Chapter 188, pawning the ring

Du Anran finally shut her mouth and did not speak again. Yes, she knew that this man cared about her. That was enough.

Not long after sending Ouyang Pei away, one evening, Du Anran suddenly received an unfamiliar phone call while she was making dinner at home.

She wiped the water droplets off her hands and walked over to pick up the phone.

"Hello, " she said symbolically.

"Du Anran, see if Bai Ruyun hasn't been back all day... " a horrified laughter suddenly came from the phone.

Du Anran's heart seemed to stop. This voice... ... Xiao Qingqing ...

Wasn't she arrested by the police all over the world Why did she still dare to call her?

Also, what did she mean by what she said?

Du Anran didn't go out for a whole day today. Before her mother left in the morning, she said that she was going to school to take a look. She didn't mind that she didn't come back for a whole day. But now... ...

"Xiao Qingqing, what do you mean? ''DuuAnrann yelled hysterically at the other end of the phone.

"what can I mean, Hahahaha! " Another burst of laughter came from the other end of the phone.

Du Anran could not imagine what kind of state Xiao Qingqing was in when she was on the phone with her. She should be in a sorry state right now?

"where's my mother? What did you do to my mother? " Du Anran's eyes were filled with bloodthirsty anger.

"I'm just looking for Bai Ruyun to have a chat. We'll talk about the past and dig up some old grudges. That's all! " Xiao Qingqing laughed maniacally again.

"What did you do to my mother? "

Du Anran did not expect Xiao Qingqing to still be in city A. that's right. The most dangerous place was the safest place.

"What are you so excited about? " Xiao Qingqing frowned with disdain. She continued, "Du Anran, do you think it's better if I cut Bai Ruyun's face or her hand? "

"Xiao Qingqing, if you dare to make a move, I'll make sure you die a horrible death! " Du Anran felt a suffocating fear.

This feeling was like a secret net that covered the sky and covered the earth. She was tightly bound and couldn't breathe.

"Don't threaten me, I WON'T FALL FOR IT! " Xiao Qingqing said with a stern face "Let me tell you, didn't Bai Ruyun think she was pretty If I cut her face, would she want to die Oh, right, but if I cut her hand, she might not be able to play the piano. Aiya, what a difficult choice, no matter what... ... ..

"Xiao Qingqing, you're crazy! You'd better let go of my mother! Where are you? LET'S MEET! " Du Anran didn't care about anything else.

"Meet? If you want to see me, I might not necessarily want to see you... " Xiao Qingqing raised her fingernails and said sarcastically.

"Then tell me, what do you want... " Du Anran calmed down. As long as Xiao Qingqing wanted something, at least there was still hope.

"Du Anran, to be honest, look at me now. Do you still dare to ask for anything? " Xiao Qingqing said faintly.

Although du Anran did not see Xiao Qingqing, she could completely imagine that Xiao Qingqing was neither human nor ghost. She did not know where she was hiding in City A.

"Xiao Qingqing, don't hurt my mother. I advise you to go to the police station and turn yourself in. If that's the case, you might still have a chance. " Du Anran was reasonable. She did not dare to be tough. After all, her mother was still in her hands.

"A chance? What chance? Can you protect me? " Xiao Qingqing sneered with disdain.

"If you turn yourself in to the police, I will try my best to reduce your sentence. " That was all du Anran could do.

"reduce your sentence? Five years or ten years? Don't I still have to spend my life in prison? Why should I fall for your trick? " Xiao Qingqing sneered "But... if I destroy Bai Ruyun, it will be more satisfying than reducing your sentence. Du Anran, I have said it before. If I don't live well, I won't let you live well either! "

"Why do you hate me so much, Xiao Qingqing? Ask Yourself, did I treat you well during the two years you were alive? " Du Anran asked bitterly.

Xiao Qingqing was silent for a few seconds before she laughed out loud. "will I feel good watching the man I love being together with you every day? "

"Xiao Qingqing, you're still stubborn to this day! " Du Anran had told her more than once that Xin Zimo's cooperation with her was just to make use of her.

"I'm stubborn? Alright, since you're sober, Du Anran, let's see WHO's more powerful! "

Xiao Qingqing glanced at Bai Ruyun, who had her eyes covered, and suddenly reached out the dagger in her hand to cut the back of Bai Ruyun's hand. Her hand was not heavy, but Bai Ruyun could not help but cry out in shock.

Du Anran heard her mother's voice and held the phone nervously. "Xiao Qingqing, don't touch my mother! Tell me, what do you want? As long as I can give it to you, I'll give it to you! "

"Buy me two tickets to Edmonton, Canada, and ten million in cash, " Xiao Qingqing said quickly. "If you dare to inform the police, I'll die with you. I'm a man of my word. "

Du Anran's face was already pale. When she heard Xiao Qingqing's request, she was even more terrified. "Xiao Qingqing, where can I find ten million? Do you still think I'm the heiress of Shihe? "

"It's up to you where to find me. I only know that my knife doesn't want to wait for anyone. You'd better appear in front of me within ten hours. Remember, come alone! " Xiao Qingqing warned fiercely.

"Tell me the location! "

"In the yellow tile courtyard 500 meters south of Muxi Road! " Xiao Qingqing said, "I'm warning you again, come alone! Don't play tricks, or I will die with you! "

Du Anran knew that Xiao Qingqing didn't care about anything else. She was now like a desperate devil who would do anything.

Du Anran also said, "I promise you, but if you dare to touch my mother, don't blame me for being ruthless! "

"Don't worry, I'm still waiting for you and your daughter to send me to the plane! " Xiao Qingqing sneered.

Xiao Qingqing hung up the phone. Du Anran leaned against the wall of the living room as if she had collapsed. Xiao Qingqing... ... What deep hatred did they have that she wanted to do this ...

The dishes in the kitchen had long been charred. A strong burning smell spread in the room. Du Anran's eyes were so charred that tears were streaming down her face.

It was all her fault for being useless. She couldn't even protect her own family... ...

If something really happened to her mother, what would she do? How could she let her father down... ...

But now was not the time to cry. The most important thing now was that she had to race against time. She couldn't guarantee that Xiao Qingqing wouldn't change her mind.

She closed the stove in the kitchen and took off her apron. She did not have time to eat and immediately bought two tickets for Xiao Qingqing to go to Canada.

As long as Xiao Qingqing could successfully escape from Canada, it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack if the police in city a wanted to find her again.

However, the tickets were easy to get, but the ten million made du Anran in a difficult situation. Ten Million? How could she have ten million? This was not a small amount. She could not borrow such a large amount of money from anyone, otherwise, it was hard to guarantee that others would not suspect her... ...

Just as she was hesitating, her gaze fell on the diamond ring on her hand.

She looked at the diamond ring. This was the only thing that was most valuable to her. The most pressing matter at hand was to pawn this ring first. This way, ten million was more than enough. If Xin Zimo were to blame her in the future, she could also forgive her!

However, when she took off the ring, she had a plan in mind. She was in a very passive situation now. It was no different from being led away by Xiao Qingqing. If she wanted to save her mother, she had to seek help. And once she sought help from the outside world, if Xiao Qingqing were to find out, her mother's life would definitely be in danger.

In this way, how to get better help became the key.

The ring... ... This ring was very special. People in the pawnshop would definitely recognize it. She could use this ring to let Xin Zimo know about her situation ...

When she thought of this, she used a pen to write down Xiao Qingqing's address and some basic information. She pressed the note on the coffee table in her room. If Xin Zimo came over to look for it, he would definitely be able to see the note on the coffee table.

With Xin Zimo's personality, she did not dare to tell him about this directly. Moreover, if she asked Xin Zimo for help directly, and if Xiao Qingqing planted spies, there would be no turning back.

After doing all this, she put the ring into the jewelry box and left. She only brought a plane ticket and a fruit knife with her. With every step she took, her heart was filled with great panic.

She hoped that everything between her and Xiao Qingqing could end.

If neither of them could survive, it was probably a kind of life.

She found a pawnshop. After Shihe went bankrupt, she had pawned things here. Her reputation was good, and the boss knew her. Most importantly, the boss also knew Xin Zimo.

Sure enough, when she took out the "heart of an angel" from the box, a trace of surprise flashed across the boss's face.

"Miss Du, I'm afraid I can't afford this ring. " At first, the boss thought that Du Anran was joking. He picked up his reading glasses and examined it carefully. Only then did he confirm that this was the unique "heart of an angel. ".

"Cui, if Xin Zimo didn't ask me for a debt again, how could I bear to pawn this diamond ring? " Du anran tried to keep a smile. She looked no different from usual.

"Boss Xin is asking you for money again? " Boss Cui naturally knew that Xin Zimo asked Du Anran for money. However, this diamond ring was given to Du Anran by Xin Zimo, so he also knew about it. Therefore, he didn't believe what Du Anran said.

"Yes. ". Some time ago, in order to pay off the debt, I had no choice but to sell myself to him. How could a man not want a woman who came to his door. He liked me quite a lot during that time, and even gave me this ring. However, a man like him, who has a lot of women around him, soon abandoned me again. He even said that I still have to pay off the debt I owe."

Du Anran made it sound so vivid that boss Cui was stunned.

"It's not that I have no choice but to come here again. " Du Anran sighed.

"this... " boss Cui still didn't seem to believe it. "I'll call President Xin... "