

"Director Xin, I will continue to follow up. I will report to you as soon as I have news, " Sun Ping said.

"wait, I remember something. Help me investigate. "

When Xin Zimo heard Sun Ping Mention Xiao Qingqing's name, he suddenly remembered that day when he followed Xiao Qingqing, he saw her enter a house. After that, he had not seen Xiao Qingqing for a long time. He had also forgotten about this matter. He did not expect that Xiao Qingqing was not missing, but was causing trouble for the Xin family behind the scenes.

He could not tolerate being controlled by others. He had to strike first when everything was just beginning.

Xin Zimo told Sun Ping the address and the situation. Sun Ping was shocked when he heard it. He had known Xiao Qingqing for a long time. He did not expect Xiao Qingqing to hide such an important matter from them.

This woman was really not simple.

"CEO Xin, I will do my best to handle it. ". However, the acquisitions of the few banks had all failed. The group's capital losses were extremely serious. There was also the large-scale investment in the Golden Plate Garden Project, which could not be started for a long time. Jin Haiguo also did not let go of the project. I'm afraid that we need to prepare for the fiscal deficit in a short period of time... "...". Sun Ping's voice became softer as he spoke.

This was the first time since the establishment of the Xin Corporation that they needed to initiate a plan to deal with the financial deficit crisis. Xin Zimo closed his eyes and let out a long sigh from the bottom of his heart.

"Sun Ping, calm the hearts of the people. All information will be sealed. "

"Director Xin, I know. " Sun Ping nodded, but he still said, "Director Xin, there are actually some things that I don't know if I should say. "

"speak. "

"There are countless projects in the Xin Corporation, yet you insist on investing a large sum of money into a Golden Plate Garden project that will not be effective in a short period of time. This in itself is an extremely unwise move. "secondly, you clearly know that working with Mi Li will bring considerable benefits to the Xin family, yet you chose to hire a new person. "thirdly, you kept du Anran by your side. This is simply adding insult to injury. " Sun Ping said the words in his heart in one breath.

He knew that Du Anran was Liu Wanwan's friend, but he still had to persuade Xin Zimo.

Xin Zimo did not speak for a long time. The Golden Plate Garden project was her life, it was her father's last wish. How could he not give it his all He was not the kind of man who flirted with women. He did not want to let her down, so he did not agree to work with Mi Li. Also, he could not imagine the days without Du Anran. He could only keep her by his side.

However, he could not answer Sun Ping like that. He had just scolded president he for being bewitched by women. Was He not the same?

"President Xin. " Sun Ping placed a stack of photos in front of Xin Zimo. "I won't say anything else. Look at it yourself. "

It was a stack of brand new photos that looked like they had just been developed. Xin Zimo did not have the courage to look at it. The last time he had just returned to the country, Sun Ping had left a stack of photos for him. This time, it was the same.

"President Xin, when we were in London, I didn't dare to disturb you. You weren't willing to listen to me talk about the company's matters, but the situation is very urgent now. You should know this in your heart. "

Xin Zimo fell silent. Indeed, when they were in London, Sun Ping had told him several times that Du Anran had met Xie Chenjin in private. He didn't want to believe it. At that time, every time Sun Ping told him, he would drown his sorrows in alcohol and get drunk.

He still remembered that night when he hugged Du Anran and said, "don't leave me. " He was drunk, but subconsciously, he was really afraid of losing her.

Xin Zimo's hands that covered the photos trembled slightly. He moved the photos away one by one. When he saw the last few photos, his heart was like a surging wave.

The photos were secretly taken from the back. Beside a Bentley, Xie Chenjin was hugging Du Anran. Du Anran lowered her head and hugged Xie Chenjin.

Xin Zimo's eyes were so deep that they could not see the bottom. He slowly retracted them. His tightly pursed lips were covered with a sneer. His entire face was Pale.

He picked up the photos and threw them all into the trash can. Sun Ping could not help but sigh when he saw this.

"Don't follow her anymore, " Xin Zimo said in a low voice.

Sun Ping had long realized that something was wrong with Du Anran. He had sent people to follow her for a long time before he got these photos. He completely understood what Xin Zimo meant. Xin Zimo was too afraid of losing her... ...

"Okay. " Sun Ping nodded. Since Xin Zimo was lying to himself, as his secretary, he did not need to bother about it anymore.

Xin zimo understood that Guo Zi wanted to stop before he left the night before. It turned out that Guo Zi had already investigated du Anran. That's right. If it wasn't for the leak of the confidential information from the meeting, Xie Chenjin wouldn't have sent people to intercept the information. How could he let the Xie bank turn the tide and bring back the dead.

"CEO Xin, it's getting late. There are some matters that we can deal with tomorrow. " Sun Ping saw that Xin Zimo's face was Pale and knew that this kind of matter had dealt a great blow to Xin Zimo.

Xin zimo placed his hands on the office desk and didn't speak for a long time.

Just as Sun Ping was about to leave, Xin Zimo's phone rang.

Sun Ping glanced at it. It was Du Anran. He knew that Xin Zimo had been avoiding Du Anran recently, but it was not a good idea to keep hiding like this. They had to clear up any misunderstandings between them.

The cell phone rang for a long time, but Xin Zimo did not pick it up.

"President Xin, I'm going back first. " Sun Ping took the documents and left the president's office.

The cell phone was still ringing. It rang for more than 40 seconds before it stopped.

Du Anran did not know why Xin Zimo did not pick up her call. She also did not know where he was. She had not seen him for many days. It seemed that he was also avoiding her.

She was a little disappointed. After wandering around the room for a while, she had no choice but to call Sun Ping.

"Miss Du. " Sun Ping's tone was very flat, and no one could hear any tone in his voice.

"Sun Ping, are you with Xin Zimo? " Du Anran asked anxiously.

"No, I'm at home. " Sun Ping drove the car. "CEO Xin might be entertaining. He's been quite busy these few days. If you don't have anything important to do, don't disturb him. "

Du Anran's heart suddenly sank. Entertaining... ... Has he been socializing all this time ?

"Oh, I got it. " Du Anran hung up the phone in disappointment.

She wanted to talk to him about something, but she couldn't even see him anymore. She looked down at the diamond ring on her hand. Unfortunately, the diamond ring wasn't a magic lamp, so she couldn't summon him.

"Anran, are you asleep? " Her mother, Bai Ruyun, suddenly knocked on her door.

Du Anran quickly composed herself. "Mom, I'm not asleep. "

She opened the door, and Bai Ruyun massaged her neck. "Anran, the back of my neck isn't feeling well. Help me massage it. "

"Are you too tired? " Anran helped her mother to the SOFA at the side.

"maybe. I haven't worked for so many years. I didn't expect that I would still not get used to it after a few months. "

Du Anran was massaging her mother while chatting with her mother. "Mom, don't be too tired. Actually, Xin Zimo pays me a lot of money. "

"although I'm a little tired, I live a fulfilling life every day. " Bai Ruyun said, "after I left last time, did you and Xin Zimo reconcile? "

"He has apologized to me for a lot of things. In fact, you're right. He doesn't owe me, and he doesn't owe the DU family, " Du Anran said calmly.

"He proposed to you? " Bai Ruyun asked. She had actually seen the ring on du Anran's hand a long time ago.

"Yes. " Du Anran nodded. "Mom, do you think he's serious this time? "

"The way he treats you now is completely different from the perfunctory way he treated you two years ago. A person's eyes can't deceive others. Go Higher. "

Du Anran helped Bai Ruyun massage her shoulders, but Bai Ruyun saw that she was not willing to speak today, so she could not help but ask, "Anran, is there something on your mind? "

Du Anran was silent. After a long time, she said sadly, "mom, when Xin Zimo lied to me, I wanted to cut him into a thousand pieces and throw him into a pot of oil to fry. But... what if one day, I lied to him? "

Bai Ruyun turned her head slightly. "Then he lied to you. Have you forgiven him now? "

Du Anran nodded. "I have forgiven him. "

"Then why did you forgive him? ''

"because I know that he loves me. His kindness to me was enough to eliminate my hatred for him. Moreover, my hatred now seems a little childish and laughable. I blamed Shihe's bankruptcy and uncle's suicide on him. It was a mistake in the first place."

"If he knows that you love him too and that you lied to him because you had no choice, he will forgive you, " Bai Ruyun said faintly.

"Mom, you really know how to comfort me. " Du Anran's mood improved every time she chatted with her mother. Her mother was calm and collected, like an orchid flower that lived in a secluded valley and breathed its fragrance.

"You massaged me, of course I have to comfort you, " Bai Ruyun said with a smile.