Chapter 191, same father, different mother

"It's not true? Ask Bai Ruyun yourself. Ask Her yourself! " Xiao Qingqing's eyes were bloodshot. At this point, she really wanted to kill Du Anran and Bai Ruyun.

They stole everything from her and let her live at the bottom of society. If it weren't for them, she would definitely be a dazzling young lady today, or even the CEO of Shihe. She would even meet Xin Zimo first.

"Mom, tell me that what Xiao Qingqing said is not true! " Du Anran looked at her mother. She only believed in her mother.

Bai ruyun revealed a faint smile. Although Xiao Qingqing's words brought her some bad memories, she remembered that man, the man called Du Yuanheng, the man she loved the most.

"Anran, your father is an upright, selfless, and devoted person. " Bai Ruyun's lips still had a faint smile "The greatest luck in my life is to have met him. I can tell you responsibly that he has never done anything to let your mother down. He will always be the good father in your heart, and also the good husband in my heart. "

Du Anran heaved a long sigh of relief. Yes, she could not not believe her own father.

"Bai Ruyun, are you trying to deny this fact? Are you trying to erase the relationship between me and Du Yuanheng? " Xiao Qingqing was so furious that her entire face was pale. She was only a step away from rushing forward to strangle Bai Ruyun.

"Xiao Qingqing, you can choose to believe your mother's words, or you can choose to believe my words. In fact, you have your own preferences, but I can only say one thing, Anran and you are not half-sisters. "

Bai Ruyun's face did not show any fluctuations, as calm as ever.

"What nonsense are you talking about! Are you relying on Du Yuanheng's death to prevent us from doing a paternity test? " Xiao Qingqing roared.

"Xiao Qingqing, calm down! " Du Anran could not help but shout at Xiao Qingqing when she heard her calling her father's name.

"Du Anran, look, this is your mother, this hypocritical woman! " Xiao Qingqing pointed at Bai Ruyun, her face full of disdain.

"Xiao Qingqing, why do you only believe your mother's one-sided story Or do you only want to believe those beautiful lies Why don't you wake up I believe in my mother, and I believe in my father."Du Anran looked at Xiao Qingqing calmly.

"My mother was Du Yuanheng's secretary back then. She was young and beautiful, and the two of them were truly in love. Later on, my mother became pregnant with me. Can you deny these facts? "

"then have you ever asked Xiao Lanzhen, who exactly did she conceive you with? " When Bai Ruyun said this, everyone present was stunned, especially Xiao Qingqing.

Xiao Qingqing had never suspected that she was du Yuanheng's daughter. Her mother also told her that Du Yuanheng was her father, she was the CEO's daughter, and her mother was the CEO's wife.

"Bai Ruyun, don't confuse the truth! " Xiao Qingqing was so mad that she didn't want to hear Bai Ruyun speak. "My mother loves Du Yuanheng so much, of course I'm Du Yuanheng's daughter! "

"Xiao Lanzhen loves Yuanheng, and she thinks that Yuanheng loves her, but she never dared to ask whether Yuanheng loves her. "Now, I can tell you clearly that Yuan Heng never loved Xiao Lanzhen, never, " Bai Ruyun said quietly.

Immersed in the past, Bai Ruyun's eyes were a little moist.

"Ha, Bai Ruyun, do you also think that Du Yuanheng loves you? It's you who doesn't want to believe the truth! " Xiao Qingqing sneered.

"I said that Yuan Heng is a devoted person, " Bai Ruyun said, "it doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. I can't wake up a person who pretends to be asleep. "

"Mom, I've seen those letters that dad once wrote to you! " Du Anran recalled that her father had once written love letters to her mother. Every letter was so heartfelt and warm. Later on, her mother also carefully treasured them as if they were treasures.

Xiao Qingqing's expression became more and more unsightly. "You mother and daughter, don't talk nonsense "My mother said that my father is du Yuan Heng. He once left us a check for seven million dollars, but that check was stolen by you two "So I asked you for ten million dollars today, just to get back my debt! "

A check for seven million dollars... ... Du Anran felt that this number was very familiar, seven million dollars ...

Du Anran looked at her mother and suddenly realized, "mom, do you still remember that before uncle left, he gave us a check for seven million dollars... "

At that time, she and her mother were still very surprised. Why did uncle leave a huge check from ten years ago but did not use it to pay off his debt? Instead, he left it to them before he died.

Bai Ruyun only remembered after hearing du Anran's words. Indeed, before Du Yuantong committed suicide, he had given her a yellowed check. The amount of the check was exactly seven million. That was definitely a huge fortune ten years ago.

"where's the check? Where's the check? " Xiao Qingqing's eyes were red. She grabbed Bai Ruyun's shoulder and shook it non-stop.

"Xiao Qingqing, let go of my mother! " Du Anran rushed up to stop Xiao Qingqing, but before she could get close, he Yuguang used his arms to stop her.

"I kept the check in the cabinet. Are you sure you want to take it? " Compared to Xiao Qingqing's impulsiveness, Bai Ruyun was very calm. Although she could not see Xiao Qingqing's expression, she could feel her anger.

Only then did Xiao Qingqing let go of Bai Ruyun's shoulder. She could not even walk out of this courtyard now, how could she take the check However, Du Anran had brought her ten million, so she was not at a loss.

"When I successfully get to Edmonton, I will still get this check back! " Xiao Qingqing gritted her teeth.

"I will keep it for you. After all, it is the legacy of your father, Du Yuantong. Your father doesn't know of your existence. If he knew, he would definitely leave the check for you, " Bai Ruyun said calmly.

Xiao Qingqing and Du Anran were both shocked. Father Du Yuantong was Xiao Qingqing's father?

Du Anran's eyes widened, disbelief written all over her face. Her uncle was unmarried all his life, and he actually had a daughter living in this world?

"What nonsense are you talking about! Bai Ruyun, I'm warning you, my father is Du Yuantong, not Du Yuantong! " Xiao Qingqing did not dare to believe Bai Ruyun's words. In her opinion, Bai Ruyun was crazy. She wanted to deny the fact that Du Yuantong was her father.

"Xiao Qingqing, it doesn't matter if you believe it or not. Du Yuantong is your biological father. You can't erase this fact, " Bai Ruyun said calmly.

"IMPOSSIBLE! My mother has no relationship with Du Yuantong! Don't insult my mother! " Xiao Qingqing went crazy. She raised her fist and smashed it at Bai Ruyun's face.

How could du Anran watch Xiao Qingqing bully her mother? She broke free from he Yuguang's arms and grabbed Xiao Qingqing's fist that was about to fall. "Xiao Qingqing, if you dare to touch my mother, I will tear up the plane ticket right now! "

"Qingqing, don't lower yourself to their level! " He Yuguang understood that without the plane ticket, there was nothing left. He quickly stopped Xiao Qingqing.

"Du Anran, don't threaten me! Look under your feet. As long as I throw the cigarette butt in my hand, no one can escape! " Although Xiao Qingqing did not throw her fist again, her tone was still fierce.

"Xiao Qingqing, what else do you want to hear? Old Grudges? I have given it to you one by one in front of Anran. Are You satisfied? " Bai Ruyun's voice finally had a trace of resentment.

"Bai Ruyun, speak clearly! whose daughter do you think I am? " Xiao Qingqing stared at Bai Ruyun.

"You are the daughter of Xiao Lanzhen and Du Yuantong, " Bai Ruyun repeated "Your mother lied to you for more than 20 years. All of this is a delusion and obsession in her heart. For so many years, she just couldn't accept it. She just couldn't accept that Yuan Heng had never loved her. "

"Mom, uncle was never married in his life. Since Xiao Qingqing is his daughter, why didn't he marry Xiao Lanzhen? " Du Anran was also confused. She didn't understand.

Uncle probably did not know that he had a daughter until his death. This daughter had even worked with him in the past.

"Xiao Lanzhen is Yuan Heng's secretary. She did know Yuan Heng before me, but Yuan Heng did not love her. "Not long after Yuan Heng married me, I became pregnant with you. ". Xiao Lanzhen was not willing to give up. She went to look for Yuan Heng on a stormy night. "At that time, I happened to return to my mother's house. She saw the opportunity and went to the DU family's villa. " Bai Ruyun repeated the past events It was as if she was telling a distant story, as if everything had nothing to do with her.

"But she didn't expect that Yuan Heng returned to the company because of an accident. Your uncle, Du Yuantong, was the only one in the villa. Your uncle was drunk at that time. In addition, Xiao Lanzhen's clothes were exposed that night. He couldn't control himself for a moment and had sex with Xiao Lanzhen,"Bai ruyun quietly stated Xiao Qingqing's expression had long changed.

"after one night, Xiao Lanzhen couldn't face Yuan Heng Anymore. She resigned from the world. Your uncle only treated it as an accident and didn't take it to heart. "But later on, Xiao Lanzhen threatened your uncle. I guess the cheque that was not given out was probably the one that your uncle prepared to leave for Xiao Lanzhen. "But a few years later, Xiao Lanzhen suddenly disappeared. It was as if she disappeared from the world. No one has ever seen her. "

"Bai Ruyun, you lied to me! " Xiao Qingqing still did not believe it. "Don't look at how well you made it up. You can't deny that I am Du Yuan Heng's daughter! "

"Xiao Qingqing, don't be naive anymore. " Bai ruyun sighed "If you can, go pay your respects to your father's grave. He just passed away not long ago. If he knows that he still has a daughter, he will be very comforted. He will definitely want you to live a happy life. "

"Do you think that I will believe you just because you said so? Impossible, I will not believe your lies! Bai Ruyun, you vicious woman, what is the point of you making all this up! I am Du Yuanheng's daughter, I am the eldest daughter of the DU family! "

Xiao Qingqing's mind was a little deranged. She could not listen to anything Bai Ruyun said. subconsciously, she only thought of herself as the official daughter of the DU family and thought of Bai Ruyun as the third party who destroyed Xiao Lanzhen and Du Yuanheng.