Chapter 177, she was sick

"which hospital is she in? " Xin Zimo asked coldly.

"The city hospital... " Sun Ping thought to himself. This was the end. Liu wanwan would probably be scolded by Xin Zimo in a while.

Sure enough, Xin Zimo didn't say anything. He threw his phone to Sun Ping with a dark face and went down the elevator directly from the Xin Corporation building.

Sun Ping was so scared that he quickly called Liu Wanwan. "Liu Wanwan, hurry up and hide. President XIN IS THERE! "

"Uh, then I'm finished... " Liu Wanwan knew the consequences of provoking that beast.

"So I told you to avoid it. You must not bump into President Xin. He's in a very bad mood right now. " Xin Zimo had lost his temper during the meeting. If he found out that Liu Wanwan was the one who let du Anran fall into the water.. She would be dead for sure.

Liu Wanwan was so scared that she paced around the ward after she answered Sun Ping's call. However, she did not dare to leave du Anran alone. She told the nurse at the door a few words and hid herself first.

When Xin Zimo came to the ward, Liu Wanwan had already hid in the hospital bathroom. In the quiet ward, only du Anran was on an IV drip.

The flush on her face had already subsided, but she had not woken up yet. Xin Zimo strode forward and touched her forehead. Fortunately, her fever had subsided to a low level.

He sat by her bed and looked at her. He had not looked at her seriously once in so many days. He really missed her.

But he could not help it. When he saw the photos and heard the truth from Sun Ping, he could not help but hold a grudge.

In fact, he wanted to hear her tell him personally that she did not do anything. Those were just mistakes made by Sun Ping in his work. Unfortunately, she didn't tell him anything.

His hand gently touched her cheek, and his heart throbbed.

He lowered his head and couldn't help but kiss her lips.

He hadn't kissed her for a long time. Although his kiss was only on the surface, it was gentle and long.

"Anran, I really want to bring you back to London. " He missed those days in London. Although there were arguments, he was still happy. Every morning when he woke up, he could see her by his side. This kind of happiness was indescribable.

Du Anran was still in a deep sleep. She could not hear Xin Zimo's words, but she had a dream. In the dream, it was snowing. She stood by the window and looked at the snowflakes. She watched as he walked over from the snow... ...

He sat at the head of her bed for a long time. When the drip was almost done, Du Anran finally opened her eyes.

She first saw a person sitting at the head of the bed. When she saw clearly, she realized that it was Xin Zimo.

She moved her body to sit up. She had not seen him for a long time. She was really afraid that he would turn around and leave.

"Don't move. " Xin Zimo held her.

"You... why are you here? " Du Anran was quite surprised. She did not expect Xin Zimo to come. was she the one who sent her to the hospital ?

"I heard that you had a fever and were staying in the hospital. "

"You sent me here? "

"No, " Xin Zimo said truthfully. "Liu Wanwan sent you here. "

"Oh... " Du Anran's face was slightly disappointed. "where's Wan Wan? "

Xin Zimo guessed that she had run away. He only said plainly, "it's Monday today. She should have gone to work. "

"Aren't you busy today? " Du Anran asked.

Xin zimo wanted to say that no matter how busy she was, she was not as important as him. However, he swallowed his words. He said, "yes, I just had a meeting. Everything has been settled. "

"I'm fine now. Don't worry. "

"I haven't taken care of you for the past few days, and something happened to you. How can I be at ease? " Xin zimo frowned and said.

"I was just fooling around with Wan Wan. I'm really fine. Look at me, I'm fine. " Du Anran smiled.

"If it's fine, why are you staying in the hospital! " Xin zimo yelled at her.

Du Anran immediately shut up. She had never quarreled with this man before. However, she thought that he was really ignoring her. She did not expect that he would still come to visit her.

"When your fever has subsided and your body has recovered, I'll send you home. " Seeing that she had become obedient, Xin Zimo did not yell at her anymore, so he changed his tone.

Du Anran nodded, but she still asked what she wanted to ask, "although you've been very busy these few days, why did you ignore me? "

"I was too busy and didn't take care of you. I apologize to you. " Xin Zimo brushed this matter aside.

Since the Xin Group failed to acquire the Xie Group, and the Xie Group had already made a comeback, it was useless to say anything more. He couldn't lose her. He just wanted to wait for his mood to recover a little.

"really? " Du Anran blinked.

"really. " Xin zimo smiled.

"Then I forgive you. " Du Anran also smiled.

Xin Zimo touched her head. When du Anran wasn't angry, she was quite easy to coax.

That day, Liu Wanwan wanted to wait for Xin Zimo to return to the Xin Corporation, but she did not receive any instructions from Sun Ping. She had no choice but to return to the ward. However, when she saw that Xin Zimo was peeling an apple for Du Anran, she guessed that he was probably fine. She then heaved a sigh of relief.

When du Anran had a fever, Xin Zimo let her stay in the hospital for a few days. Du Anran was so bored that he agreed to take her back.

"I'll send you to the villa on Huxin island for a few days. It's suitable for recuperation, " Xin Zimo said as he drove.

"I don't want to go. There are only a few servants like Aqin. It's rather boring, " Du Anran refused.

"I'll stay with you for a few days. " Xin Zimo did not know how he could endure it for so many days. These days, he endured not seeing her, did not take the initiative to call her, and did not even reply to any of her messages.

But he finally could not endure it anymore. This kind of torture was too painful.

Only then did DU anran smile. "You Cook? " She missed his cooking.

"You only know how to eat. " Xin zimo freed a hand and messed up her hair. He smiled dotingly.

"You're so annoying. Drive seriously! " Du Anran made a face at him.

Those few days, Sun Ping saw a smile on Xin Zimo's face again. He felt that this man was really hopeless. From time to time, he would beat around the Bush to remind Xin Zimo, but every time, Xin zimo would use another topic to block him.

On the surface, the Xin Corporation was still thriving, but in reality, it was already in a crisis. Xin Zimo was at a loss. Sun Ping could not come up with any countermeasures either. Seeing the shareholders selling their stocks and the debt crisis taking a step up, Xin Zimo felt a great sense of panic.

However, he was still calm on the surface. Every time he discussed the documents with Sun Ping, he always looked indifferent.

"CEO Xin, in the past few days, the Xie Bank has been trying to find a way to obtain first-hand financial information. "

"The information is with us. What's there to worry about? " Xin Zimo said calmly.

"I think it's better for you to be more careful, especially with the person you trust the most. The Xie Group has already made a comeback. If we obtain this information again, we will definitely put the Xin group to death. " Sun Ping's words were very serious, and his main point was also very clear.

"I know what you want to say. " Xin zimo smiled.

Sun Ping awkwardly kept his mouth shut and lowered his head again to analyze the data.

When he was about to get off work, Sun Ping received a phone call from Liu Wanwan, saying that she was being harassed. Sun Ping was shocked and quickly asked her the whole story.

"Sun Ping, a woman called Jiajia called me and said that she was your wife. She told me to stay away from you. Is there really such a thing? " Liu Wanwan was very angry and scolded Sun Ping on the phone.

How could it be... ... Sun Ping immediately comforted Liu Wanwan, "where is that woman? Give me her number. "

"What do you mean, where is she? ! She asked me to have dinner at Moonlight restaurant at 7 pm. Sun Ping, I want to see if your wife is born beautiful or is she a beauty? If it's true, be careful of your skin! " Liu Wanwan hung up the phone angrily.

"Hello... " Sun Ping shouted at the phone, but Liu Wanwan had already hung up the phone. She called again and said that her phone was turned off.

"Wanwan, don't be angry. Maybe some woman has bad intentions. " Liu Wanwan was originally here to visit Du Anran, but this happened.

"How can I not be angry? What if this is true? What do you want me to do... " Liu Wanwan immediately lay in du Anran's arms and cried. Her shoulders twitched, and she cried very sadly.

"It won't happen. Based on my understanding of Sun Ping, he's a gentleman. This kind of thing can't happen. " Du Anran comforted Liu Wanwan.

Although Sun Ping always targeted her, Du Anran was an objective person. Sun Ping's character was indeed good, and he treated the Xin Corporation conscientiously. Otherwise, a shrewd person like Xin zimo wouldn't trust him so much.

"If this Guy Sun Ping dares to betray me, I'll... I'll cut him into a thousand pieces... " Liu Wanwan sobbed ...

"Don't worry, I'll accompany you tonight. If it's true, I won't spare Sun Ping. " Liu Wanwan had stood up for her many times, and she also felt that it was time to do something for Liu Wanwan.

"Sister Anran, do... do I really have to go? " Liu wanwan retreated. She had always been fearless, but when it came to her own matters, she was in a dilemma ...

"Go, why not? If it's just to harass you, we'll go and have a big meal. It's not a loss anyway. If it's true, we'll kick Sun Ping along tonight, right? "

"Yes... " Liu Wanwan nodded.

Du Anran kept comforting her. "Don't cry, Wanwan. You have to believe Sun Ping. "

"I want to believe him too, but the woman on the phone was so sure. She even knew which school he graduated from and what he liked to eat. How can I believe him... "

"If a liar wants to lie, he will definitely know himself and his enemy. But you have to believe that since he is a liar, we can't be fooled. It's not worth it for you to cry because of a liar, " Du Anran advised and handed a tissue to Liu Wanwan.

"I won't cry... Sister Anran, you will accompany me tonight... "

"Okay, not only will I accompany you, I'll also dress you up beautifully. "

Du Anran took Liu Wanwan's hand and helped her put on some light makeup. Then, she picked out a few new clothes that she had never worn before and gave them to Liu Wanwan.

"Take a look. You can take whichever clothes you like. I can't wear so many anyway. " Du Anran opened the wardrobe.

She rarely came to the villa on Huxin Island, but Xin Zimo still got someone to buy a bunch of clothes for her to put in the wardrobe. They were all extremely beautiful and fashionable dresses in all kinds of styles and colors.

Liu Wanwan smiled through her tears and picked out a beige coat and a one-piece dress with broken diamonds.

"It suits you quite well. " Du Anran couldn't help but compliment Liu Wanwan when she saw that she was wearing it.

"Sister Anran, thank you so much for causing you trouble again. " She was still very apologetic about letting du Anran fall into the water the last time.

"What's so troublesome about that? We're good sisters, right? " Du Anran smiled.

At seven o'clock, Du Anran led Liu Wanwan to moonlight restaurant.

The appointment was at seven o'clock, but they were late. Du Anran was also quite curious. Sun Ping was usually busier than Xin Zimo, so how would he have time to provoke women.